The Big Book of DrugsTM for Cyberpunk 2020
The More Then Complete List of Drugs for Cyberpunk
[This article contains real and fictional drugs to be used with the Cyberpunk 2020 roleplaying game. The author does not advice condone the use of real drugs. Using drugs as a topic in a roleplaying game should used be resposibly. See the licence at the end of this article.]
Hi. A friend told me to see you. I hear you need stuff, right?
Sure, yes, all right. Don’t be so shy, chombatta. Keep cool. This little thingy makes it impossible to overhear us. Relax! But then you don’t look like you are after Dowers. I guess you need Speed, Man. Am I right? I have it all. ALL. You just need to tell me what you want.
– at a corner near you.
This is the ultimate and complete “BIG BOOK OF DRUGS” based on Ocelot’s Drug Lab 101. I guess it can be used with normal Cyberpunk 2020, too. Check it out!
My tip: If your characters won’t use drugs ‘coz their players are just some middle class pussies, give your Boosters all those nice drugs. As NPCs they don’t really have to worry about side effects. If little 10-year-old Billy high on Lace shoots faster then the partys solo, your players will reconsider… Especially if little Bill is one hell of a shooter with his drug-boosted REF… Remember: Drugs are the poor mans cyberware.
How to use the Big Book of Drugs
There is an index of drug types. Click on it and you find a short description of the drug. This is what the fixer on the corner will tell you about the drug. Click on the drugs name and you find a longer description. People with Expert: Drugs might know that. You also find the make up of the drugs by Ocelot’s Rules and a short description of the benefits and side effects. Then there is the quickfind index of all the drug you find in here. In the Credits section you’ll find the drugs sorted by the author.
Aphrodisiacs | COOL-Boosters | INT-Boosters |
Medical Drugs | Painkillers | Recreational Drugs |
Stims, REF-Boosters & Combat Drugs |
TECH-Booster | Tranquilizers |
Misc. | Or just browse… | Credits |
These Drugs basically make you sleepy. Good if you need to rest now, or if that dream is still after you…
Beauties (STR 3, 40eb/dose) Beauties are butaqulide HC1. Beauties are a potent sleeping drug which acts a both soporific and a euphoriant. To help you sleep, you pain reception is greatly reduced. They also scramble the user’s coordination. Benefits: Problems sleeping? No more. No more bad dreams, either. Potent Painkiller. Woundlevel-3 (Treat Mortal0 as Light Wound); Duration 1d10 Minutes.
Morphazine (STR 2, 52.5eb/dose) This drug puts the patient into dreamless sleep for several hours. It is taken in tablet form. Morphazine is commonly available as a reliable, powerful sleeping pill, though only through prescription. Benefits: Makes you sleep.
Paxium (STR 1, 10eb/dose) Paxium has a very mild tranquilizing effect. Also called Nefeq’s. Benefits: Makes it easier for you to sleep; Duration d10 Minutes.
Sandman (STR 3, 600eb/dose) Sandman is the latest in mickey finns — a high-tech, chemically engineered knockout drug. It is available in liquid and aerosol form, and is clear, odorless and nearly tasteless. Though illegal for civilians, it is commonly used by police forces as a Mace or pepper spray substitute, or simply as a convenient way to subdue a target. Benefits: Makes you sleep. Duration: d10 hours.
Sedative (STR 3, 60eb/dose) Trauma Team International! This drug will render a patient unconscious safely and quickly. Benefits: Makes you sleep. Duration 1d10 Minutes
Stims, REF-Boosters and Combat Drugs
This stuff will make you better, cooler, faster… You know – see that borged out guy over there? He got all speedware in his body that’s on the market. He’s only that little from getting psycho. But with a little of that blue powder here you can run around him and he won’t even know where you are… they make you that fast. Even if you have no speedware at all. But if you have… grin
Berserker (STR 2, 650eb/dose) Militech Combat Drugs! Be a Berserker in fight! Benefits: BOD+2; CL+2; REF+2; Duration 1d10 Minutes.
Black Lace (STR 5, 1240eb/dose) A high powered version of ‘Dorph which imparts euphoria, adrenal rush, and invulnerability to pain. Your CL is raised by 5, and you are resistant to stun of shock effects. Benefits: REF +5; CL +5; Wound level -5 (User with Mortal2 Wound Status is treated as if he had a light wound); User feels Euphoric (this drug makes you think you can win any fight – and you feel happy. You will fight, kill and WIN!) Feels no pain at all; Duration 1d6x1d10 Minutes.
Blue Shock (STR 3, 180eb/dose) A drippy blue liquid mixed through with darker, denser globules, Blue Shock is ingested like cough syrup. A tablespoon of Blue Shock immediately awakens every single nerve ending in the body in an electric wave of intense agony. The body is then exceptionally awake and elert for some time afterwards, but users have a very low tolerance for additional pain. It is used as a stimulant, as a sex aid in S&M circles, and as an adjunct to specialized art. Benefits: Awareness/Notice+3; Endurance+3. Duration: d6x10 Minutes.
‘Dorph (STR 3, 285eb/dose) Designed as a combat drug and painkiller, endorphins reduce pain and stress effects. ‘Dorph allows you to reduce the effects of stun or shock. Boosters on ‘Dorph are what Police hates most – you have to kill them just to make them stop walking. ‘Dorph is a very potent drug which makes you aggressive and almost invincible. Benefits: REF +3; Wound level -3 (User with Mortal0 Wound Status is treated as if he had a light wound); Awareness/Notice Rolls are +3; Duration 1d10 Minutes
Flash (STR 2, 180eb/dose) Flash is a stimulant drug used by boosters, zoomers, and other speed-freaks. Benefits: REF +2; Awareness/Notice +2; Duration d10 Hours.
Foolkiller (STR 3, 360eb/dose) Developed by the Indian Army for use against Pakistan, Foolkiller gives the user this wonderful, unshakable sense of self-confidence and invulnerability. Benefits: CL+3; Awareness/Notice+3; Endurance+3; Duration d10 Minutes.
Hardfire (STR 1, 35eb/dose) This is the stuff that people with the Owari hardwiring use to fire up their nerves. It’s also available on the street as a crude stimulant. Benefits: REF+1 (this depends on Cyberware, see Game Data); Duration 1d10 Minutes.
