The AV Club has a list of the worst bandnames of 2007
its great fodder if you need to compile some kind of Top 10 list or being asked by your players whats on the radio. Also, remember that Boosters are music fans gone hooligan. So they need bands to adore, too. I selected my top names, but check out the original post for lots more.
- The Color Fred
- Mental Afro
- The Asbestos Tampons
- Poets & Pornstars
- Baboon Torture Division
- Penguins With Shotguns
- Electric Vagina
- Dumpstapunk
- Felonious Funk
- Funkface
- Punk As A Doornail
- Capitalist Hippie Complex
- Earth Dies Screaming (Described as “8-bit music that would make your ears vomit.” And they’re looking to be signed!)
- Temple Of Brutality
- Beneath The Massacre
- Enjoy The Massacre
- Desecrate The Hour
- Cry Of The Afflicted
- Bullet Called Life
- Mankind Is Obsolete
- The Liar Dies
- With Blood Comes Cleansing
I’m going to use “Mankind Is Obsolete” “Temple Of Brutality” and “Dumpstapunk” in my coming “War of the bands” rockerboy campaign. Its going to end in a murderous band contest without rules…
Electric Vagina is rather catchy
Earth Dies Screaming is great. Great Band name AND Great Music.