Aerial Intrusion Device

Real Life

The following device is based on Yves “The Fusionman” Rossy’s Jetpack. For copyright reasons, I’m not showing you any photos, but link to them:
On the ground

  • Wings folded, front view
  • Wings unfolded, front view
  • Close-up view of underside with jetmotors and harness, wings unfolded


  • From above
  • From above
  • Edge-on side view
  • From below
  • Video

There is a video on YouTube, too:
[youtube bEXxkWXncuo]

And Wikipedia has an entry, too.

Game Stats

For a Cyberpunk setting I would leave the requirment to launch the jetpack from an airplane or something similar. The reach should be short, but not as short as the prototype (6.5 minutes at 185 km/h). So lets put it at 220 km/h for 10 min, giving it a reach of 35 km. It has near to none radar signature, but does emit heat, so it might be detectable.


Top Speed 220 km/h Acc/Dec 110/20 km/h
Crew 1 Range 35 km
Pass 0 Cargo none
Maneuver +3 SDP 5
SP 0 Type Jetpack
Mass 20 kg Cost 20,000 EB

Special Equipment:

Nav System, stealth option, parachute

Cyb3rpunk | Style Trends 2035+


Hello and welcome to this month’s edition of streetstyle – the attitude guide that yo can’t afford to miss. We here at global style watch the trends. And ask the street: What’s hot? What’s not?

Digittoos – Artificial-looking body alterations are out. Leave those to the sad sods who still rant on about the glorious days when they were “Cyberpunks” in the 2020ies. Today’s look is all about self-evolution. About making a statement of progress right in Darwin’s wrinkled face. At first, I was a little surprised when I discovered that even “old” technologies like Philips’ Electronic Tattoos are now all the rage in the clubs. But like it is often the case with “revamped” tech, it’s not the tech that counts, it’s the style. Continue reading “Cyb3rpunk | Style Trends 2035+”

Eine Cyberpunk Timeline

Dies ist die Timeline meiner “alten” Cyberpunk-Runde (2032). Wie diese weitergeführt bzw. zu meinem jetzigen Cyb3rpunk-Spiel 2035+ “revamped” wird, bin ich noch am überlegen. Bis diese Überlegungen fertig sind, ist hier schonmal eine sehr umfassende Timeline verfügbar, mit der die meisten CP2020-SLs very happy sein müssten :)

Bis 2020 entspricht die Timeline fast 100% dem “Kanon” von CP2020, spätestens ab dort fließen aber sowohl Elemente von CP2020, den Stormfront-Büchern, dem Spiel CyberGeneration und den in meinem CP2020-Spiel der letzten 10 Jahre angehäuften Entwicklungen zusammen (u.a. auch die “Klon-Story”, die wir durch Spielen des “Road Movie Abenteuers” Land of the Free in unser Spiel holten).


E i n f a c h m e h r w i s s e n

| || | ||| || | | | ||| | | powered by INFOCOMP

DRUCKAUSGABE ||| [ Geschichte, Welt FOC Night City, Start 1990, Ende 2032 ]

Die wichtigsten Ereignisse der letzten 40 Jahre


  • Deutsche Wiedervereinigung.
  • Ostblock zerfällt in Einzelstaaten.
  • Gorbatschov benennt Nachfolger Gorborev.
  • Beginn Erster Zentralamerikanischer Konflikt.
  • “Stiller Krieg” (Handelskrieg) zwischen den USA und der EU (bis 1994).
  • “Zerfall von Südafrika” (Bürgerkrieg).
  • NC: Gründung durch Richard Night unter dem Namen Coronado City.


Ergänzende Texte zu Re-Chipped

Analog der ergänzenden Texte zu Fully Chipped hier nun ergänzende Texte zum Folge-Abenteuer Re-Chipped:


Night City, Freistaat Nordkalifornien – 2032-10-27

Das Wegwerf-Handy spielt einen Werbejingle von Biotechnica als Klingelton.

