Using CyberEvolution in CP2020

Using CyberEvolution in CP2020

Author: Dan Bailey
Author’s Note: This is a way to adapt the Carbon Plague (from CyberGeneration) for use in a normal CP2020 campaign. Just in case you don’t like the idea of a 13-year old edgerunner.In 2020, three AIs that had gone rogue, banded together to create Aitech Incorporated, the first corporation headed by AIs and not humans. Their goal was to create nanotech that would bring humanity to a higher level, and hopefully, in the process make them realize the potential of Artificial Intelligences, and thereby grant them the rights they felt they deserved. After nearly two years, they introduced their CyberEvolution line of nanotechnology, which is very difficult to find, and very costly.
To acquire a Major Evolution involves making contact with an Aitech representative, which is a Near Impossible task. To get a Minor Evolution is easier, requiring the Continue reading “Using CyberEvolution in CP2020”

The Gambler – A new Role for Cyberpunk 2020

The Gambler

Author: Karsten

(and yes, I gave myself the permission to publish this. If you want to publish it too, go ahead. I require you to keep my copyright notice intact, and would love get a mail from you to learn about your doings.)

The Gambler

I once saw a film with Robert Redford playing a professional gambler. The setting was Havanna, Cuba, just before Castro overthrew the Batista dictatorship. I don’t know the name of the film in english… Ford smuggled, played poker, fell in love, was engaged in combat – and he solved all the problems he faced in the way of a gambler. Bluffing, threatening, raising the ante till the others dropped the cards. I realised that no character class of the CP 2020 system mirrored that way of dealing with life. Even throu I am almost violently against adding new character classes to the system, I felt the need to create this one. Because its new (and features a new way of looking at problems). Solos shoot problems. Cops arrest them. Dealers deal with them. Techies build a device to overcome them. Gamblers gamble against them. Thats new, and requires a new character class. Continue reading “The Gambler – A new Role for Cyberpunk 2020”

Building Status Table

Building Status Table

If you don’t play in Night City, you usually just grab a map of the city and go for it. But you can determine what happend to individual buildings in that city just by using the following tables. I stole the idea from some guys website ages ago and modified the tables quite often.

Following Modifiers apply
+2 if in the Corp Zone.
+5 if in a protected suburb
-2 if in a small town or village

Apartment Building
1-2 Torn down.
3-8 Vacant.
9-0 Still running but very shoddy. Continue reading “Building Status Table”

Stockmarket Rules for Cyberpunk 2020

Stockmarket – Rules

Author: unknown.
Used to be on JOSE ZAGAL’S site. Published here, because Jose’s Site is long gone.

Making an Investment

Players wishing to invest money in the Night City stock market need only get in touch by cellphone and express their dsire to do so. They must then decide which corporation they will put their money into and decide how much money they desire to part with. Investments are made in amounts that are multiples of 100eb. Players need to realize that they must at this moment pay the commission , an amount equal to 10% of the total amount invested. Continue reading “Stockmarket Rules for Cyberpunk 2020”

Revised Skill List For Cyberpunk 2020

Revised Skill List For Cyberpunk 2020


This article discusses a steamlined list of skills for Cyberpunk 2020. It adresses the problematic list of science skills (who ever took Anthropology?), the rather pointless “Shadow/Track” and “Hide/Evade” skils and other problems. It also introduces a flexible combination of skill and stat: REF+Handgun to shoot, INT+Handgun to know about handguns, TECH+Handgun to repair it…

Author: Marc Brenowitz (brenown (at) and Ross “Spyke” Winn (spyke-rew (at) Used with kind permission
Based on ideas from the skills section of the article “SPYKE’S EDGE, essays and rule modifications for Cyberpunk 2020,” by Ross “Spyke” Winn and discussions with Ross Winn.

New Skill List

Special Abilities

Special Ability skills should also act as a professional (expert) skill based on Intelligence.
Floating Skills (the adds from this skill can be assigned to a stat as needed)
Athletics (moved from Ref skills, and see additional notes below)
(Ross adds: MY POINT IS THAT ANY skill should be usable by ANY stat in a situation where the referee feels it is appropriate–I think this should be vague and unquantified.) Marc: True, and that opens a whole new can of worms. Continue reading “Revised Skill List For Cyberpunk 2020”

Lairs for Ocelots Cyberpunk 2020 Character Generation System


Author: unknown.

