Cyb3rpunk | Neue Roles & Characters

cyb3rpunk wird mit den Regeln von Cyberpunk von R. Talsorian Games gespielt. Es wird aber niemand erschossen, der das Setting mit Cybrpunk v3, Cybergeneration, Bubble Gum Crisis, GURPS Cyberpunk, Shadowrun oder D20 spielt.

Cyb3rpunk weicht aber in einigen wenigen Punkten vom CP2020-Regelwerk ab. Diese betreffen vor allem die Charaktererschaffung sowie die Regeln zum Netrunning.

Natürlich können diese alternativen Regeln auch für “normale” Cyberpunk Spiele verwendet werden.

■ Charaktere mit mehreren Roles. Nimmt man es genau, ist die absolute Exklusivität der Spezialfertigkeit jeder Role nicht 100% überzeugend. Warum sollte Dirty Harry z.B. nicht ebenso eine Polizeimarke wie geile Solo-Kampffertigkeit haben? Bei cyb3rpunk ist es möglich, mehrere Roles zu haben. Die Spezialfertigkeiten werden wie jede andere Fertigkeit bei Charaktererschaffung gewählt (als berufsfremde Fertigkeiten (Pickup Skills)) und/oder später wie jede andere Skill gesteigert. Einzige Einschränkung: Die Summe aller Spezialfertigkeiten darf niemals mehr als 10 sein, und 1 Spezialfertigkeit muss höher als alle anderen sein (diese bestimmt dann, zu welcher Szene der Charakter gehört und was er hauptsächlich ist). Bezogen auf das Beispiel Dirty Harry der Solo-Cop könnte dieser somit krasser als jeder Normalcop ballern und fighten, dafür aber niemals zum Polizeichef aufsteigen. Jede Spezialfertigkeiten-Kombination muss durch den SL abgenickt werden (und sollte natürlich stimmig sein). Continue reading “Cyb3rpunk | Neue Roles & Characters”

Cyb3rpunk | Identicards

Identicards fungieren stets auch gleichzeitig als Kreditkarte und unterscheiden sich nach Stufe (Level) sowie danach, welche Personenmerkmale direkt auf der Karte gespeichert sind (und demzufolge bei Erteilung der Karte in jedem Fall Eingang in die Zentralregistratur finden):

(S)ignature, (F)ingerprint, (H)andprint, (R)etinaprint, (V)oiceprint, (G)eneprint (DNA-Profil).

Das Format der im Folgenden geschilderten Karten ist demzufolge:

[Name] – [Personenmerkmale] – [mtl. Kosten] – [Kreditrahmen (max. Auszahlung/Zinssatz bei Belastung]] – [Fälschungs-Schwierigkeit/Reputationsbonus]

Es ist absolut möglich, mehrere IdentiCards zu besitzen, und tatsächlich haben die meisten Normalbürger 2-3 verschiedene IdentiCards, um an die jew. an die Karte geknüpften Vorteile zu kommen (z.B. Rabatte beim Erwerb von Leistungen des Sponsors, Zugang zu Sponsoren-Fitnessclubs oder -Freizeiteinrichtungen etc.). Der Reputationsbonus bedeutet, dass eine Karte aufgrund bestimmter Merkmale Zugang zu den Leistungen eines höheren oder auch niedrigeren Levels gibt. Ein Beispiel hierfür wäre eine per Kauf erwerbbare IdentiCard eines Sponsors, der besonders strenge Maßstäbe daran anlegt, wem er die Karte aushändigt.
Wichtig: Sobald man eine Identicard besitzt, sind deren Berechtigungen auch per mit ihr verbundenen Personenmerkmalen abzulesen. Wer z.B. eine Card mit (V)oiceprint hat, kann also auch per Stimme zahlen.

■ [lev0] Zeroes. Personen ohne IdentiCard bzw. ohne Akte/SIN in der Central Registry werden als Zero bezeichnet. Zeros sind nicht geschäftswürdig und damit von Continue reading “Cyb3rpunk | Identicards”

New (Dis-)Advantages for Ocelots Character Generation System

New (Dis-)Advantages for Ocelots Character Generation System

Author: Hound, used with permission.

