Vanitol (“Johnny Squats”) (STR 2, 60eb/dose)
Originally a hospital-grade tranquilizer and stool softener, Vanitol (known as “Johnny Squats,” or just “Squats” on the street) found its way into the illicit drug trade. The drug provides its user a high quite unlike any other, but afflicts him with terrible bouts of diarrhea and cold sweats. This might sound bad, but both the drug-induced euphoria and pain negation qualities turn the digestive assault into an unbeatable good time. By the time Johnny Squats is finished with the user, he is quite thirsty and might swallow up to a gallon of liquids when taking his next dose. It comes as little yellow gel caps with “Vanitol” printed on them.
Pain Negation: 10; Depressant: 5; Euphoric:5; Strength +2:2; Mildly Psychologically Addictive: -8; Diarrhea – Immediate: -4; Cold Sweats – Immediate: -2; Dehydration – Delayed: -2; Medium Duration (1d6x10 Minutes): x2; Type C Illegal: x5; Form: Gel Cap: x1; Total Cost: 60 Euro/Dose
Benefits: Lessened Pain; Wound Level -2 (Critical treated as light), Makes you feel real good; Duration 1d6x10 minutes.
Side Effects: Mildly Psychologically Addictive; Diarrhea; Cold Sweats; Dehydration
Author: Gary Astleford
Jetwash (STR 3, 81eb/dose)
A depressant used in the German military for treating serious field injuries where the patient will most likely go into shock. It creates a feeling of a warm “washing-over” of the senses. The Germans have lent their skill at quality engineering to this drug and it thus has no permanent ill side-effects.
Depressant: 5; Coagulant: 10; Strength +3: 3; Long Duration (d10 Hours): x3; Legal: x1; Form: Injected: x1.5; Total Cost: 81 Euro/Dose
Benefits: To the warm “washing-over” of the senses some effects are added. REF -3; First Aid checks on the user are +3; Duration d10 hours
Side Effects: none
Author unknown; redone and fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten
Sugar (STR 2, 90eb/dose)
The drug is a basic mood enhancer which increases COOL and removes inhibitions. Popular amongst Solos with low EMP when they go out partying. Comes in the form of a white dust.
Euphoric: 5; Attribute Increase (EMP): 20; Attribute Increase (COOL): 20; Strength +2: 2; Mildly Psychologically Addictive: -8; Loss of Inhibition (Chatting up the other sex) – Immediately: -4; Reduced Attribute (REF) – Delayed: -5; Long Duration (d10 Hours): x3; Legal: x1; Form: Snorted: x1; Total Cost: 90 Euro/Dose
Benefits: Makes you happy and ready to party. The EMP+2 and COOL+2 boost makes it possible for you to interface with the flesh… And high on this, you even feel up to actually talk to the other sex. Duration d10 hours
Side Effects: REF is -2 after the party. Mildly Psychologically Addictive; Loss of Inhibition (Chatting up the other sex) but then you want that, don’t you?
Author unknown; redone and fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten
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Dab-hand (sometimes shortened to just dab) (STR 3, 69eb/dose)
A popular Techies Drug, that gives excellent precision with small instruments for several Hours. Don’t forget to check for purity… Some brew it on their own Bunsen…
Attribute Increase (TECH): 20; Strength +3: 3; Long Duration (d10 Hours): x3; Legal: x1; Form: Snorted: x1; Total Cost: 69 Euro/Dose
Benefits: TECH+3; Duration d10 hours.
Side Effects: None.
Author unknown; redone and fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten
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Score (STR 2, 100eb/dose)
REF Enhancer. A high class commercial REF Booster used by the wealthy or high class professionals.
Attribute Increase (REF): 20; Slightly Psychologically Addictive: -4; Strength +2: 2; Medium Duration (d6x10 Minutes): x2; Legal: x1; Form: Derm: x2; Total Cost: 100 Euro/Dose
[Karsten’s Note: Price is higher due to good PR.]
Benefits: REF+2; Duration d6x10 minutes.
Side Effects: Slightly Psychologically Addictive.
Author unknown; redone and fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten
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SynthCoke (STR 1, 25eb/dose)
The second generation, synthetic replacement for cocaine. Like the original, its side effects are nasty: paranoia, psychological addiction.
Euphoric: 5; Attribute Increase (Cool): 20; Strength +1: 1; Mildly Psychologically Addictive: -8; Paranoia – Delayed: -5; Loss of Inhibition – Immediate: -4; Sexual Arousal – Immediate: -4; Short Duration (1d10 Minutes): x1; Type C Illegal: x5; Form: Snorted: x1; Total Cost: 25 Euro/Dose
Benefits: COOL +1; You feel great, you can do everything; Duration 1d10 minutes
Side Effects: Mildly Psychologically Addictive; Loss of Inhibition; Sexual Arousal; Paranoia
from the Cyberpunk 2020 Rulebook: fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten
Stim I (STR 3, 80eb/dose)
Stim increases endurance, allowing the user to stay alert for longer periods. Side effects include mental delusions.
Pain Negation: 10; Strength +3: 3; Delusions – Immediate: -5; Short Duration (1d10 Minutes): x1; By Prescription Only: x5; Form: Derm: x2; Total Cost: 80 Euro/Dose
Benefits: Potent painkiller; Wound level is treated as if 3 less (Mortal0=Light); Duration 1d10 Minutes
Side Effects: Delusions
from the Cyberpunk 2020 Rulebook: fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten
Syncomp 15 (STR 3, 97.5eb/dose)
Syncomp is a broad spectrum poison antidote, used to treat nerve and biotoxins. REF is reduced.
Antidote: 15; Strength +3: 3; Reduced Attribute: REF – Immediate: -5; Short Duration (1d10 Minutes): x1; By Prescription Only: x5; Form: Injection: x1.5 Total Cost: 97.5 Euro/Dose
Benefits: You might survive a nervegas or Biotoxin attack; Duration d10 minutes.
Side Effects: REF-3.
from the Cyberpunk 2020 Rulebook: fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten
Speedheal (STR 2, 90eb/dose)
Speedheal is designed to enhance the natural healing processes. Side effects are reduced REF. This is the premier drug to shorten your hospital visit. Healing is increased by one for day. Usually sold in units of 7, to be taken over a week. Has to be taken daily. REF is reduced by 2.
Increased Healing Rate: 15; Strength +2: 2; Reduced Attribute: REF: -5 – Delayed; Long Duration (1d10 Hours): x3; By Prescription Only: x5; Form: Pill: x.5; Total Cost: 90 Euro/Dose (630eb for a week)
Benefits: Healing increased by one point daily; Duration 1d10 Hours
Side Effects: REF-2
from the Cyberpunk 2020 Rulebook: fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten
Boost (STR 1, 60eb/dose)
Boost increases INT by +1 for some hours.
Attribute Increase: INT: 15; Strength +1: 1; Addiction Tolerance: -4; Slightly Psychologically Addictive: -4; Long Duration (1d10 Hours): x3; Type C Illegal: x5; Form: Pill: x.5; Total Cost: 60 Euro/Dose
Benefits: INT+1; Duration 1d10 Hours
Side Effects: Addiction Tolerance; Slightly Psychologically Addictive
from the Cyberpunk 2020 Rulebook: fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten