Greetings vom Raben-AAS + Goodie

Danke an Karsten für die Blumen und für die Einladung, hier mitbloggen zu dürfen.

Ein Werbehinweis in eigener Sache: Mein Cyberpunk d6 Projekt auf Basis von Cyb3rpunk, Infos zu meinem Shadowrun Projekt und weiteren -äh- Kram findet ihr hier:

Als Start ins neue Jahr hab ich aber diese beiden Goodies hier mitgebracht, die – ich wiederhole mich, und werde dies noch sehr häufig tun – erstens beweist, dass Cyberpunk HEUTE ist, und die zweitens eine Inspiration für Cyberpunk-Settings aller Art (aber besonders Cyb3rpunk) sind:

[youtube iaKehq6qsdY]

Nach dem gleichen Prinzip dieser Bar existiert übrigens bereits auch eine Diskothek (mit interaktiver Tanzfläche und Wand- sowie Deckenprojektionen). Willkommen in der Zukunft. Continue reading “Greetings vom Raben-AAS + Goodie”

Was ist Cyb3rpunk?

Ich habe die Ehre [hier sich langsam steigernden Trommelwirbel einfügen], mit RabenAAS einen neuen Autor für dieses Blog zu präsentieren [Trommelwirbel endet in ohrenbetäubendem Crescendo]. Sein Projekt Cyb3erpunk ist der Versuch, die Technik und das Setting aus dem Cyberpunk 2020 Regelwerk werktreu so umzuschreiben, dass es den heutigen Stand der Entwicklung berücksichtigt. Ein Beispiel ist das iSpy, über das ich hier schon mal berichtete. Er wird sein Werk (und was ihm sonst so einfällt) hier posten und freut sich sehr über Kommentare, auch kritische. Seine Sachen sind in der Kategorie Cyb3erpunk abgelegt, einfach drauf klicken und sehen was von ihm stammt. Bis jetzt stammen von ihm:

New free Cyberpunk 2020 Sourcebook

Deric Bernier (and his helpers) managed to publish an impressive online cyberpunk 2020 Sourcebook for South and Central America, Conflict II.

It’s great! Everything you need to know to run adventures in the jungles of the Americas,

I’m most impressed with the amazing detail of the sourcebook, the lifepath and they even thought of random encounter tables to help the GM with slow moments! From Derics “advertising”:

Well folks, I am pleased to announce, THE CURSE IS BROKEN. After exactly 361 days of work, and a collaborative effort of 6 writers, and 20 other contributors, Conflict II: The Central And South American sourcebook. That’s right, from the only site that could possibly do it justice, the long awaited project is finally finished and available to you. Detailing every country in the region, the people, the resources, the wildlife, travel, and more, the Sourcebook also sets the stage for the Third South American War. With full descriptions of all the major armed forces involved including detailed weapon and equipment lists for the U.S., EDF, Neo-Soviet, Chinese, Mexican, Militech, Arasaka, Argentina, Chile, ICMF, and the South American Alliance armed forces. It also contains information on the Media presence covering the conflict as well as a more detailed look at the previous wars and a Journal of the Long Walk. There are even Lifepath charts and Random Encounter tables to make the experience complete. More than just a sequel to Conflict: Africa, this sourcebook is twice the size and much more detailed and comprehensive.

Link: Conflict II: Sourcebook for South and Central America.

Cyberpunk Lifestyles

Hier eine optionale Regel-Idee zum Thema “Lifestyle oder wie man die Charaktere seiner Spieler dazu bringt, zwischen zwei Modulen genug Geld zu verblasen, um einen neuen Job auch bei mieser Bezahlung annehmen zu müssen.

Ein cyb3rpunk hat Ausgaben abseits von dem, was der Spieler sich aus den Chromebooks zusammenschreibt. Diese laufenden Ausgaben realistisch zu erfassen und individuell anzupassen, ist ein unglaublicher Pain in the Ass. Daher werden im Folgenden „Packages“ vorgestellt, die mit einer monatlichen Flatrate abgedeckt sind. Kann oder will ein Punk seine Flatrate nicht bezahlen, aber will er am gewählten Package festhalten, werden die Fehlbeträge als Schulden notiert. Die der SL dann als Ansatzpunkt für weitere Abenteuer nehmen kann.

Optional dazu kann der Punk natürlich auch auf ein anderes Package überwechseln, das mehr seinem Finanzrahmen entspricht. WICHTIG: Will ein Punk im Spiel von einem Package zu einem besseren „hochwechseln“, muss er zusätzliche „Eintrittskosten“ in Höhe von 6 Monats-Flatrates des neuen Packages aufwenden. Dies reflektiert seine Kosten für Basisausstattung, Möbel, Umzugswagen, Provisionen, Bestechungsgelder etc.

zero | 0 eb
Der Lebensstil der Gescheiterten, mit denen man sich nicht abgeben möchte. Quasi nur hauchzart über dem Stand einer Küchenschabe. Und im Gegensatz zu 2020 ist es 2035+ extremst UNCOOL, wie eine abgeranzte Ratte auszusehen. Egal, welcher Szene man angehört.

Hier wohnst du: Nirgendwo (mobiler Lebensstil) Continue reading “Cyberpunk Lifestyles”

Cyberpunk Band Names?