Jazz (STR 2, 125eb/dose) Developed under contract by the USAF in an attempt to make a suitable drug for combat pilot. Later Jazz hit the street as a corporate marketing ploy, and ever since has been a mainstay of street gangs and solos. Benefits: Makes you feel great, ready to rock. REF+2; CL+2; Duration d10 Minutes.
Prime (STR 3, 1710eb/dose) Militech Combat Drugs! This drug narrows the user’s concentration down to a highly focused point and eliminates strenuous emotion, making the user extremely cold and rational. Benefits: CL+3; Awareness/Notice+3; Stun and Mortal Saves by 3 easier; Duration 1d10 hours.
Rage (STR 1, 330eb/dose) Rage causes immediate, extremely violent and psychotic behavior in all subjects 1D5 turns after it is injected. After it wears off, users are shaky and nervous. Rage is sometimes used by licensed physicians for psychotherapy; otherwise it is only found on the black market. Benefits: Saves+1, Duration: d6x10 Minutes.
Rambo-7 (STR 2, 360eb/dose) Rambo-7 was developed by the Colombian Army in an attempt to create a low-cost combat drug. They succeeded, sort of. A man on Rambo-7 can pick up one side of a car, breaking his back in the process – and keep on fighting. Benefits: BOD+2; REF+2; Awareness/Notice+2; Lessened Pain; Wound levels -2; Duration d10 Minutes.
Score (STR 2, 100eb/dose) REF Enhancer. A high class commercial REF Booster used by the wealthy or high class professionals. Benefits: REF+2; Duration d6x10 minutes.
Slammer (STR 2, 480eb/dose) Slammer is a violent psychoactive used by combat troops and some totalitarian police forces. It is illegal, but widely available and popular among street samurai, gang members and anyone else who enjoys senseless violence. It is taken in derm form. Benefits: Saves-2, REF+2, INT-2, Duration: d10 hours.
Slo-Mo (STR 1, 160eb/dose) A shiny black powder generally sold in capsules, Slo-Mo causes the neural pathways of the brain to fire more rapidly, increasing reflexes and making the outside world appear to slow down. Slo-Mo is primarily used for the two functions of the human race: sex and death. It is prized as a way of extending the ecstasy of orgasm, but is more commonly used by urban warriors who use the edge it gives them to lethal effect in combat. Benefits: REF+1. Duration: d6x10 Minutes.
Snapcoke (STR 1, 33eb/dose) One of many brand names for synthetic cocaine, very pure and guaranteed nonaddictive. Benefits: REF+1 (if no REF/Init-Booster installed); INT+1; Duration 1d6x1d10 Minutes.
Speedball (STR 3, 697.5eb/dose) The original Speedball was heroine plus cocaine, but the 21st Century has improved on the original formula to produce a state-of-the-art combat drug. The heroine-analog numbs the character to wounds, stress, and empathy; the cocaine-analog motivates the character to aggressive, risky behavior. Benefits: No Pain at all. You can’t even feel it. Wound Level-3; REF+3; INT+3; CL+3; Duration 1d6x1d10 Minutes.
Stigmata (STR 2, 140eb/dose) Stigmata is a combat drug that originated on the East Coast. Its effects are simple: The drug increases the user’s REF by 2 and acts as a Euphoric. The effect is a feeling of invincibility. Form: A silvery, metallic powder resembling ground graphite. Benefits: Euphoric, REF+2, Duration: d6x10 Minutes.
Taz (STR 4, 480eb/dose) Taz, named after the “Tasmanian Devil” of Bugs Bunny fame, is a blue, crystalline powder which is snorted, or freebased and injected. It makes ist users fast, strong, and unafraid. When the drug wears off, however, the user’s nervous system is left in a shambles, and even the smallest of discomforts becomes agony. Taz users have been known to tear entire buildings apart, and survive multiple gunshot wounds. Benefits: REF+4; BODY+4, StunSave+4. Duration: d6x10 Minutes.
Timewarp (STR 3, 236eb/dose) Militech Combat Drugs! Timewarp sharpens the reflexes of the user and enhances reaction time to an inhuman level. Benefits: REF+3, even if Cyberware installed!; Duration 1d10 Minutes.
Uppers (STR 1, 9eb/dose) Stimulants, available in a truly mind-boggling array of brands and prices. Benefits: REF+1; Duration 1d10 Hours
Upper HA (STR 2, 27eb/dose) This is a brand name Upper called ‘Hello-Awake’. Benefits: REF+2; Duration 1d10 hours.
Warp Drive (STR 3, 300eb/dose) Warp Drive is a stronger and much more expensive variant of Flash, with less side-effects. Whereas Flash is typically used on the Street, WD is used mainly by “professionals” (i.e. racers, smugglers). Benefits: REF +3; Feeling of confidence. Duration d10 Hours.
Recreational Drugs
You need to party? This even helps you if you don’t know how to party at all.
Alcohol (i.e., Booze, Cold Tea) (STR 3, 3eb/dose) You know this stuff, don’t you? Benefits: You feel much better and ready to party. Or at least relaxed and cool and ready to face the other sex. Duration d6x10 minutes.
The Blood Of Christ (STR 3, 450-900eb/dose) This drug, called the “Blood Of Christ”, fills the user with a feeling of divine euphoria, as if God had touched them. Anyone under the influence feels whole and complete, as if they could do anything. They have no worldly fears, since God will protect them. Benefits: CL+3, Euphoria. Duration: d10 Minutes.
Blue Glass (STR 3, 10eb/dose) Blue Glass was originally developed as a biological weapon. Its goal was a “flashing out” of the victims. As a military weapon pretty useless, it was a success on the streets. Benefits: Strong hallucinogen: 10; Duration 1d10 Minutes
Caffeine Stick (STR 1, 1eb/dose) The first cigarette that won’t give you nicotine, but caffeine. Smokeless, no cancer risk. Better then coffee and you don’t run the risk of spilling hot liquid on yourself while driving to work, either. Some are flavored. Benefits: Makes you feel awake and ready. Duration 1d10 Minutes.
Communion (STR 1, 120eb/dose) A bitter powder usually dissolved in heavily-sugared tea and drink, Communion causes users to experience a completely satisfying spiritual experience, perceived as a blissful union with their deity. A vision encompassing all five senses sweeps users away, and usually result in an affirmation of faith and a belief that they have been given a specific task or message from God. Benefits: Euphoria, Hallucinogen. Duration: d6x10 Minutes.
