Cyb3rpunk | Style Trends 2035+


Hello and welcome to this month’s edition of streetstyle – the attitude guide that yo can’t afford to miss. We here at global style watch the trends. And ask the street: What’s hot? What’s not?

Digittoos – Artificial-looking body alterations are out. Leave those to the sad sods who still rant on about the glorious days when they were “Cyberpunks” in the 2020ies. Today’s look is all about self-evolution. About making a statement of progress right in Darwin’s wrinkled face. At first, I was a little surprised when I discovered that even “old” technologies like Philips’ Electronic Tattoos are now all the rage in the clubs. But like it is often the case with “revamped” tech, it’s not the tech that counts, it’s the style. Continue reading “Cyb3rpunk | Style Trends 2035+”

Hello Kitty craze – the female 'punk no longer wears leather

Damn, wasn’t I in love with tough Molly Millions when I read William Gibsons Neuromancer for the first time. Implanted Mirrorshades, Rippers under the fingernails and tight leather pants… he defined the look of tough ladies for ages. But these days, a girl with crowd approval needs to be cute. Even if you are a cyberpunk. Especially, if you’re a cyberpunk!

But we from are well aware of the difficulties to brave a dangerous dystopian world and look cute while firing an fully automated shotgun at a gang of cybercrazed boosters. We gave you the Hello Kitty assault rifle, a Hello Kitty handgun, and more pink guns than you can shake a stick at. But we realize that a gun is not the only fashion statement the female punk can make. You ladies are usually very interested in your fingernails, so we can help you there.

If that’s overdoing for you, check out these Hello Kitty Contact Lenses – they really freak me out!

Depending on the change in your pocket, there is cheaper or more expensive transport available for you. As you can see, the Hello Kitty franchise keeps the girl punk covered: Look cute while being deadlier then Molly Millions ever was!

Electronic Tattoos

I’ve talked about tattoos here before, namely on DNA Tattoos and a Genetic Hallmark. That stuff is far future at the moment compared to the electronic tattoo in the vid. Don’t know how much of the vid is fake, but its supposed to be a touch sensitive electronic tattoo. Check out the great and creepy music.

[youtube fW0BZsOcZZE]

Genetic Hallmark for Cyberpunk 2020

This is the tech Deckert used in Bladerunner to identify the snake…

Hallmark (10,000eb and up)

Also from SLA Industires, Hallmarks are incorporated into a subject’s gene structure and manifest as distinctive tattoos, birthmarks, logos, or other markings on the skin. They are functionally identical to a DNA tattoo, but Hallmarks manifest on the subject’s descendants, rather than on the subject himself. Implanting Hallmarks is an extremely difficult and expensive process (30+, requiring Expert: Genetics to even attempt it). Hallmarks are used to indicate lineage (in the case of genetically optimized corporate families) or place of manufacture (for bioengineered animals). HC=1D6/2, SC=MA.

DNA Tattoos for Cyberpunk 2020

DNA Tattoos (1000eb and up)

From SLA Industries, the DNA tattoo is a design which has been permanently incorporated into the body’s skin structure. Like a normal tattoo, it becomes a permanent feature of the skin; unlike a normal tattoo, it will regrow if damaged. Extensive or major wounds which cause heavy scarring will distort the tattoos, but simple cuts, scrapes, or burns will not affect the design. Plastic surgery may be able to repair serious damage with a Difficult Med Tech roll. These tattoos require genetic modification and, like Exotic Skinchanges, have a small chance of causing skin cancer (5%). HC=2, SC=M.

Corporate Fashion from Mutant Chronicles converted to Cyberpunk 2020

Corporate Fashion from Mutant Chronicles converted to Cyberpunk 2020

Author: Mockery

If you’re a corporate in Cyberpunk 2020, it seems as though your only clothing options are the generic “Businesswear” Fashion Modifier in the CP2020 rulebook, p. 68, or the more expensive “Tanaka Exec Line” from Chromebook 1, p. 63. Hell, even the techies have the “Masetto Tech Clothing” line (Chromebook 3, p. 7-9), so why should you be stuck with discount duds from the Men’s Fashion Warehouse?

So, I present these clothing conversions from Mutant Chronicles. I’m of two minds about Mutant Chronicles: on the one hand, it comes from the makers of Kult, one of the freakiest horror games I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading. On the other hand, it subscribes to the “big guns-bigger shoulderpads” mentality present in Warhammer 40K. Expecting nothing more than man-portable chainguns, I was quite surprised to find this little gem of corporate fashion nestled in between the mega-rifles and electrified claymores. Continue reading “Corporate Fashion from Mutant Chronicles converted to Cyberpunk 2020”

Clothing, Armor and Style for Cyberpunk 2020

Clothing, Armor and Style for Cyberpunk 2020

Author: Hound, taken with permission from: The BlackHammer CyberPunk Project

Memory Plastic Combat Suit (by SlamHound!)

