Corporate Fashion from Mutant Chronicles converted to Cyberpunk 2020
Author: Mockery
If you’re a corporate in Cyberpunk 2020, it seems as though your only clothing options are the generic “Businesswear” Fashion Modifier in the CP2020 rulebook, p. 68, or the more expensive “Tanaka Exec Line” from Chromebook 1, p. 63. Hell, even the techies have the “Masetto Tech Clothing” line (Chromebook 3, p. 7-9), so why should you be stuck with discount duds from the Men’s Fashion Warehouse?
So, I present these clothing conversions from Mutant Chronicles. I’m of two minds about Mutant Chronicles: on the one hand, it comes from the makers of Kult, one of the freakiest horror games I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading. On the other hand, it subscribes to the “big guns-bigger shoulderpads” mentality present in Warhammer 40K. Expecting nothing more than man-portable chainguns, I was quite surprised to find this little gem of corporate fashion nestled in between the mega-rifles and electrified claymores. Continue reading “Corporate Fashion from Mutant Chronicles converted to Cyberpunk 2020”