CPS-23 (“Asimov’s Magic Candy”) (STR 3, 15eb/dose) CPS-23 (CyberPsychotic Suppressant 23), known on the street as “Asimov’s Magic Candy,” is a drug used in the clinical treatment of cyberpsychosis. It raises the user’s emotional perception and empathy, keeping him from slipping into psychotic episodes, while making him susceptible to psychiatric treatment. CPS-23 comes in a blue and red gel cap. Benefits: EMP+3; Duration 1d10 hours.
Neocortine (STR 2, 50eb/dose) This very nasty and powerful hallucinogen was developed as a tool for interrogation. Through some sick, cosmic twist it has ended up as a street drug. Acetrylated neocortine causes the user to have terrifying hallucinations which follow a basic theme which seems to repeat endlessly. Benefits: only if you like terrifying hallucinations; Duration 1d10 Minutes.
Nicotine Stick (STR 1, 8eb/dose) This smokeless cigarette gives you all what a normal cigarette gives you, but without the messy carcinogenic side effect. Some brands are flavored. Benefits: COOL+1; Duration 1d10 Minutes.
PCP (STR 1, 30eb/dose) Lord knows why people still do PCP, but they do. There are any number of street drugs out there whose purpose is to really wreck the user, and there are enough self-destructive individuals out there to keep the market booming. Benefits: REF +1; Wound level reduced by one (serious instead of critical); Duration 1d10 Minutes.
Psychedelics (STR 3, 2eb/dose) Still around after all these years, and in many varieties. See a lot of pretty pictures, experience synchronicity, and giggle a lot. Benefits: Gives you a good time. Duration 1d10 Hours.
Rabbit (STR 2, 225eb/dose) This street drug got its name because of its side effects – its users are cowardly, horny, and they don’t eat. In other words, as the saying goes, “They run like rabbits, screw like rabbits, and eat like rabbits.” The benefits the drug grants include increased running speed and enhanced perception. It is usually supplied as an amber liquid in glass vials, and must be injected in order to be effective. Benefits: MA+2; Awareness/Notice+2; Duration 1d6x10 minutes
Reality drug (STR 1, 30eb Pill /120eb Derm) Reality is a recreational drug used primarily by artists and people who want an escape from reality. The user escapes to his/her own fantasy world for duration of drug. Benefits: You feel great and see things. Duration d6x10 Minutes.
Rez, Rezzin (STR 3, 30eb/dose) Rezzin is a tarry, synthetic substitute for marijuana and hashish. It usually comes as a thick, sticky, tarry substance wrapped in aluminum foil or saran wrap. The drug is typically rolled into little pea-sized balls and smoked in a water pipe. Benefits: Euphoric, Woundlevel-3. Duration: d6x10 Minutes.
Rock Cocaine (STR 5, 90eb/dose) Rock cocaine is still around, too, though it’s so destructive that by now it has a bad rep. The Corps prefer to hook you less abruptly and keep you a member of the workforce for a longer period. Benefits: CL+5; Makes you feel great, you can do everything. And a hard-on is included in the price… Duration d6x10 Minutes
RPM (STR 3, 75eb/dose) RPM stands for I. ribopropylmethionine. This drugs usually comes in a small, square, plastic derm. It can be applied anywhere on the skin. Few people willingly take this drug; it creates horrifying hallucinations which get steadily worse for duration. Not only that, but with every use the drug gradually burns out the user’s central nervous system. Benefits: none. Duration 1d10 Minutes.
Shotgun Shell (STR 4, 50eb/shell) Shotgun Shell is a new drug served in recreational places (i.e. brothels, sex clubs, night clubs). Since its all the rage in Night City, its pretty sure it will be a success everywhere soon. You are served a shotgun shell filled with a special mix of drugs. You can either unscrew the top of the shell and inhale the powder or take it the ‘Night City Way’. This means inserting the shell into a Militech Crusher and fire it up your throat. Attention, there have been deads allready, so be sure to check which shell you use. Benefits: Horny, Highly Aroused; EMP+4; CL+4; Endurance+4; d6x10 Minutes Duration.
Sin (STR 1, 90eb/dose) Sin acts as an anti-depressant, aphrodesiac and uninhibitor without causing a hangover, which makes it popular. It also occasionally sends people into a psychotic killing frenzy, which makes it illegal. It is manufactured in 25mg capsules. Benefits: Aphrodesiac, Euphoric, Endurance+1, Duratio d10 hours.
Skate (STR 1, 10eb/dose) More powerful then Thrill, Skate is an endurance drug. It temporarily increases the endurance of the user. Its name is derived from the fact that the primary users are skaters and skateboarders. Runners have also been known to use it because it is hard to detect in urinalysis testing. Benefits: Makes you feel good. Endurance+1; Duration d10 hours.
Smash (STR 3, 3eb/dose) Smash is the 2020’s answer to alcohol – it’s yellow, foamy and comes in cans. It makes you loose, happy and ready to party. Benefits: Like Beer. Duration 1d6x10 Minutes
Snapcoke (STR 1, 33eb/dose) One of many brand names for synthetic cocaine, very pure and guaranteed nonaddictive. Benefits: REF+1 (if no REF/Init-Booster installed); INT+1; Duration 1d6x1d10 Minutes.
Sugar (STR 2, 90eb/dose) The drug is a basic mood enhancer which increases COOL and removes inhibitions. Popular amongst Solos with low EMP when they go out partying. Comes in the form of a white dust. Benefits: Makes you happy and ready to party. The EMP+2 and COOL+2 boost makes it possible for you to interface with the flesh… And high on this, you even feel up to actually talk to the other sex. Duration d10 hours
SynthCoke (STR 1, 25eb/dose) The second generation, synthetic replacement for cocaine. Benefits: COOL +1; You feel great, you can do everything; Duration 1d10 minutes
Tobacco (i.e., Cigarettes, Cigars, Chewing Tobacco) (STR 1, 4eb/dose) Cigarettes are easily available at any corner market, shopping center, or liquor store. The cost of 4 Euro per dose is actually the cost for a single pack of twenty pre-rolled and filtered cigarettes, or a single good-quality cigar (which can take the better part of an hour or two to smoke completely). Benefits: COOL+1; Duration 1d10 minutes
Thrill (STR 1, 10-20eb/dose) Thrill is a cheap and safe, short-term euphoric. Popular with the teeny bobbers of the 21st century. Benefits: Makes you feel good. Duration d10 Minutes.
