Dark Future Cereals

  • new better-smelling grilly sugaries
  • iron-packed replicating celestios
  • simply real grainy greens
  • haptic-responsive shiny l00pz

are just some great ideas for Cereal-Brandnames this generator produces…

The sister of this generator is The Bullshit Job Title Generator who actually might be helpful to generate your NPC Corps business card. These examples

  • Legacy Group Developer
  • Customer Factors Developer
  • Dynamic Marketing Supervisor
  • Chief Communications Architect

don’t sound much weirder then Googles Chief Internet Evangelist, right?

Old Guns

Old Guns for Cyberpunk 2020

Author: unknown.

Tired of carrying around that ubiquitous Minami-10 submachinegun? Ever wish there was something more stylish than a Colt M2000? Well then gato, have we got just what you’re looking for!



MP O P C 2D6+1 (9mm) 9 2 ST 50m 300eb

Well-designed German pistol with unique rifled barrel, making it easy to care for. Very reliable, easy to use, and once common among European police forces. Continue reading “Old Guns”

Cyberpunk Tech 8

The MIT developed an exosceleton that attaches to your legs and helps you carry an backpack. More here. (Via boing-boing)

The Big Book of Drugs for Cyberpunk 2020

The Big Book of DrugsTM for Cyberpunk 2020

[This article contains real and fictional drugs to be used with the Cyberpunk 2020 roleplaying game. The author does not advice condone the use of real drugs. Using drugs as a topic in a roleplaying game should used be resposibly. See the licence at the end of this article.]

The More Then Complete List of Drugs for Cyberpunk

Hi. A friend told me to see you. I hear you need stuff, right?

Sure, yes, all right. Don’t be so shy, chombatta. Keep cool. This little thingy makes it impossible to overhear us. Relax! But then you don’t look like you are after Dowers. I guess you need Speed, Man. Am I right? I have it all. ALL. You just need to tell me what you want.

– at a corner near you.

This is the ultimate and complete “BIG BOOK OF DRUGS” based on Ocelot’s Drug Lab 101. I guess it can be used with normal Cyberpunk 2020, too. Check it out!

Your characters won’t use drugs? They read the drugs in the Cyberpunk 2020 Rulebook and said: “No way?” Shock ’em. Give your Boosters all those nice REF-boosting drugs. As NPCs they don’t really have to worry about side effects. If little 10-year-old Billy high on Lace is faster then the partys solo, your players will reconsider… Especially if little Bill is one hell of a shooter with his boosted REF…

Click here to see BIG BOOK OF DRUGS

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons-Licence

The Humble Smartlink Revisited

The Humble Smartlink Revisited

[This article deals with the benefits and problems of directly plugging a gun into your nervous system – what probably every cyberpunk PC everywhere does all the time.]

Author: Chris Lupton.
Taken without permission from his site at (now dead). It pains me to violate his copyright, but the article is just to good to let it be forgotten. I’m sorry Chris and hope you approve what I do here.

The History of and Information about Smartguns

Advanced Systems


The first smartgun systems were developed independently by the US and German militaries in the 1990s. By 2001, smartguns had been adopted by several corporations and were beginning to appear on the street. The US military created the Milspec Smartgun Standard (MSS1) in 2003, after disastrous compatibility problems amongst the smartguns used in central America caused embarrassing problems and several fatalities. Today, almost every smartsystem in the world conforms to this standard. To ignore it means ignoring the large profits to be made selling smartlinks to the US military. In 2013 an improved standard (MSS2) was released, though it has yet to be universally adopted. The army considered it too expensive for its benefits and has yet to make compliance a requirement in weapons trials.The MSS1 standard was essentially very simple. It defined the data protocol between the smartgun and the neuralware smartlink, in terms of required and optional information/functions. This meant that one smartgun link mounted in a neuralware processor or smartgoggles could interpret the data from any smartlinked weapon. Continue reading “The Humble Smartlink Revisited”

First time on Karsten's: Guns!


Author: unknown.

Need new ideas… ?




Ikari Razor Glove

MEL 0 P C 1D6/2 n/a n/a 50eb

This is a simple, Freddy Krueger-esque glove equipped with Scratchers or Rippers. The Ripper version costs 50eb more, has a Con. of Jacket, does 1D6+3 damage, and reduces REF checks with that hand by -3 due to reinforced finger joints. Neither version can be used for punching, as the blades on the fingers make it impossible to clench the hand. Continue reading “First time on Karsten's: Guns!”

Cyberpunk Tech 7

human brain / computer interfaceIn my little series of Cybepunk tech allready available today: The brain-computer interface. The very core of every cyberpunk book – the ability to plug yourself into the matrix.

Well, today you can use it to surf Second Life. Second life is NOT the virtual reality I imagined reading Neuromancer, but some like it there:

All a user has to do to control his/her avatar is imagine performing various movements. The activity monitored by the headpiece is read and plotted by an electroencephalogram, which relays it to a computer running a brain wave analysis algorithm that interprets the imagined movements. A keyboard emulator then translates the data into signals which can be used to control the movements of the user’s on-screen avatar in real-time.

As usual, boing-boing has the details (including a link to a video)

Craphound von Cory Doctorow übersetzt

“Craphound”, eine Geschichte von Cory Doctorow (den man u.a. als Autor von boing-boing kennt) steht unter einer cc-Lizenz. Das erlaubt es z.B. auch, die Geschichte ohne rechtliche Probleme zu übersetzen. Christian Spließ hat das gemacht, jetzt steht die Geschichte auf deutsch zur Verfügung. Danke!!! Auch die Übersetzung steht unter der cc-Lizenz. Bedeutet also, dass man die Geschichte auch umarbeiten darf, etwa ihr ein anderes Ende geben – wenn man mag. Großartig!!! Ich zitiere aus dem Anfang der Geschichte, um euch den Mund wässrig zu machen:

Craphound hatte für einen verfluchten dreckigen Alien-Bastard ein abgefahrenes Garagenflohmarkt-Karma. Er war einfach zu gut darin aus einem rasenden Fluss der Nutzlosigkeit das einzige Körnchen Gold herauszuwaschen als dass ich ihn nicht hätte mögen können – oder jedenfalls respektieren. Aber dann fand er die Cowboy-Truhe. Für mich waren das zwei Monatsmieten und für Craphound nichts als ein verrückter Alien-Kitsch-Fetisch. Also tat ich das Undenkbare. Ich verletzte den Code. Ich geriet in einen Bietkrieg mit einem Kumpel. Lasst euch nicht erzählen Frauen würde Freundschaften vergiften; laut meiner Erfahrung heilen die Wunden von Auseinandersetzungen über Frauen recht schnell; Auseinandersetzungen über Schrott hinterlassen nichts als verbrannte Erde.

Die ganze Geschichte gibt es auf deutsch hier, auf englisch dort.