Rez, Rezzin (STR 3, 30eb/dose)
Rezzin is a tarry, synthetic substitute for marijuana and hashish. It usually comes as a thick, sticky, tarry substance wrapped in aluminum foil or saran wrap. The drug is typically rolled into little pea-sized balls and smoked in a water pipe. Contrary to the popular myth on the street, the drug is psychologically addictive, and causes a lack of concentration as well as an insatiable hunger. Due to its cheap price and availiability, rez is one of the most popular drugs on the street.
Euphoric 5; Pain Negation 10; Strength +3 3; Mildly Psychologically Addictive -8; The Munchies – Immediate -2; Lack of Concentration – Immediate -5; Subtotal 3; Medium Duration: 1D6x10 minutes x2; Total Difficulty 6; Type C Illegal x 5; Base Cost 30 Euro; Form: Smoked x1; Total Cost 60 Euro/Dose
Benefits: Euphoric, Woundlevel-3. Duration: d6x10 Minutes.
Side Effects: Mildly Psychologically Addictive; Immediate: The Munchies, Lack of Concentration.
Author: Mockery
The Blood Of Christ (STR 3, 450eb/dose)
This drug, called the “Blood Of Christ” by Trinity (its designers), fills the user with a feeling of divine euphoria, as if God had touched them. Anyone under the influence feels whole and complete, as if they could do anything. They have no worldly fears, since God will protect them, and will do anything to accomplish any goal set to them without question. Constant users are eventually hooked by the drug, and addicts who don’t get their fix are inclined to believe that God has left them, since they can’t feel Him. The drug is manufactured in liquid form only – a thin red concoction that smells like sweet flowers and goes down like a liqueur. Trinity uses the substance to make its operatives feel closer to the Lord. This is not normally available outside Trinity, but it has been known to pop up on the street from time to time (generally at 2x cost/dose).
Attribute Increase: COOL 20; Euphoric 5; Strength +3 3; Mildly Psychologically Addictive -8; Delusions: Blessed by God – Immediate -2; Subtotal 15; Medium Duration: 1D6x10 minutes x2; Total Difficulty 30; Type A Illegal x 10; Base Cost 300 Euro; Form: Liquid x1.5; Total Cost 450 Euro/Dose
Benefits: CL+3, Euphoria. Duration: d10 Minutes
Side Effects: Mildly Psychologically Addictive; Delusions: Blessed by God – Immediate.
Author: Mockery
Bluebird (STR 4, 80eb/dose)
A grainy, triangular blue pill with rounded corners, embossed with a small stylized flying bird. Coated with that candy easy-swallow shit, but beneath it is rather bitter and crumbly. The coating chips off easily, and a bottle of these will degenerate into (non-inhalable) powder if rattled around in somebody’s pocket or purse.
Game Notes: Bluebird makes you happy. It will also increase your INT by +4 for 1D10 hours. However, for each use, roll 1D10. If a 1 is rolled, the user’s kidneys have failed. If your kidneys survive, you urinate frequently for 1D10 hours, and take 1 point of damage per two hours of side effect duration. Delayed side effects can be interpreted as the crap destroying your kidneys. You hemorrhage, and you start pissing blood, which is essentially kidney bits. Cyber-kidneys will alleviate the damage, but also the effects. If your kidneys are cybernetic, you get no boost.
Increased INT (20) + Euphoric (5) + STR 4 + Mildly Psychologically Addictive (-8) + Diuretic (delayed, -2) + Internal Bleeding (delayed, -4) + Kidney/Liver Failure (delayed, -8) = 7 Diff. Times 3 for Long Duration is 21, times .5 for Pill/Tablet form is 10.5, times 7.5 for Type B Illegal is 78.75eb/dose, rounded up to 80eb/dose.
Benefits: INT+4, Euphoria. Duration: d10 hours.
Side Effects: Mildly Psychologically Addictive: Delayed: Diuretic, Internal Bleeding, Kidney/Liver Failure.
Author: Mockery
Blue Shock (STR 3, 180eb/dose)
A drippy blue liquid mixed through with darker, denser globules, Blue Shock is ingested like cough syrup. A tablespoon of Blue Shock immediately awakens every single nerve ending in the body in an electric wave of intense agony. The body is then exceptionally awake and elert for some time afterwards, but users have a very low tolerance for additional pain. It is used as a stimulant, as a sex aid in S&M circles, and as an adjunct to specialized art. There have been rumors that Blue Shock affects the user’s body chemistry in such a way as to cause spontaneous combustion in a small percentage of users. Long-term use deadens nerve endings, leading to neural disorders and brain damage.