This article is an add-on to Ocelot’s Alternate Charater Generation System and offers you the additional advantage of a secure lair.

Everyone needs a good hiding place. Even edgerunners. This system is designed to work with Ocelots alternate character creation supplement. So you had better be using it, if you plan on using this in your campaign. The cost is calculated by taking the base cost security and then multiple it by the other factors. This is the base cost in SP for this particular lair. Multiple lairs can be purchased just like the first one, costing the same amount of SP as before. The minimum cost is 1 SP point. Continue reading “Lairs for Ocelots Cyberpunk 2020 Character Generation System”

Advertising Chipware in Cyberpunk 2020



“Promises, large promises, is the soul of advertising… I cannot but propose it as a moral question to these masters of the public ear, whether they do not sometimes play too wantonly with our passions.”
– Samuel Johnson

All advertising, whether it lies in the field of business or politics, will carry success by continuity and regular uniformity of application.”
– Adolf Hitler



We all love it. We all use it. It’s a way of life, neh? Learn Japanese without taking a single class. Shoot that IMI like a real pro. Understand a simple topic such as, say, quantum physics by just chipping some MRAM into your chipware port.

Simple. Clean. Readily available. But not cheap. Oh, no, not cheap at all.

For lazy cyberpunks with few skill points to spare, chipware sockets and MRAM and APTR chips are a godsend. They allow someone to know the rudimentary knowledge of a topic or technique in a matter of days (for APTR), or in the case of MRAM, microseconds.

However, the costs of high level skill chips can be prohibitive to your average ‘punker off the street. The typical cyberpunk has to worry about rudimentary things, such as weapons, cyberware, fashionable clothes (armored or non-armored), cyberdecks and software, vehicles, and sleeping space. If he’s got a few euro left over, he’s buying a bag of nacho-flavored kibble and a beer in some seedy bar down town. Who’s got the cash for chipware? Continue reading “Advertising Chipware in Cyberpunk 2020”

Ocelot's Alternate Character Generation System for Cyberpunk 2020


Version 3.3, last updated 7.17.02. A spanish translation can be found here.

by Gary Astleford


The following information details an alternate character creation process designed for use with Cyberpunk 2020. It incorporates new rules for buying skills, creating older characters, an advantage and disadvantage system, and a new way to figure out starting funds. Character roles are not used. This will allow responsible players more flexibility with character creation.

Any part of this system can be adapted for GMs and players who wish to keep using the regular CP2020 system roles. The elimination of roles is not an essential part of this system, although it is an important step, and the rest of this variation will assume that they are not in use. Feel free to use whichever parts you feel comfortable with.

This edition (version 3.3) has been updated slightly. This is reflected in a more standardized cost system for advantages and disadvantages, as well as several new advads and disads. Many of the old advantages and disadvantages have been reworked and/or clarified. Some of the lifepath details have been altered slightly, and I’ve made a few additions. Overall, things work just like they used to. There’s just a little bit more to work with. Continue reading “Ocelot's Alternate Character Generation System for Cyberpunk 2020”

Cyberpunk 2020 Charactersheet von Michael

Michael hat diesen Bogen mit OpenOffice erstellt und hier freundlicherweise zur Verfügung gestellt. Wäre ja auch schade, nachdem er soviel Arbeit reingesteckt hat, dass die schöne Zeit ja umsonst wäre, wenn den keiner sonst benutzen würde.

Michael hat aus Ocelots Generierungsregeln die Vor- und Nachteile übernommen. Ausserden hat er einige Talente gestrichen (vor allem im Bereich REF und INT), andere neu erfunden, bei anderen das zugehörige Attribut geändert:

  • Leichtathlethik in KPB, etwas aufgespalten mit Klettern und Werfen,
  • statt Show Schauspielen und Singen
  • Stehlen unter REF,

Zum Schluss gibt es noch eine praktische Regelübersicht.

So und hier kann man ihn herunterladen: Michaels Cyberpunk 2020 Charakterbogen

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