Tri-Phets (STR 1, 180eb/dose) More people then you think take this drug every morning to face this hard world. Benefits: CL+1; You feel euphoric; Endurance+1; Duration 1d10 Hours.
Vanitol (“Johnny Squats”) (STR 2, 60eb/dose) Originally a hospital-grade tranquilizer and stool softener, Vanitol (known as “Johnny Squats,” or just “Squats” on the street) found its way into the illicit drug trade. The drug provides its user a high quite unlike any other, but afflicts him with terrible bouts of diarrhea and cold sweats. This might sound bad, but both the drug-induced euphoria and pain negation qualities turn the digestive assault into an unbeatable good time. By the time Johnny Squats is finished with the user, he is quite thirsty and might swallow up to a gallon of liquids when taking his next dose. It comes as little yellow gel caps with “Vanitol” printed on them. Benefits: Lessened Pain; Wound Level -2 (Critical treated as light), Makes you feel real good; Duration 1d6x10 minutes.
If you are not sleeping alone tonight…
Aphrodisiacs (STR 1, 18eb/dose) Increases sexual desire and potency. Benefits: Makes you horny and give you a hard-on. Duration d6x10 Minutes.
LeSade (STR 2, 70eb/dose) Vampire gangs use this drug in their injector fangs. It’s a good aphrodisiac, but on the downside it seriously screws up pleasure-pain signals to the brain. The person under the influence of LeSade enjoys and is turned on by pain. Vampire gang members do not take the stuff themselves – they inject it into their victims. It is also a coagulant and will stop mild blood loss pretty quickly. Benefits: Makes you horny. Makes you feel good (how comes J ). Stops bleeding. Duration d10 Minutes.
LP9, Love Potion #9 (STR 2, 67.5eb/dose) Love Potion #9, also known as LP9, is used as a tool by assassins, prostitutes, and anyone who wants someone completely helpless and unable to resist. The drug, when introduced into the victim’s food or drink, gives them a “hot”, “turned-on” feeling. Their resistance to seduction checks is lowered, and this, in addition to being incredibly horny, makes them an easy mark. Once the drug has worn off, however, it induces a warm, sleepy feeling. The victim will usually fall into a deep slumber, allowing the assassin or prostitute free reign to do what they please. LP9 comes in a clear, odorless liquid that has a slightly bitter taste. The taste isn’t distinguishable when mixed with alcoholic drinks. Benefits: Aphrodiesiac, Makes you horny :) Duration: d6x10 Minutes.
MDA-Cubed (STR 4, 750eb) This bitter pink-white pill embossed with a pink or red heart gives with it the guarantee of the ultimate orgasm. As the effects of the drug begin, the user begins to feel a oneness for all things, an overwhelming love for the universe, a rejection of conventional sexual mores, and an incredibly potent desire to blissfully copulate with the nearest object. Users are known to have had sex with people outside their sexual orientation, with people they hate, with family members, minors, house pets, reptiles, and electrical appliances. Benefits: Euphoria, Aphrodisiac. Duration: d10 hours.
Rabbit (STR 2, 225eb/dose) This street drug got its name because of its side effects – its users are cowardly, horny, and they don’t eat. In other words, as the saying goes, “They run like rabbits, screw like rabbits, and eat like rabbits.” The benefits the drug grants include increased running speed and enhanced perception. It is usually supplied as an amber liquid in glass vials, and must be injected in order to be effective. Benefits: MA+2; Awareness/Notice+2; Duration 1d6x10 minutes.
Shotgun Shell (STR 4, 50eb/shell) Shotgun Shell is a new drug served in recreational places (i.e. brothels, sex clubs, night clubs). Since its all the rage in Night City, its pretty sure it will be a success everywhere soon. You are served a shotgun shell filled with a special mix of drugs. You can either unscrew the top of the shell and inhale the powder or take it the ‘Night City Way’. This means inserting the shell into a Militech Crusher and fire it up your throat. Attention, there have been deads allready, so be sure to check which shell you use. Benefits: Horny, Highly Aroused; EMP+4; CL+4; Endurance+4; d6x10 Minutes Duration.
Sin (STR 1, 90eb/dose) Sin acts as an anti-depressant, aphrodesiac and uninhibitor without causing a hangover, which makes it popular. It also occasionally sends people into a psychotic killing frenzy, which makes it illegal. It is manufactured in 25mg capsules. Benefits: Aphrodesiac, Euphoric, Endurance+1, Duration: d10 hours.
Venus-F & Venus-M (STR 3, 600eb/dose) Venus, originally marketed as a “super birth control pill”, made a brief show-up on the pharmaceutical scene. Only the rich could afford its pleasures. Two versions were manufactured, “M” and “F” (“M” meaning “Male” and “F” meaning “Female,” obviously). The drug had a triple effect. In addition to euphoria, it also caused an aphrodesiac effect as well as its contraceptive abilities. It was later discovered that the drug had a chance of causing sterility. Venus was judged too effective, and banned from the market. However, once in a while someone comes across a few doses. Form: Little pink capsules in the shape of a heart with either “M” or “F” stamped into it. Mix-ups between “M” and “F” pills have been known to happen … as for side effects, use your imagination … Benefits: Contraceptive, Aphrodesiac. Duration: d10 hours.
Medical Drugs
If you can’t afford to have downtime in hospital or sniffed nervegas… its all here. For Pain Killers see there.
Beauties (STR 3, 40eb/dose) Beauties are butaqulide HC1. Beauties are a potent sleeping drug which acts a both soporific and a euphoriant. To help you sleep, you pain reception is greatly reduced. They also scramble the user’s coordination. Benefits: Problems sleeping? No more. No more bad dreams, either. Potent Painkiller. Woundlevel-3 (Treat Mortal0 as Light Wound); Duration 1d10 Minutes.
CPS-23 (“Asimov’s Magic Candy”) (STR 3, 15eb/dose) CPS-23 (CyberPsychotic Suppressant 23), known on the street as “Asimov’s Magic Candy,” is a drug used in the clinical treatment of cyberpsychosis. It raises the user’s emotional perception and empathy, keeping him from slipping into psychotic episodes, while making him susceptible to psychiatric treatment. CPS-23 comes in a blue and red gel cap. Benefits: EMP+3; Duration 1d10 hours.
