Greetings vom Raben-AAS + Goodie

Danke an Karsten für die Blumen und für die Einladung, hier mitbloggen zu dürfen.

Ein Werbehinweis in eigener Sache: Mein Cyberpunk d6 Projekt auf Basis von Cyb3rpunk, Infos zu meinem Shadowrun Projekt und weiteren -äh- Kram findet ihr hier:

Als Start ins neue Jahr hab ich aber diese beiden Goodies hier mitgebracht, die – ich wiederhole mich, und werde dies noch sehr häufig tun – erstens beweist, dass Cyberpunk HEUTE ist, und die zweitens eine Inspiration für Cyberpunk-Settings aller Art (aber besonders Cyb3rpunk) sind:

[youtube iaKehq6qsdY]

Nach dem gleichen Prinzip dieser Bar existiert übrigens bereits auch eine Diskothek (mit interaktiver Tanzfläche und Wand- sowie Deckenprojektionen). Willkommen in der Zukunft. Continue reading “Greetings vom Raben-AAS + Goodie”

Cyberpunk Band Names?

The AV Club has a list of the worst bandnames of 2007

its great fodder if you need to compile some kind of Top 10 list or being asked by your players whats on the radio. Also, remember that Boosters are music fans gone hooligan. So they need bands to adore, too. I selected my top names, but check out the original post for lots more.

Martial Art for Normads in Cyberpunk 2020

El Ciendo Rock – A Martial Art for Normads

Author: Gryphon

[The article deals with a fictional martial arts style for the normads in RTG’s Cyberpunk 2020 roleplaying game.]

So here is a contribution worked up by me with the assistance of Sharps, one of my players. This “Form” was developed by Nomad culture as an outgrowth of the Warrior sub-culture. It is a distilation of the techniques used by the Warriors of a tribe in situations like bars, vehicles, and town alleyways. This is a Close-in Combat Form. Its availability is pretty good for Nomads, not so good for everyone else.

Stat Colume Random Notes/Explanations
Multiplier: 3 -1 for any true Nomad
Strike: 2 Knives,Bottles,Chairs,Etc
Punch: 2 Elbow,Headbutt,Etc
Kick: 1 Knee,Heel Kick,Etc
Disarm: Take his Weapon? Why?
Sweep: Too many chairs in bars.
Block: 1
Dodge: Close in Form,Not Mobile
Grapple: 1 Grab the Gonk by his Nads
Throw: 1 Pick him up and toss him
Hold: 1
Choke: 1 Or the throat works too
Escape: 1 Defense against above
Breakfall: 1 If you use this manuver.

Breakfall works like Block or Dodge vs. Throw, succeed for no damage,fail for MA rank less damage.

Any Questions, Just drop me a line in the comments.

Night City Personalized – Cyberpunk 2020 Names 'n Places

Night City Personalized

Author: Various
This is a collection of names and ideas to personalize your Night City and might not be compatible with the Cyberpunk 2020 Night City Sourcebook. On the other hand, if you need a new club to spring up or a random Datafortress, this might be helpful.

Leave the name of your favorite hangout / shop / hole in the ground in a comment, if you like. I would appreciate it! Continue reading “Night City Personalized – Cyberpunk 2020 Names 'n Places”

The Saloon – A Cyberpunk 2020 Bar

The Saloon Bar

a location for Cyberpunk 2020 by Kristian de Valle (

Prop. J.C. Ferreras
Staff: Jenny, Carly & Michelle. Ed on bar sometimes

We serve Wendy beer (straight from Minnesota), heavy, light, all spirits (no fancy orbital shit or designer crap), and the only cocktail we make is the Apache Warpath. Milk is served without a second glance. Sometimes there’s pretzels on the bench if Ferreras is paid well after a job.

The jukebox in the corner has been there as long as anyone can remember. It plays the Highwaymen, Waylon Jennings, Hank Williams, Willie Nelson. The most recent disk is Bon Jovi’s Young Guns sound-track. ‘I’m a cowboy, on the steel horse I ride’ Nobody knows who Bon Jovi is. It still eats American dimes and quarters. Continue reading “The Saloon – A Cyberpunk 2020 Bar”

The Gaslamp District

The Gaslamp District

a new section of Night City by Gary Astleford (


The Gaslamp District was pieced together before the collapse by residents searching for the quaint history of other nearby cities. Older, decaying buildings were renovated and streetlights were replaced with working gaslamps (hence the name). After the collapse, the buildings fell into decay again. The area’s proximity to the Combat Zone lead to several turf wars between rival gangs. Continue reading “The Gaslamp District”

The 'Cybered Arms' – A Cyberpunk 2020 Bar/Club

The ‘Cybered Arms’

Author: unknown

On the corner of 2nd and Zelazny in Little Italy, there sits an oblong-shaped establishment which fronts the street and backs onto a dingy alleyway. Next door is a Garage which seems to be in the throes of restoration, the roller door kept securely locked and closed, with chickenwire keeping the upper windows safe.A dataterm on the opposite corner is scarred and looks like a model from down South N.C. way, the hood battered and the sides scarred by gunfire. Long scrape marks in the tarmac of the street slide all the way up to the front of bar, stopping roughly a meter away.

The frontage of this bar is brutal. Once an ailing ‘theme’ bar covered in flashy chrome trimmings and neon, it changed ownership eighteen months ago and the inner and outer facade have changed dramatically. Great slabs of sheet steel lie riveted across the once-wide front windows with three-inch slits bisecting them horizontally, looking remarkably like gun ports. These sheets are scorched and dinted, yet are holding. The surrounding brickwork is blackened and paint is blistered.

The front doors are twin tinted Lexan swinging doors, opening to a small antechamber with matching untinted doors two meters away, and from here one is able to see into the bar itself. Continue reading “The 'Cybered Arms' – A Cyberpunk 2020 Bar/Club”

Das Bluelight – Eine Cyberpunk 2020 Bar

Das Bluelight

Autor: Cord Gudegast <>
mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Steelrain’s Cyberpunk Page


Das Bluelight liegt im Stadtteil Little Ireland und ist eine umgebaute Polizeiwache. Der Besitzer Seargeant Walter Cole ist ein angesehener Cop im 7. Revier gewesen, bis er sich zur Ruhe gesetzt hat, jedoch nicht ganz alleine in seiner kleinen Wohnung versauern wollte. Also nahm er seine magere Pension und einen kleinen Kredit zu Hilfe und kaufte der Stadt das verfallene Revier ab und eröffnete im Januar 2017 seine Bar.
Das Besondere am Bluelight ist, das sie ausschließlich den COPs vorbehalten ist. Vor Eintreten hat man seine Dienstmarke zu zeigen. Continue reading “Das Bluelight – Eine Cyberpunk 2020 Bar”