This article is based on Ocelots Character Generation System, to be found here.

Motorcycle: 1 SPs

Basic Bike

Good Motorcycle 2 SPs

Harley ThunderGod, Max Metal Bikes Continue reading “New (Dis-)Advantages for Ocelots Character Generation System”

Human Shields in Cyberpunk 2020

Human Shields in Cyberpunk 2020

Author: sparky.

The asshole attacked me with a back hand. I swung my right arm and connected with his kidney. He promptly buckled with a scream. That was when I saw his partner with the Assault Rifle. ‘Shit. This is going to be a bad day.’ I thought. As his partner raised the muzzle of the weapon to point it at me I acted. I reached and grabbed the punk I’d just nailed by the back of the shirt and held him in front of me just as his parter opened with a three round burst. The bullets made wet smacks as they pummeled the body in front of me. After the guy fired I pulled out my AMT and blew his fool head off, and left the shield to die in a pool of blood.
Johnny Walker – Militech

Some times you are looking down a barrel with no where to go. So what do you do? You attempt to find cover. And in some close range fire fights the best cover around can be the bodies of living or dead people. I know, it harks back to memories of Arnold riding the escalator up and using a human shield against fully automatic weapons. Pretty cool, a little messy, but pretty cool.

Well, guess what. I was CC’d with a message for Rajeen Nabid and the message had a direct quote for RTG on how this would be done! So here it is a little more fleshed out and taking armor into account. (Which believe it or not, is actually easy.)
Here we go!

Human Shield

SP = Body Type Modifier (BTM)

SDP = 4xBody (i.e. Body of 7 = 28 (7×4=28)

These are estimates from RTG (pretty good ones too). An unarmored shield would have these types of values. And for all intents and purposes this would be treated as cover. Damage that penetrates the SP of the Shield will be passed on to the SDP of the body (4xBODY). So if the person has a high body there is a lot of damage that can be stopped. But, once the Shields SDP are reduced to zero the shield ins no longer effective and you are also wearing a large portion of the shield as there won’t be much left.

Now, “Great!” you’re saying. “Next time I get my self into a fire fight… I’ll just grab the first person I see and use them as cover!” Well, it does work that easily for dead or unconscious shields. But, it’s a different story when that shield is still conscious and alive! If the person you wish to hide behind is not incapacitated you must first make a grapple roll to grab the person. Once you have grappled the person you may hold him in front of you. You must also roll a grapple roll every turn you wish to use him/her so long as they are alive and awake.

Armored Shields

Now What do you do if you have armor on the shield. I use the RTG armor Layering rules for the body only! The shield does not count towards armor layering because it is actually treated as cover and not armor! This is what I came up with.Now, the first step is to figure the total SP of the Human Shield. This can be done by using the rules for armor laying (Which can be found on (At least….That’s where I found them on the net)).

The way this works is first find the SP of the armor that the shield is wearing and the SP of the body (BTM). Subtract the lower of the SP from the larger and cross reference the table. Add the number of the bonus to the LARGER of the SPs. Chances are the low SP of a human body is not going to make much of a difference.

Difference in SPs Bonus Number
0-4 5
5-8 4
9-14 3
15-20 2
21-26 1
27+ 0

Once you have figured the SP of the Shield you are ready. Let the mayhem begin. Here’s an example to illustrate the point.


John Doe is using a human shield. The BTM of the shield is +2 so the SP of the shield is 2. The shield is wearing a Kevlar T-Shirt (SP-10). Subtract 2 from 10 to get 8. Cross referencing the table we see that he gets a bonus of +4. This number is added to the LARGER of the two SPs to give 14SP. The target must take over 14 points of damage for the SDP of the target to take any damage. Makes for a pretty good shield huh? John Doe is being shot at by Punk Boy. Punk Boy is using a heavy SMG. He fires and hits the Human shield. He rolls for his damage and gets 17 points. The armor of the Shield stops 14 of it the other three go through to the SDP of the shield. The shield has a body of 8 so the shield can take 32 points of damage before being reduced to so much chopped liver. John Doe has a good thing going. Unless Punk Boy pulls out the big guns.

So, as you can see there are a lot of good benefits to having a human shield. Thanks for the idea!