Crediline (STR 2, 165eb/dose) This drug makes the user more likely to believe anything he is told. While Crediline is in effect, the user feels very happy; everything around him makes sense, and everyone is a trusted friend. After it wears off, the user becomes extremely paranoid. The drug is usually unavailable to anyone except psychiatric doctors, who can utilize it in therapy. It can be found on the black market, and police and intelligence agencies sometimes use it. It is injected. Benefits: Euphoric, STR 2, Duration: d6x10 Mins.
Diamond Four (STR 2, 675eb/dose) This military drug is used on downed subjects on their way to military hospitals. Its an exceptional healing drug with relatively few side effects. Troopers given this drug sometimes develop irrational fears during treatment and will usually be placed in seclusion during their recovery. Benefits: Healing+1 Point/Day; Antidote; Antibiotic; Duration d10 Hours.
Hypercoagulin (STR 3, 97eb/dose) When injected into a patient with a bleeding wound, this causes instant coagulation and a cessation of bleeding within 1D4 + 1 seconds. The drug should be injected as close to the wound as possible. An injection prior to sustaining a wound will have no effect. Very small overdoses of this drug will kill. For this reason, hypercoagulin can be a useful assassination tool. Benefits: Stops bleeding (First Aid+2).
Jetwash (STR 3, 81eb/dose) A depressant used in the German military for treating serious field injuries where the patient will most likely go into shock. It creates a feeling of a warm “washing-over” of the senses. The Germans have lent their skill at quality engineering to this drug and it thus has no permanent ill side-effects. Benefits: To the warm “washing-over” of the senses some effects are added. REF -3; First Aid checks on the user are +3; Duration d10 hours.
Medical Stabilization Agent (MeStAg), “Meestag” (STR 4, 380eb/dose) The Medical Stabilization Agent, or “Meestag” (as it’s known in militarese) is a military drug used to treat victims of heavy trauma. While the cost is prohibitive for people on the street, it is one of the best drugs to use in the treatment and first aid of large wounds involving massive tissue and blood loss. Meestag stops blood loss, protects against infection, and stops all pain, which the user perceives as an irritating itching near the areas of his wounds. The subject will be unable to sleep both before and after the drug wears off, and the eyes tend to become sensitive to bright lights. Some subjects have been known to become delusional, imagining large insects and maggots wriggling through their wounds, causing the itchy sensation. Meestag comes in a bright green derm the size of a credit card. Benefits: Wouldlevel-4, Antibiotic, First Aid +4. Duration: 6×10 Minutes.
Neurovine (STR 2, 1000eb/dose) This is an antidote for nerve poison. If taken within 15 seconds of poisoning (assuming you’re not dead), a Neurovine injection helps stabilize the poison until further treatment can be sought. Note that Neurovine is in itself frequently deadly. Benefits: Gives you a chance to survive BioToxins.
Rage (STR 1, 330eb/dose) Rage causes immediate, extremely violent and psychotic behavior in all subjects 1D5 turns after it is injected. After it wears off, users are shaky and nervous. Rage is sometimes used by licensed physicians for psychotherapy; otherwise it is only found on the black market. Benefits: Saves+1, Duration: d6x10 Minutes.
Revive (STR 2, 7eb/dose) These are small breakable capsules which have an effect similar to smelling salts; if snapped open under the nose of a stunned or unconscious person, they will cause the person to wake up. Revive is legal. Benefits: Wake up from a stun.
Sedative (STR 3, 60eb/dose) Trauma Team International! This drug will render a patient unconscious safely and quickly. Benefits: Makes you sleep. Duration 1d10 Minutes
Speedheal (STR 2, 90eb/dose) Speedheal is designed to enhance the natural healing processes. Benefits: Healing increased by one point daily; Duration 1d10 Hours
Stat boosters (STR 1, 562.5eb/day) YOU CAN REWIRE YOUR BODY! You can jack up any of your stats except COOL, TECH, ATTR and EMP by up to +3, although it isn’t cheap. Hormones exist for almost any purpose: boosting muscle strength, improving neural connections, increasing glial cells in the brain, raising silent genes to rewire brain connections. It takes 30 day’s constant treatment to increase a Stat by +1. Benefits: Increases a STAT. Duration 1d10x2 Hours.
Surge (STR 1, 112.5eb/dose) Trauma Team International! This drug acts like an endorphin. The patient receives a burst of energy an can ignore the need for food and sleep and receives a bonus to his Stun and Death Save. Benefits: Bonus to Stun and Death Saves is 1; Duration 1d10 Hours.
Syncomp 15 (STR 3, 97.5eb/dose) Syncomp is a broad spectrum poison antidote, used to treat nerve and biotoxins. Benefits: You might survive a nervegas or Biotoxin attack; Duration d10 minutes.
Trauma I (STR 3, 97.5eb/dose) Trauma Team International! This drug is administered when the patient is in a Mortal Wound state. Its usually applied by non-medical personnel or even the patient himself since stabilization is always a better course of action. Benefits: Stun and Death Save Bonus:3; Duration 1d10 Minutes.
Vanitol (“Johnny Squats”) (STR 2, 60eb/dose) Originally a hospital-grade tranquilizer and stool softener, Vanitol (known as “Johnny Squats,” or just “Squats” on the street) found its way into the illicit drug trade. The drug provides its user a high quite unlike any other, but afflicts him with terrible bouts of diarrhea and cold sweats. This might sound bad, but both the drug-induced euphoria and pain negation qualities turn the digestive assault into an unbeatable good time. By the time Johnny Squats is finished with the user, he is quite thirsty and might swallow up to a gallon of liquids when taking his next dose. It comes as little yellow gel caps with “Vanitol” printed on them. Benefits: Lessened Pain; Wound Level -2 (Critical treated as light), Makes you feel real good; Duration 1d6x10 minutes.
Netrunners favorite. You simply can’t be to intelligent.
Bluebird (STR 4, 80eb/dose) A grainy, triangular blue pill with rounded corners, embossed with a small stylized flying bird. Coated with that candy easy-swallow shit, but beneath it is rather bitter and crumbly. The coating chips off easily, and a bottle of these will degenerate into (non-inhalable) powder if rattled around in somebody’s pocket or purse. Benefits: INT+4, Euphoria. Duration: d10 hours.