Diese kleinen Dinger nerven, sind aber praktisch, um seine Datenfährte im Globalen Dorf zu tarnen. Außerdem sind sie kostenlose Zugaben zu Frühstückskibble. Man nimmt sie aus den Flocken, registriert sie durch Anschalten am Hostserver, sie laufen ihre 7 Tage ab und das festinstallierte Chip-Account wird wieder gelöscht. Länger halten die festinstallierten Batterien eh nicht.

BIOLIFE BARS – nothing else tastes so good

BIOLIFE BARS – that is well understood

BIOLIFE BARS – come on and get them now

BIOLIFE BARS – real taste of chick or…


“Hier ist Ray”

Du verziehst das Gesicht säuerlich. Wenn Schlips’ Schlagetot Ray anruft, handelt es sich um eine Sache, die deinem Schieber Schlips zu unwichtig ist, um sich persönlich damit zu beschäftigen. Oder er will Continue reading “Ergänzende Texte zu Re-Chipped”

Programming 108: It's the Law, 'punk!

Programming 108: It’s the Law, ‘punk!

CLASS: Alarm COST: 580eb
OPTION(S): Memory, Icon (superrealistic)
COST MULTIPLIER: x2 (Alarm x2)
ICON: Snitch has a database consisting of thousands of pictures. You nevah know who can be airin’ your dirty laundry.
DATA: After the intruding netrunner has been detected, the program will alert the sysop on duty so he can deal with the threat first hand.
CLASS: Anti-Personnel COST: 7,000eb
FUNCTION(S): Anti-Personnel Continue reading “Programming 108: It's the Law, 'punk!”

The Armys robot mule: Amazing Robot Tech

Nils sandte mir aber dieses Video zu:

[youtube b2bExqhhWRI]

Danke, Nils!

@Nils: Wäre nett, wenn du und ich bald mal wieder zusammen zocken könnten. Und: Sag mal, hast du noch die buildnotes zu unserem Hovercraft? Und das Bild? Bald ist ja Nordcon

Future Soldier

ffw.jpgYou may have heard one bit or the other about the “Future Combat System” project of the US military. Now, there is a new and completed article in the English wikipedia that gives a good overview about the current development of the Future Combat System and the very heart of it, the Future Force Warrior:

The Future Force Warrior project seeks to create a lightweight, fully integrated infantryman combat system. (…) (It) envisions the radical use of technologies such as nanotechnology, artificial powered exoskeletons, and magnetorheological fluid based body armor to provide the infantry with significantly higher force multiplier than the opposing force. (…)

The first phase of the project involves a development of the technologies to help reduce the soldier’s fighting load and power requirements and improving the soldier’s protection, lethality, and environmental and situational awareness, with planned deployment in 2010, to serve the Army’s short-term needs. The Army’s plan is to introduce the subsystems in “spirals” every two years, instead of one large rollout every ten years. The U.S. military hopes to develop a fully realized end product sometime in 2032, incorporating research from U.C. Berkeley’s BLEEX exoskeleton project and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies into a final design.

Killer Robots

I guess the next time my PCs are going to infiltrate some corp compound, they will meet this little enemy:

Killer Robots will kill you

I’m at a loss to stat this thing. Speed maybe 20 km/h? Would that gun be a 7.62? Looks like it carries at least a 100 rounds. I would give it a 10+d10 to attack and 7+d10 for Initiative. Remotely controlled it would gain the skill of the operator. A netrunner could hijack it, if the right controller program is available.