The AV Club has a list of the worst bandnames of 2007

its great fodder if you need to compile some kind of Top 10 list or being asked by your players whats on the radio. Also, remember that Boosters are music fans gone hooligan. So they need bands to adore, too. I selected my top names, but check out the original post for lots more.

William Gibsons take on giving a city description shames my GM skills


Here in my Akasaka hotel, I can’t sleep. I get dressed and walk to Roppongi, through a not-unpleasantly humid night in the shadows of an exhaust-stained multilevel expressway that feels like the oldest thing in town. Roppongi is an interzone, the land of gaijin bars, always up late. I’m waiting at a pedestrian crossing when I see her. She’s probably Australian, young and quite serviceably beautiful. She wears very expensive, very sheer black undergarments, and little else, save for some black outer layer – equally sheer, skintight, and microshort – and some gold and diamonds to give potential clients the right idea. She steps past me, into four lanes of traffic, conversing on her phone in urgent Japanese. Traffic halts obediently for this triumphantly jaywalking gaijin in her black suede spikes. I watch her make the opposite curb, the brain-cancer deflector on her slender little phone swaying in counterpoint to her hips. When the light changes, I cross, and watch her high-five a bouncer who looks like Oddjob in a Paul Smith suit, his skinny lip beard razored with micrometer precision. There’s a flash of white as their palms meet. Folded paper. Junkie origami.

William Gibson is god. The bits of text are from a piece he wrote for Wired, the cyberpunk geek monthly.

Special Shotgun Loads for Cyberpunk 2020

Special Shotgun Loads

Author: Hound Taken with permission from: The Blackhammer CyberPunk Project

Editorial Note:

I still use the concept of multiple hits from shotgun blasts at medium/long range that was introduced in Friday Night Firefight 2013. This means that my shotguns are a lot deadlier at short range (where one person takes the whole shot), but less deadly at longer ranges (where the damage is spread out across several areas). Where prices are not listed for both 10 and 12 gauge, the price is for 12g, 10g costs 50% more.
Whenever a munition says it hits 2 locations, roll on the following hit location table (from Friday Night Firefight 2013):

Roll location location
1 L.Arm Torso
2 Torso R.Arm
3 Head Torso
4 Torso Head
5 R.Leg L.Leg
6 L.Leg R.Leg
7 R.Arm Torso
8 Torso L.Arm
9-0 Torso Torso

Continue reading “Special Shotgun Loads for Cyberpunk 2020”

The Big Book of Drugs for Cyberpunk 2020

The Big Book of DrugsTM for Cyberpunk 2020

[This article contains real and fictional drugs to be used with the Cyberpunk 2020 roleplaying game. The author does not advice condone the use of real drugs. Using drugs as a topic in a roleplaying game should used be resposibly. See the licence at the end of this article.]

The More Then Complete List of Drugs for Cyberpunk

Hi. A friend told me to see you. I hear you need stuff, right?

Sure, yes, all right. Don’t be so shy, chombatta. Keep cool. This little thingy makes it impossible to overhear us. Relax! But then you don’t look like you are after Dowers. I guess you need Speed, Man. Am I right? I have it all. ALL. You just need to tell me what you want.

– at a corner near you.

This is the ultimate and complete “BIG BOOK OF DRUGS” based on Ocelot’s Drug Lab 101. I guess it can be used with normal Cyberpunk 2020, too. Check it out!

Your characters won’t use drugs? They read the drugs in the Cyberpunk 2020 Rulebook and said: “No way?” Shock ’em. Give your Boosters all those nice REF-boosting drugs. As NPCs they don’t really have to worry about side effects. If little 10-year-old Billy high on Lace is faster then the partys solo, your players will reconsider… Especially if little Bill is one hell of a shooter with his boosted REF…

Click here to see BIG BOOK OF DRUGS

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons-Licence

The Humble Smartlink Revisited

The Humble Smartlink Revisited

[This article deals with the benefits and problems of directly plugging a gun into your nervous system – what probably every cyberpunk PC everywhere does all the time.]

Author: Chris Lupton.
Taken without permission from his site at (now dead). It pains me to violate his copyright, but the article is just to good to let it be forgotten. I’m sorry Chris and hope you approve what I do here.

The History of and Information about Smartguns

Advanced Systems


The first smartgun systems were developed independently by the US and German militaries in the 1990s. By 2001, smartguns had been adopted by several corporations and were beginning to appear on the street. The US military created the Milspec Smartgun Standard (MSS1) in 2003, after disastrous compatibility problems amongst the smartguns used in central America caused embarrassing problems and several fatalities. Today, almost every smartsystem in the world conforms to this standard. To ignore it means ignoring the large profits to be made selling smartlinks to the US military. In 2013 an improved standard (MSS2) was released, though it has yet to be universally adopted. The army considered it too expensive for its benefits and has yet to make compliance a requirement in weapons trials.The MSS1 standard was essentially very simple. It defined the data protocol between the smartgun and the neuralware smartlink, in terms of required and optional information/functions. This meant that one smartgun link mounted in a neuralware processor or smartgoggles could interpret the data from any smartlinked weapon. Continue reading “The Humble Smartlink Revisited”