Cyberpunk Red

We haven’t heard much from Mike and R.Talsorian Games for years – but then they came back with The Witcher RPG. The Witcher is licence of a computer game from CD Project Red – which are programming a R.Talsorian licenced computergame at the moment.

So now Mike annoces Cyberpunk Red, tand the Cyberpunk Red Jumpstart Kit, an introductory box set for the game. And it will come soon:

The Cyberpunk Red Jumpstart Kit will be released on August 1st at GenCon. Ideally, it will go on sale at our booth at GenCon and online via DriveThruRPG at the same time. It might also be available via our webstore then but should be available soon after if not. Cyberpunk Red will most likely be available later in the year.

R. Talsorian Homepage

Cyberpunk Red will use the classic Interlock system, but Mike claims that there will be revisions and updates. I’m a bit worried there, because The Witcher is very much a copy of the ageing Interlock we know from Cyberpunk 2020. And Mike allready told us that it will have roles, so not much change there. If they can’t even modify Interlock for a fantasy game, how much will they change for another Cyberpunk game? Probably not much more then a couple of skills. On the other hand: The Witcher’s lead designer was Mikes son, while Reds lead designer is Mike himself. Anyway, the Cyberpunk Red Jumpstart Kit will use a reduced version of the same rules. (And I heard that the quickstart rules from The Witcher are quit useable… (I could run a fight in The Witcher mostly from my Cyberpunk 2020 knowledge, because they didn’t even change the modifiers…)

The good part: it will be mostly compatible with Cyberpunk 2020 and be set in the same timeline: R. Talsorian Games and CD Projekt Red have worked together on a common timeline for the original Cyberpunk (Cyberpunk 2013) to Cyberpunk 2020 to Cyberpunk Red to Cyberpunk 2077. Cyberpunk v3 and Cybergeneration on the other hand both officially take place in alternate timelines. They are “what if?” scenarios. The Carbon Plague of Cybergeneration did occur in the 2020/Red/2077 timeline but was quickly contained. Cyberpunk Red takes place between the end of the 4th Corporate War (2022 or so) and 2077, Mike won’t tell us more there… only that it will fill the gaps betwenn 2020 and 2077, so it might be a game to explain how the world of Cyberpunk 2020 changed into the world presented in the video game.

That leaves the question of the artwork. For me, the artwork in Cyberpunk 2020 (I used the 2nd Edition with the Italian artwork) was very very important, very influencial to my playstile and one of the reasons I never liked Shadowrun much… But my trust in R. Talsorian has been shaken by Cyberpunk 3… Mike claims the artwork will up to “industry standards”, which is not much of a claim.

Still, I’m kind of excited… 🙂

(Source: )

Coole neue Sachen für Cyberpunk 2020

Es gibt ein paar sehr coole Sachen, die in jüngerer Zeit für Cyberpunk als Genre rausgekommen sind. Da ist zum einen eine Vornheim-inspirierte Settinghilfe namens Augmented Reality.

Awesome Setting Help for all kinds of Cyberpunk games.

Und dann bin ich über eine tolle Serie gestolpert, die Jobs auflistet, die für jene sind, die keinen gut bezahlten Konzernjob kriegen. Das Gegenstück zum Burger wenden beim Macces könnte es sein, die Drone zu polieren, die deinen alten Job macht. Mein Favorit:

Rental Smart-Car Attendant: across the city, travellers rent their driver-less smart-cars by the hour or subscribe to commuter vehicles. For all their efforts, the corporations have yet to create the drone that can reliably pick the used condoms and burger wraps out of the lining between the car seat and the door.

Es gibt drei Teile:

The big Cyberpunk Rulebook Give-Away

Jetzt geht es los! Das Cyberpunk 2020 Regelwerk kann jetzt gewonnen werden. Es gehört zur Neuauflage, die am 16.6. erscheint.

Es ist

  • auf deutsch
  • ein Hardcover
  • vollständig in Farbe gedruckt
  • enthält alle Änderungen und Errata
  • Morgan Blackhand’s Street Weapon Guide ist auch schon mit drin
  • 424 Seiten
  • Wert: 48,00 Euro

Und hier bei mir kannst du auch gleich einen der Lösungsbuchstaben für das Gewinnspiel erhalten. Dazu muss eine kleine Aufgabe gelöst werden.

Welcher Buchautor hat die totale Überwachung der gesamten Gesellschaft vorhergesehen, die heute zu jedem echten Cyberpunk-Szenario dazugehört?

  • Tom Clancy
  • Terry Brooks
  • George Orwell
  • J. R. R. Tolkien

Der hervorgehobene Buchstabe aus der richtigen Lösung ist der 5. Lösungsbuchstaben des Gewinnspiels.