Programming 107

Programming 107

CLASS: Anti-Personnel COST: 11,250eb
FUNCTION(S): Anti-Personnel
OPTION(S): Movement Ability, Recognition, Conversational Ability, Pseudo-Intellect, Contextural Icon
COST MULTIPLIER: x25 (Anti-Personnel x25)
ICON: A lovely young woman dressed in an elegant evening gown and the snakes that pose as her hair pulled back into a topknot. She speaks with a sultry voice, alluring the ‘runner to glance upon her magnificient beauty.
DATA: This was truly an interesting program to put together. She does 8d6 points of damage to the ‘runner while turning him/her Icon into a stone statue that will remain in the matrix where it was frozen.
CLASS: Anti-Personnel COST: 7,000eb
FUNCTION(S): Anti-Personnel
OPTION(S): Contextural Icon
COST MULTIPLIER: x25 (Anti-Personnel x25)
ICON: Whatever you’re afraid of, this program will construct an Icon to resemble that special someone or something that haunts your dreams. And in some cases, your every waking moment.
DATA: Everyone is afraid of something. This program will search your psyche until it uncovers that special something that causes even the most stout of heart to cringe in fear. For us netrunners, this program can be particularly unsettling. It can cause us to fear interfacing with Ma Matrix. Personally, if I can’t feel the loving touch of Ma Matrix at least once per day, I get mighty cranky. Whomever has fallen victim to this program must make a roll: Difficulty vs. 20. If the roll is failed, the person is incapable of performing their so-called duty for 1d10 minutes. Once this period has passed, a second roll is made. If this roll is passed, the person can perform as normal. If the second rolled failed, there is a 50% chance that that person ain’t nothing more than a blabbering idiot on the floor for 6d10 minutes. Or that person will become extremely violent for 6d10 in an attempt to escape his/her fear. Oh look. Here comes Max-Tac to handle your little psychotic episode.Whenever the victim of this program comes across the situation/person/what-have-you he/she/it fears, he/she/it must make a roll: Difficulty vs. 20. If the roll is passed, the victim can perform the task at hand. If the roll failed, the victim cannot perform the task needed to be done until they recover: Difficulty vs. 25. Awww. Havin’ another psychotic episode? Here comes Max-Tac to deal with it permanently.
Hydra of Domain
CLASS: Anti-Personnel, Detection COST: 24,000eb
FUNCTION(S): Anti-Personnel, Detection
OPTION(S): Movement Ability, Auto Re-Rez, Endurance, Contextural Icon
COST MULTIPLIER: x50 (Anti-Personnel x25, Detection x2)
ICON: A contextural Icon of an enormous creature with five heads and a twin tail.
DATA: This is a program that you don’t wanna be on the recieving end of. The program starts out with five heads and each auto re-rez causes a new head to grow. Example: the program starts with five head, then you hack one off. If the program re-rezzes, the original head and a new head will appear. Thus making a total of six heads. Each additional head after the fifth adds +1 to the program’s current STR. Six heads, STR: 6. Ten heads, STR: 10. There can only be a maximum of ten heads and a maximum STR of 10. Each attack against the netrunner will produce 1d6 per head. Oh my! That’s gonna leave a mark!
CLASS: Anti-Personnel, Detection COST: 22,500eb
FUNCTION(S): Anti-Personnel, Detection
OPTION(S): Memory, Endurance, Photorealistic Icon
COST MULTIPLIER: x50 (Anti-Personnel x25, Detection x2)
ICON: I took great pride and joy in creating this Icon. It is an adult wyvern. It looks as good as any tri-vid image you’re gonna find in the movie industry or generated on the Net.
DATA: What can be said about such a magnificient creature? Noble and majestic. Arrogant, proud, and aloof. Lord of all they survey and master of what they keep their lairs. They will do 5d10 points of damage to the netrunner that disturbs its lair.
Cloak of Invisibility
CLASS: Stealth COST: 540eb
FUNCTION(S): Stealth
OPTION(S): Invisibility, Superrealistic Icon
COST MULTIPLIER: x2 (Stealth x2)
ICON: A cloak made of the finest cloth euro can buy.
DATA: The best way to sneak around on the Net is not to let the enemy see ya.

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