Boost (STR 1, 60eb/dose) Boost increases INT by +1 for some hours. Benefits: INT+1; Duration 1d10 Hours.
Brainstim (Super NDT) (STR 4, 6400eb/dose) Super NDT is a mnemonic enhancer. It also stimulates the growth and flow of dendrites in the brain. It allows the user seemingly-total awareness and greatly enhanced thinking. Brainstim addicts typically develop God-complexes in a very short time, since the drug seems to give them near omniscience. Super NDT can only be manufactured in such a potent form (+4 Str) when using human NDT as a base for each dose (usually harvested from homeless children). Synthetic NDT is only half as powerful, but has the same side-effects (and cost). Benefits: INT+4; COOL+4; Awareness/Notice+4; Endurance+4; Duration d10 Hours.
Brown Study (STR 2, 108eb/dose) Brown Study is a tarry psychoactive substance that, when ingested, decreases the body’s awareness of itself and permits the higher functions of the brain to work at unparalleled efficiency. A favorite among cultists, college students and philosophy majors. Not addictive, but operating heavy machinery is not recommended while under the influence of this product. Benefits: INT+2; TECH+2; COOL+2; Duration 1d10 Hours.
Face (STR 2, 180eb/dose) Face (short for “interface”) is the drug du jour among fast-lane netrunners. Face is taken with an inhaler directly into the throat or nostrils. Benefits: INT+2, Duration: d6x10 Minutes.
IQ (STR 1, 51eb/dose) Increases you INT! Benefits: INT+1; Duration d6x10 Minutes.
IQ II (STR 2, 54eb/dose) Increases you INT even more! Benefits: INT +2; Duration d6x10 Minutes.
Retro (STR 1, 110eb/dose) Retro is a memory-enhancement drug often used in psychotherapy and interrogation. One milligram (often abbreviated as a “mike” on the street) gives the user recall akin to eidetic memory of the past 1D6/2 days. Retro is physically and psychologically non-addictive. It is very expensive on the street, but a licensed psychotherapist, doctor, or hypnotherapist can obtain it for half that price. It is usually crushed into an inhaler. Benefits: Gives you perfect memory. Duration: d10 Minutes.
Sixgun (STR 3, 72eb/dose) Sixgun was developed for the console cowboys of Microtech. It gives the netrunner a tremendous boost in the Net. Benefits: INT+3; Awareness/Notice+3; Duration d10 Hours.
Stat boosters (STR 1, 562.5eb/day) YOU CAN REWIRE YOUR BODY! You can jack up any of your stats except COOL, TECH, ATTR and EMP by up to +3, although it isn’t cheap. Hormones exist for almost any purpose: boosting muscle strength, improving neural connections, increasing glial cells in the brain, raising silent genes to rewire brain connections. It takes 30 day’s constant treatment to increase a stat by +1. Benefits: Increases a STAT. Duration 1d10x2 Hours.
What ever you do, look cool. These can also help if you gotta face this sick guy again…
Berserker (STR 2, 650eb/dose) Militech Combat Drugs! Be a Berserker in fight! Benefits: BOD+2; CL+2; REF+2; Duration 1d10 Minutes.
Brown Study (STR 2, 108eb/dose) Brown Study is a tarry psychoactive substance that, when ingested, decreases the body’s awareness of itself and permits the higher functions of the brain to work at unparalleled efficiency. A favorite among cultists, college students and philosophy majors. Not addictive, but operating heavy machinery is not recommended while under the influence of this product. Benefits: INT+2; TECH+2; COOL+2; Duration 1d10 Hours.
Downers (STR 2, 3eb/dose) Known as the “breakfast of the losers”, also available in a stunning array of types. (Wonder why anyone would use it? Alcohol is a Downer, too) Benefits: CL+2; Duration 1d10 hours.
Foolkiller (STR 3, 360eb/dose) Developed by the Indian Army for use against Pakistan, Foolkiller gives the user this wonderful, unshakable sense of self-confidence and invulnerability. Benefits: CL+3; Awareness/Notice+3; Endurance+3; Duration d10 Minutes.
Jazz (STR 2, 125eb/dose) Developed under contract by the USAF in an attempt to make a suitable drug for combat pilot. Later Jazz hit the street as a corporate marketing ploy, and ever since has been a mainstay of street gangs and solos. Benefits: Makes you feel great, ready to rock. REF+2; CL+2; Duration d10 Minutes.
Nicotine Stick (STR 1, 8eb/dose) This smokeless cigarette gives you all what a normal cigarette gives you, but without the messy carcinogenic side effect. Some brands are flavored. Benefits: COOL+1; Duration 1d10 Minutes.
Prime (STR 3, 1710eb/dose) Militech Combat Drugs! This drug narrows the user’s concentration down to a highly focused point and eliminates strenuous emotion, making the user extremely cold and rational. Benefits: CL+3; Awareness/Notice+3; Stun and Mortal Saves by 3 easier; Duration 1d10 hours.
Rock Cocaine (STR 5, 90eb/dose) Rock cocaine is still around, too, though it’s so destructive that by now it has a bad rep. The Corps prefer to hook you less abruptly and keep you a member of the workforce for a longer period. Benefits: CL+5; Makes you feel great, you can do everything. And a hard-on is included in the price… Duration d6x10 Minutes.
Shotgun Shell (STR 4, 50eb/shell) Shotgun Shell is a new drug served in recreational places (i.e. brothels, sex clubs, night clubs). Since its all the rage in Night City, its pretty sure it will be a success everywhere soon. You are served a shotgun shell filled with a special mix of drugs. You can either unscrew the top of the shell and inhale the powder or take it the ‘Night City Way’. This means inserting the shell into a Militech Crusher and fire it up your throat. Attention, there have been deads allready, so be sure to check which shell you use. Benefits: Horny, Highly Aroused; EMP+4; CL+4; Endurance+4; d6x10 Minutes Duration.