Die anderen Lösungsbuchstaben findest du hier:

Prussian Gamer (

Cyberpunk Community

Adventure Now! (

Mirrorshades (

Rabenwelten (

Wenn du das Lösungswort erraten hast, dann gehe zu

Dort findest du die richtige Emailadresse, um das Lösungwort einzuschicken. Einsendeschluss ist der 8.6.2008


NYPD: Spycopter

The New York Police Department (NYPD) got a new spying toy. A helicopter stuffed full of surveilance electronics with amazing (and frightening) capabilities:

  • looks like a civilian helicopter made by “Bell”
  • an arsenal of sophisticated surveillance and tracking equipment powerful enough to read license plates — or scan pedestrians’ faces — from high above New York
  • see-but-avoid-being-seen advantage
  • worth $10 million
  • high-powered robotic camera mounted on a turret projecting from its nose like a periscope
  • camera has infrared night-vision capabilities
  • a satellite navigation system allows police to automatically zoom in on a location by typing in the address on a computer keyboard
  • can beam live footage to police command centers or even to wireless hand-held devices

The NYPD got the expected reactions:

“From a privacy perspective, there’s always a concern that ‘New York’s Finest’ are spending millions of dollars to engage in peeping tom activities,” said Donna Lieberman, executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union.

And answered them the usual way:

Police insist that law-abiding New Yorkers have nothing to fear.

Yeah, right. Nothing to fear? If I want to be spied upon, I would move to North Corea. Yahoo tells us, that the NYPD plans to spend tens of millions of dollars strengthening security in the lower Manhattan business district with a network of closed-circuit television cameras and license-plate readers posted at bridges, tunnels and other entry points. We are sure they are only taping the “non-law-abiding New Yorkers”. That’s pretty much the usual stuff. The UK (who somehow misunderstood George Orwells 1984 and now seem to take it as an instruction manual) has all this. But now the Yahoo article starts to get surreal:

Police have also deployed hundreds of radiation monitors — some worn on belts like pagers, others mounted on cars and in helicopters — to detect dirty bombs.

And fantastic – did he read the R. Talsorian “Protect and Serve”?

[NYPD Police Commissioner Raymond] Kelly even envisions someday using futuristic “stationary airborne devices” similar to blimps to conduct reconnaissance and guard against chemical, biological and radiological threats.

Thanks to Don’t Tase Me, Bro! for pointing me to the Yahoo News Article. I remember a (bad) science fiction movie featuring a helicopter that could see into rooms with thermographs. Anybody remember the name?

Games-In: Hört ihr mich?

from Karsten at
date Sun, May 11, 2008 at 7:35 PM
subject Cyberpunk Relaunch: PR?

Liebes Games-In Team,

angesichts des baldigen Starts der Neuauflage von Cyberpunk 2020 wollte ich als Webmaster von – der wohl größten und aktivsten Cyberpunk 2020 Seite (jedenfalls in Deutschland) – anbieten, den Neustart mit z.B. einem Gewinnspiel oder einer Verlosung zu unterstützen, wenn Sie entsprechende Preise stiften möchten. Infrage kommt auch ein ein Promoabenteuer durch mich etwa auf dem NordCON.

Zudem wollte ich der guten Form halber abklären, ob Sie mit der Verwendung des Logos / der Bezugnahme von Inhalten von Cyberpunk 2020 durch meine Seite einverstanden sind. Ich bin bisher davon ausgegangen, dass meine Seite, die ohne Einnahmen auskommt, Ihre Zustimmung schon wegen der damit verbunden Werbung für das durch Sie vertriebene Produkt hat.

Zudem plane ich die Veröffentlichung eines Artikels in dem neu entstehenden Fanzine “Abenteuer.” Auch hier bitte ich um Zustimmung für die Verwendung des Namen Cyberpunk2020. Bei Abenteuer. wird es sich um ein Printmagazin ohne Gewinnabsicht handeln – aber das Heft wird Geld kosten, um die Druckkosten auffangen zu können.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Ihr Karsten […]

Geschrieben hab ich die Mail am 11.5., eine Antwort gab es bisher nicht. Vielleicht liest ja jemand von Games-In hier mit… falls meine Mail im Spam-Folder gelandet ist.

Aerial Intrusion Device

Real Life

The following device is based on Yves “The Fusionman” Rossy’s Jetpack. For copyright reasons, I’m not showing you any photos, but link to them:
On the ground

  • Wings folded, front view
  • Wings unfolded, front view
  • Close-up view of underside with jetmotors and harness, wings unfolded


  • From above
  • From above
  • Edge-on side view
  • From below
  • Video

There is a video on YouTube, too:
[youtube bEXxkWXncuo]

And Wikipedia has an entry, too.

Game Stats

For a Cyberpunk setting I would leave the requirment to launch the jetpack from an airplane or something similar. The reach should be short, but not as short as the prototype (6.5 minutes at 185 km/h). So lets put it at 220 km/h for 10 min, giving it a reach of 35 km. It has near to none radar signature, but does emit heat, so it might be detectable.


Top Speed 220 km/h Acc/Dec 110/20 km/h
Crew 1 Range 35 km
Pass 0 Cargo none
Maneuver +3 SDP 5
SP 0 Type Jetpack
Mass 20 kg Cost 20,000 EB

Special Equipment:

Nav System, stealth option, parachute