When a specific electrical current is flowing it, this Combat Suit looks like a flight suit due to it’s composition of a memory ceramic/plastic polymer held together by cotton and kevlar-elastic. (SP 5 EV 0) When the power (supplied through several strip batteries in the lower back region) is turned off, the polymer reverts to its natural solid state (SP 27 EV 1). When the suit is first purchased it has to be “trained” or fitted by wearing the suit and putting your body though any possible movement you can think of. The suit learns your movements and shape and keeps the EV down. This means that if you try an unfitted suit or someone else’s suit you suffer an EV +3 and lose one off your MA. Continue reading “Clothing, Armor and Style for Cyberpunk 2020”

Artificial Sweat Glands

I love this piece of cyberware from Mockery‘s

Artificial Sweat Glands� � (350eb)

“I just can’t get close to a man if he smells…”

Never use deodorant sticks or cologne again! Nanoids designed to rebuild your sweat glands are injected into your body. The structure of your pores and sweat glands is altered, enabling them to produce a sterile, cologne-like substance that is anything but offensive. How would you like to sweat your favorite cologne or perfume? Many options are availiable, including most designer fragrances, as well as simple odors (baby powder, floral, or spice, to name a few). Raise your hand if you’re sure! HC = 1 pt. Surgery Code = N. ID Code = ASG.

SMART COSMETICS for Cyberpunk 2020

SMART COSMETICS for Cyberpunk 2020

[The following article details some cosmetic products with a high tech factor. A good moodsetting device for a game set in the future. I just corrected some typos.]

Author: unknown.

Smart cosmetics are a hot new item in the beauty salons of the world. At the moment Cybercosmetica dominates this market but smaller competitors are starting to emerge with high-tech products.

Cybercosmetica PerfectTone Cream

This product utilises glass bead technology to bend the light as it hits the face, allowing those with damaged or discoloured skin to create the illusion of perfect skin tone in 3D. 100EB a pot (10 uses). This product allows characters whose attractiveness has been reduced by damage to the face to restore their previous attractiveness rating on a simple Disguise roll. Continue reading “SMART COSMETICS for Cyberpunk 2020”

Panzerungstabelle aus dem englischen Regelwerk Cyberpunk 2020

Panzerungstabelle aus dem englischen Regelwerk Cyberpunk 2020

Author: Mike Pondsmith.
Übersetzung: Blechpirat

Aus dem englischsprachigen Regelwerk (2. Version, überarbeitete 2. Auflage, die mit den Bildern aus Italien) ergibt sich eine Regel zu dem übereinander tragen von gepanzerten Kleidungsstücken. Sie lautet:

Vergleiche die unterste Panzerung mit der darüber. Nimm den höheren Panzerungswert, und ziehe den niedrigeren davon ab. Vergleiche die Differenz auf dieser Tabelle:

Differenz Bonus
0-4 5
5-8 4
9-14 3
15-20 2
21-26 1
27+ 0

Zähle den Bonus zu dem höheren Panzerungswert hinzu. Wenn noch eine dritte Schicht Panzerung da ist, wird der berechnete Panzerungswert mit der dritten Schicht verglichen, die Tabelle dazu befragt, und der Bonus wird wieder zum höheren Panzerungswert hinzugezählt. Mehr als drei Lagen Panzerung ist unmöglich. Dieser Vorgang wird für jede Trefferzone des PCs wiederholt.

Außerdem wird (zusätzlich zu der Behinderung, den die Panzerung etwa schon mitbringt (Mittlere Panzerjacke = -1) ein weiter Punkt für die zweite Lage, und dann noch 2 Punkte für die dritte Lage von den Reflexen abgezogen. Skinweave (Hautverstärker) wird dabei nicht mitberechnet.


Ripperjack hat Reflexe von 8 und trägt ein Kevlar T-Shirt (10 SP), eine Leichte Panzerjacke (14 SP) und eine Schwere Panzerjacke (20 SP).

Am Torso:
Die Differenz zwischen den beiden unteren Panzerungen (14 und 10) ist 4. Das ergibt nach der Tabelle einen Bonus von 5. Der wird zur höheren Panzerung dazugezählt: 14 + 5 = 19 SP. Darüber kommt noch die Schwere Panzerjacke mit 20 SP. Wieder die Differenz zwischen 20 und 19 (der berechnete Panzerungswert für die beiden unteren Lagen gemeinsam) bilden: 1. Bonus beträgt also 5. Höherer Wert + Bonus: 20+5 = 25. Am Torso hat Rippejack als 25 Punkte Panzerung. (Nach dem alten System hätte er 34 Punkte gehabt.)
An den Armen:
Das T-Shirt wirkt hier nicht, daher 20-14= 6, Bonus also 4. 20+4 = 24…

Sein Reflexverlust beträgt: 2 für die Schwere Jacke, +1 für eine zweite Lage, +2 für eine dritte Lage = 5. Kein Spaß. Ripperjack hat jetzt nur noch 3 Reflexpunkte.

Nelly ist cleverer. Sie hat auch Reflexe 8, hat Hautverstärker mit 10 Punkten (damit sie nicht riskiert, Attraktivität zu verlieren) und trägt eine leichte Panzerjacke.

Die Differenz zwischen den Panzerungen ist (14-10) 4, der Bonus daher 5. Der höhere Panzerungswert ist 14 + den Bonus von 5 ergibt 19, Reflexverlust beträgt 0.

Falls es noch Fragen dazu gibt, meldet euch in den Kommentaren!

Vielen Dank an Dreamdealer, der mir die Tabelle zugemailt hat und Yw376, der sie nicht kannte.

Die Rückstoßregeln aus Morgan Blackhand’s Street Weapons.