SynthCoke (STR 1, 25eb/dose) The second generation, synthetic replacement for cocaine. Benefits: COOL +1; You feel great, you can do everything; Duration 1d10 minutes
Tobacco (i.e., Cigarettes, Cigars, Chewing Tobacco) (STR 1, 4eb/dose) Cigarettes are easily available at any corner market, shopping center, or liquor store. The cost of 4 Euro per dose is actually the cost for a single pack of twenty pre-rolled and filtered cigarettes, or a single good-quality cigar (which can take the better part of an hour or two to smoke completely). Benefits: COOL+1; Duration 1d10 minutes
Tri-Phets (STR 1, 180eb/dose) More people then you think take this drug every morning to face this hard world. Benefits: CL+1; You feel euphoric; Endurance+1; Duration 1d10 Hours.
Zoroaster (STR 3, 180eb/dose) A handy black-and-white capsule is the carrying mechanism for this perception-altering drug. A person under the influence of Zoroaster sees every moral question in black or white terms. When you’re hopped up on “Zorro,” you are right and everyone not actively supporting you is wrong. Benefits: COOL+3. Duration: d10 hours.
And you thought Techies were clean? These freaks? Oh my god!
Brown Study (STR 2, 108eb/dose) Brown Study is a tarry psychoactive substance that, when ingested, decreases the body’s awareness of itself and permits the higher functions of the brain to work at unparalleled efficiency. A favorite among cultists, college students and philosophy majors. Not addictive, but operating heavy machinery is not recommended while under the influence of this product. Benefits: INT+2; TECH+2; COOL+2; Duration 1d10 Hours.
Dab-hand (sometimes shortened to just dab) (STR 3, 69eb/dose) A popular Techies Drug, that gives excellent precision with small instruments for several Hours. Don’t forget to check for purity… Some brew it on their own Bunsen… Benefits: TECH+3; Duration d10 hours.
Pain Killer
Well, hurting isn’t fun. … At least not to me. But this stuff can prevent you from dying, you know? Or at least keep you alive till backup is there.
Beauties (STR 3, 40eb/dose) Beauties are butaqulide HC1. Beauties are a potent sleeping drug which acts a both soporific and a euphoriant. To help you sleep, you pain reception is greatly reduced. They also scramble the user’s coordination. Benefits: Problems sleeping? No more. No more bad dreams, either. Potent Painkiller. Woundlevel-3 (Treat Mortal0 as Light Wound); Duration 1d10 Minutes.
Cockroach (STR 3, 30eb/dose) Cockroach is another version of synthetic endorphins (“‘Dorph”). It differs from standard ‘Dorph in that it is more potent. Cockroach is packaged as a red derm about the size of a movie ticket stub, with a small, crude cockroach stenciled on the back. Benefits: Pain is greatly lessened, Wound level reduced by 3 (Mortal0 is treated as if only light), Stan Saves are easier by 3, Duration d6x10 minutes
Endorphin (STR 1, 11eb/dose) The body’s natural opiate, synthesized and improved upon by modern technology, and available in many brand names and configurations. Benefits: CL+1; Wound level -1 (Serious is treated as light); Duration 1d6x1d10 Minutes.
Stim I (STR 3, 80eb/dose) Stim increases endurance, allowing the user to stay alert for longer periods. Benefits: Potent painkiller; Wound level is treated as if 3 less (Mortal0=Light); Duration 1d10 Minutes
Stim II (STR 5, 82.5eb/dose) Trauma Team International! This drug negates the mods for any wounds the patient has taken. Benefits: Absolutely no Pain; Wound Level-5 (Mortal2 is treated as Light Wound); Duration 1d10 Minutes.
Sunnies (STR 2, 165eb/dose) Sonniene is a powerful opiate from Germany, developed to negate pain and act as an euphoriant. Benefits: Pain Killer. Wound level-2; CL+2; Duration d10 Hours.
This stuff is special. Nobody else I know can sell that to you… So look at this:
The Blood Of Christ (STR 3, 450-900eb/dose) This drug, called the “Blood Of Christ”, fills the user with a feeling of divine euphoria, as if God had touched them. Anyone under the influence feels whole and complete, as if they could do anything. They have no worldly fears, since God will protect them. Benefits: CL+3, Euphoria. Duration: d10 Minutes.
Communion (STR 1, 120eb/dose) A bitter powder usually dissolved in heavily-sugared tea and drink, Communion causes users to experience a completely satisfying spiritual experience, perceived as a blissful union with their deity. A vision encompassing all five senses sweeps users away, and usually result in an affirmation of faith and a belief that they have been given a specific task or message from God. Benefits: Euphoria, Hallucinogen. Duration: d6x10 Minutes.
Crediline (STR 2, 165eb/dose) This drug makes the user more likely to believe anything he is told. While Crediline is in effect, the user feels very happy; everything around him makes sense, and everyone is a trusted friend. After it wears off, the user becomes extremely paranoid. The drug is usually unavailable to anyone except psychiatric doctors, who can utilize it in therapy. It can be found on the black market, and police and intelligence agencies sometimes use it. It is injected. Benefits: Euphoric, STR 2, Duration: d6x10 Mins.
Feint Death Drug (STR 5, 350eb/dose) Feint death drug lowers your heart rate and breathing to a minimum so it can’t be sensors or basic sight. The body temperature also drops to the point where is makes the body seem like it’s dead. This is the perfect drug to get out of jail or to get people who you owe money to get lost because your dead. (well at least that’s what they think) Benefits: You look and feel dead. Duration d10 hours.
LeSade (STR 2, 70eb/dose) Vampire gangs use this drug in their injector fangs. It’s a good aphrodisiac, but on the downside it seriously screws up pleasure-pain signals to the brain. The person under the influence of LeSade enjoys and is turned on by pain. Vampire gang members do not take the stuff themselves – they inject it into their victims. It is also a coagulant and will stop mild blood loss pretty quickly. Benefits: Makes you horny. Makes you feel good (how comes J). Stops bleeding. Duration d10 Minutes.
Neocortine (STR 2, 50eb/dose) This very nasty and powerful hallucinogen was developed as a tool for interrogation. Through some sick, cosmic twist it has ended up as a street drug. Acetrylated neocortine causes the user to have terrifying hallucinations which follow a basic theme which seems to repeat endlessly. Benefits: only if you like terrifying hallucinations; Duration 1d10 Minutes.
