Robot Tank guided by an Xbox 360

DARPA (who accidently invented the internet) has spend millions to create autonomous vehicles. Their newest toy is the crusher:

Crusher Robot Vehicle
Carnegie Mellon University/National Robotics Engineering Center

Itf weighs nearly 7 tons, has a top speed of about 25 mph (its engine is a diesel from a VW Jetta!) and is designed to be totally autonomous, but can be operated remotely if necessary, writes.

It can go from one point to another useing its GPS sensors and internal maps to plot out a route. Only obstacles over six feet tall or deep force it to detour. With a camera it can spot troops 4 kilometers away.

[Otherwise, its a nerds dream. You] “drive” it with controllers for racing video games. A hacked Apple iPhone gives remote updates of the Crusher’s internal diagnostics. And a standard Xbox 360 controller raises the mast antenna, rotates the cameras and, given the situation, fires the weapons.

Good job news for xbox gamers, I would say.

Have a look at the vids.

Cyberpunk Art 4

marc taro holmes is a great artist and fellow user. Always on the prowl for some pics to help find the right mood in a cyberpunk 2020 rpg session, here are some very useful (and beautiful) ones:

Faces This picture can be found at art theft as exercise and immediately inspired several NPCs and a character concept. Great work!
China Town SF Chinatown is a cool background for Triad action! Some more pictures (and this one) in greater resolution are to be found at 17th international sketchcrawl! Chinatown SF

Programming 107

Programming 107

CLASS: Anti-Personnel COST: 11,250eb
FUNCTION(S): Anti-Personnel
OPTION(S): Movement Ability, Recognition, Conversational Ability, Pseudo-Intellect, Contextural Icon
COST MULTIPLIER: x25 (Anti-Personnel x25)
ICON: A lovely young woman dressed in an elegant evening gown and the snakes that pose as her hair pulled back into a topknot. She speaks with a sultry voice, alluring the ‘runner to glance upon her magnificient beauty.
DATA: This was truly an interesting program to put together. She does 8d6 points of damage to the ‘runner while turning him/her Icon into a stone statue that will remain in the matrix where it was frozen.
CLASS: Anti-Personnel COST: 7,000eb
FUNCTION(S): Anti-Personnel
OPTION(S): Contextural Icon
COST MULTIPLIER: x25 (Anti-Personnel x25)
ICON: Whatever you’re afraid of, this program will construct an Icon to resemble that special someone or something that haunts your dreams. And in some cases, your every waking moment.
DATA: Everyone is afraid of something. This program will search your psyche until it uncovers that special something that causes even the most stout of heart to cringe in fear. For us netrunners, this program can be particularly unsettling. It can cause us to fear interfacing with Ma Matrix. Personally, if I can’t feel the loving touch of Ma Matrix at least once per day, I get mighty cranky. Whomever has fallen victim to this program must make a roll: Difficulty vs. 20. If the roll is failed, the person is incapable of performing their so-called duty for 1d10 minutes. Once this period has passed, a second roll is made. If this roll is passed, the person can perform as normal. If the second rolled failed, there is a 50% chance that that person ain’t nothing more than a blabbering idiot on the floor for 6d10 minutes. Or that person will become extremely violent for 6d10 in an attempt to escape his/her fear. Oh look. Here comes Max-Tac to handle your little psychotic episode.Whenever the victim of this program comes across the situation/person/what-have-you he/she/it fears, he/she/it must make a roll: Difficulty vs. 20. If the roll is passed, the victim can perform the task at hand. If the roll failed, the victim cannot perform the task needed to be done until they recover: Difficulty vs. 25. Awww. Havin’ another psychotic episode? Here comes Max-Tac to deal with it permanently.
Hydra of Domain
CLASS: Anti-Personnel, Detection COST: 24,000eb
FUNCTION(S): Anti-Personnel, Detection
OPTION(S): Movement Ability, Auto Re-Rez, Endurance, Contextural Icon
COST MULTIPLIER: x50 (Anti-Personnel x25, Detection x2)
ICON: A contextural Icon of an enormous creature with five heads and a twin tail.
DATA: This is a program that you don’t wanna be on the recieving end of. The program starts out with five heads and each auto re-rez causes a new head to grow. Example: the program starts with five head, then you hack one off. If the program re-rezzes, the original head and a new head will appear. Thus making a total of six heads. Each additional head after the fifth adds +1 to the program’s current STR. Six heads, STR: 6. Ten heads, STR: 10. There can only be a maximum of ten heads and a maximum STR of 10. Each attack against the netrunner will produce 1d6 per head. Oh my! That’s gonna leave a mark!
CLASS: Anti-Personnel, Detection COST: 22,500eb
FUNCTION(S): Anti-Personnel, Detection
OPTION(S): Memory, Endurance, Photorealistic Icon
COST MULTIPLIER: x50 (Anti-Personnel x25, Detection x2)
ICON: I took great pride and joy in creating this Icon. It is an adult wyvern. It looks as good as any tri-vid image you’re gonna find in the movie industry or generated on the Net.
DATA: What can be said about such a magnificient creature? Noble and majestic. Arrogant, proud, and aloof. Lord of all they survey and master of what they keep their lairs. They will do 5d10 points of damage to the netrunner that disturbs its lair.
Cloak of Invisibility
CLASS: Stealth COST: 540eb
FUNCTION(S): Stealth
OPTION(S): Invisibility, Superrealistic Icon
COST MULTIPLIER: x2 (Stealth x2)
ICON: A cloak made of the finest cloth euro can buy.
DATA: The best way to sneak around on the Net is not to let the enemy see ya.