Relapse (STR 1, price varies) A drug for the risk-taker, the gambler, and the self-destructive, Relapse is a carrier for any other type of drug. It comes pre-mixed with another drug (heroin, MDA-Cubed, cocaine, Alice, etc.) in colorful, crunchy, candy-coated capsules. Pop one, feel the sour aftertaste, and then nothing … until the chemical trigger inside Relapse goes off, anywhere from hours to days after ingestion. The user might be struck with the carried drug while in a board meeting, making love, operating dangerous equipment, in the middle of combat, or anywhere!
RPM (STR 3, 75eb/dose) RPM stands for I. ribopropylmethionine. This drugs usually comes in a small, square, plastic derm. It can be applied anywhere on the skin. Few people willingly take this drug; it creates horrifying hallucinations which get steadily worse for duration. Not only that, but with every use the drug gradually burns out the user’s central nervous system. Benefits: none. Duration 1d10 Minutes.
Skate (STR 1, 10eb/dose) More powerful then Thrill, Skate is an endurance drug. It temporarily increases the endurance of the user. Its name is derived from the fact that the primary users are skaters and skateboarders. Runners have also been known to use it because it is hard to detect in urinalysis testing. Benefits: Makes you feel good. Endurance+1; Duration d10 hours.
Sandman (STR 3, 600eb/dose) Sandman is the latest in mickey finns — a high-tech, chemically engineered knockout drug. It is available in liquid and aerosol form, and is clear, odorless and nearly tasteless. Though illegal for civilians, it is commonly used by police forces as a Mace or pepper spray substitute, or simply as a convenient way to subdue a target. Benefits: Makes you sleep. Duration: d10 hours.
Stat boosters (STR 1, 562.5eb/day) YOU CAN REWIRE YOUR BODY! You can jack up any of your stats except COOL, TECH, ATTR and EMP by up to +3, although it isn’t cheap. Hormones exist for almost any purpose: boosting muscle strength, improving neural connections, increasing glial cells in the brain, raising silent genes to rewire brain connections. It takes 30 day’s constant treatment to increase a stat by +1. Benefits: Increases a STAT. Duration 1d10x2 Hours.
Truth Serum (STR 3, 300eb/dose) The user looses control over what he says and feels the urge to talk. He will babble out whatever’s on his mind, most likely his family problems. Keep steering the conversation to what you want to know and maybe the victim will tell you. Benefits: Unable to concentrate; CL-6; INT-3; Needs to talk; Duration d10 Minutes.
Zoroaster (STR 3, 180eb/dose) A handy black-and-white capsule is the carrying mechanism for this perception-altering drug. A person under the influence of Zoroaster sees every moral question in black or white terms. When you’re hopped up on “Zorro,” you are right and everyone not actively supporting you is wrong. Benefits: COOL+3. Duration: d10 hours.
From Interface, Issue 3, Vol. 1: fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten
Diamond Four, Foolkiller, Jazz, LeSade, Rambo-7, Sixgun, Skate, Thrill
Author: Sandman
Brainstim (Super NDT), Flash, Warp Drive
Author unknown:
Feint Death Drug, Reality drug
Author: Gary Astleford
Alcohol, Cockroach, CPS-23 (“Asimov’s Magic Candy”), Rabbit, Tobacco, Vanitol (“Johnny Squats”)
Author unknown; redone and fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten:
Dab-hand (sometimes shortened to just dab), Jetwash, Score, Sugar
From the Cyberpunk 2020 Sourcebook fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten:
Black Lace, Blue Glass, Boost, ‘Dorph, Smash, Speedheal, Stim I, Syncomp 15, SynthCoke
From the Hardwired Sourcebook fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten:
Aphrodisiacs, Brown Study, Caffeine Stick, Downers, Endorphin, Hardfire, IQ, IQ II, Nicotine Stick, PCP, Psychedelics, Rock Cocaine, Snapcoke, Speedball, Stat boosters, Truth Serum, Uppers
From the Chromebook 3 fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten:
Prime, Timewarp, Berserker, Sedative, Stim II, Surge, Trauma I
From the “When Gravity Fails” Sourcebook fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten:
Beauties, Neocortine, Paxium, RPM, Sunnies, Tri-Phets
Author: Karsten
Author: Mockery
Crediline, Hypercoagulin, Morphazine, Neurovine, Revive, Retro, Face, Sandman, Sin, Slammer, Rage, Rez, Rezzin, Taz, The Blood Of Christ, Stigmata, Venus-F & Venus-M, Medical Stabilization Agent, LP9, Love Potion #9, Bluebird
From the “Over The Edge” fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Mockery:
Blue Shock, Communion, MDA-Cubed, Relapse, Slo-Mo, Zoroaster
Drug Index:
Alcohol (i.e., Booze, Cold Tea) (STR 3, 3eb/dose)
Aphrodisiacs (STR 1, 18eb/dose)
Black Lace (STR 5, 1240eb/dose)
Blue Shock (STR 3, 180eb/dose)
Brainstim (Super NDT) (STR 4, 6400eb/dose)
Brown Study (STR 2, 108eb/dose)
Caffeine Stick (STR 1, 1eb/dose)
CPS-23 (“Asimov’s Magic Candy”) (STR 3, 15eb/dose)
Diamond Four (STR 2, 675eb/dose)
Feint Death Drug (STR 5, 350eb/dose)
Foolkiller (STR 3, 360eb/dose)
Hypercoagulin (STR 3, 97eb/dose)
LP9, Love Potion #9 (STR 2, 67.5eb/dose)
Medical Stabilization Agent (STR 4, 380eb/dose)
Morphazine (STR 2, 52.5eb/dose)
Neurovine (STR 2, 1000eb/dose)
Nicotine Stick (STR 1, 8eb/dose)
Psychedelics (STR 3, 2eb/dose)
Reality drug (STR 1, 30eb Pill /120eb Derm)
Rez, Rezzin (STR 3, 30eb/dose)
Rock Cocaine (STR 5, 90eb/dose)
Shotgun Shell (STR 4, 50eb/dose)
Speedball (STR 3, 697.5eb/dose)
Stat boosters (STR 1, 562.5eb/day)
Syncomp 15 (STR 3, 97.5eb/dose)
The Blood Of Christ (STR 3, 450-900eb/dose)
Truth Serum (STR 3, 300eb/dose)
Vanitol (“Johnny Squats”) (STR 2, 60eb/dose)
Venus-F & Venus-M (STR 3, 600eb/dose)
Warp Drive (STR 3, 300eb/dose)
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