Please also repeat lessons:

Der Nordcon kommt: 13-15 Juni

Aus der Orga des NordCons hört man, dass endlich eine neue Location gefunden wurde, nachdem bei letzten Con zu vernehmen war, dass das die Villa neben dem Hamburg-Haus nicht mehr zur Verfügung stünde. Gute Nachricht: Der Con soll von Freitag 20 Uhr bis Sonntag 20 Uhr nonstop durchlaufen. Die Zwangsnachtpause entfällt also.

Noch ist es ruhig auf, da man auf die endgültige Unterzeichnung des Mietvertrages wartet. Ich freu mich schon…

Update hier.

Dystopian Future visions only on economic heights!

Cirlot and I are just now discussing why cyberpunk seems to be big in Germany, but not in the US. I think it has something to do with economic circles and the fact that Germanys more advanced social security system prevented the necessary angst till now (Germany just saw a massive decrease in social security in the last years. We are back to public soup kitchens!)

Looks like I’m wrong! io9 (I talked about that fantastic blog already) has created this wonderful graph:

When The Economy Booms, Dystopias Rule

(click for larger image)

Charlie Jane Anders thinks

So what’s going on here? A few explanations suggest themselves. Movie execs may greenlight dystopian films during economic downturns, and their immediate aftermath, but it may take a few years for those films to work their way through the development process and hit your screens. But it’s also possible that when things are at their brightest economically, people feel the most insecure because they know the good times won’t last forever. So boom times are when people most need stories about people surviving the bad times. Or maybe it’s just that film-makers are a contrary bunch, who want to rub your face in the dirt just when you’re feeling your brightest.

So what? Even I’m sometimes wrong. Please don’t tell my girlfriend.

Privacy: Luxury of the dirt-poor

The erosion of privacy has been predicted by every darkfuture writer and his dog. I saw the risk, but used to think that people (esp. my fellow germans) would never submit their data willingly. We suffered through the Gestapo (Nazi secret police) and the Stasi (East German secret police). Both collected huge amounts of data, spying on everybody. When I was a boy, the West German people almost started a revolution to prevent a census of their data. Our supreme court developed protectional rulings. Everything seemed fine. Till this year. Thinly veiled as protection from terrorist attacks, they spy on everything. Modern tech makes it possible.
Now I learn that even emigration isn’t an option:
Map of privacy violations by nation

More and very detailed information can be found here (the’re also the source for this great map).