Game Notes: Blue Shock takes effect in 1D10 minutes, and adds +3 to Awareness checks and Endurance for 1D6 x 10 minutes. Stun/Shock saves are at -2, and Resist Torture/Drug rolls are at -4 due to a low pain tolerance. Each use, users must make an unmodified Death save or die (mostly through extremely high fever, though sometimes through spontaneous combusion!). It causes nerve degeneration, and users also lose -2 REF every time they take it.
Enhanced Perception (15) + Increased Endurance (10) + Death (through high fever or spontaneous combustion, -15) + Nerve Degeneration (-15) + Increased Pain Sensitivity (-6) + STR 3 = -8 Diff, reversed to 8 Diff. Times 2 for Medium Duration is 16, times 1.5 for Liquid form is 24. It is Type B Illegal, so 24 times 7.5 euro gives us a total cost of 180eb/dose.
Benefits: Awareness/Notice+3; Endurance+3. Duration: d6x10 Minutes.
Side Effects: Death (through high fever or spontaneous combustion); Nerve Degeneration; Increased Pain Sensitivity.
Drug converted from Over The Edge to Cyberpunk 2020 by Mockery
Communion (STR 1, 120eb/dose)
A bitter powder usually dissolved in heavily-sugared tea and drink, Communion causes users to experience a completely satisfying spiritual experience, perceived as a blissful union with their deity. A vision encompassing all five senses sweeps users away, and usually result in an affirmation of faith and a belief that they have been given a specific task or message from God. Communion is not physically addictive, but many users become compulsively lost in a life devoted to acquisition of the scarce stuff. Game Notes: Communion takes effect in 1D2 minutes, and the experience lasts 1D6 x 10 minutes, though the delusion of a task from God will generally persist for days. It is Highly Psychologically Addictive, with an Addiction Number of 2 (roll above 2 every use or become addicted). If addicted, cravings appear in 1D6 hours, and if not satisfied, withdrawal symptoms become apparent 5D6 hours afterward.
Euphoric (5) + Hallucinogen (10) + Delusions (delayed, of a task from God, -5) + Delusions (immediate, of communion with God, -5) + STR 1 + Highly Psychologically Addictive (-12) = -6 Diff, reversed to 6. Times 2 for Medium Duration is 12, times 1 for Powdered form is 12. Type A Illegal, so 12 times 10 euro gives us a total cost of 120eb.
Benefits: Euphoria, Hallucinogen. Duration: d6x10 Minutes.
Side Effects: Highly Psychologically Addictive; Immediate: Delusions (communion with God). Delayed: Delusions (task from God)
Drug converted from Over The Edge to Cyberpunk 2020 by Mockery
MDA-Cubed (STR 4, 750eb)
This bitter pink-white pill embossed with a pink or red heart gives with it the guarantee of the ultimate orgasm. As the effects of the drug begin, the user begins to feel a oneness for all things, an overwhelming love for the universe, a rejection of conventional sexual mores, and an incredibly potent desire to blissfully copulate with the nearest object. Users are known to have had sex with people outside their sexual orientation, with people they hate, with family members, minors, house pets, reptiles, and electrical appliances. The downside of this drug in terms of social control is obvious, but there is a personal downside as well: subsequent use is never as good as the first time. Each time, the sex becomes more squalid, pathetic, and pitiful. For most people, the ingestion of MDA-Cubed is the beginning of a downward spiral into obsession, depression, and suicide. It is extraordinarily cheap to manufacture, but its rarity generally ensures that the cost is multiplied by 50 to 100 times.
Euphoric (5) + Aphrodisiac (10) + Delusion (immediate, in love with the world, -5) + STR 4 + Depression (-4, delayed) + Reduced COOL (immediate, -5) + Loss of Inhibition (immediate, -4) = 1 Diff. Times 3 for Long Duration is 3, times .5 for Tablet form is 1.5. Type A Illegal (considering what it does, are you surprised?) multiplies it by 10, so cost per dose is 15eb/dose.
Benefits: Euphoria, Aphrodisiac. Duration: d10 hours.
Side Effects: Immediate: Delusion (in love with the world), Reduced COOL, Loss of Inhibition. Delayed: Depression.
Drug converted from Over The Edge to Cyberpunk 2020 by Mockery
Relapse (STR 1, price varies)
A drug for the risk-taker, the gambler, and the self-destructive, Relapse is a carrier for any other type of drug. It comes pre-mixed with another drug (heroin, MDA-Cubed, cocaine, Alice, etc.) in colorful, crunchy, candy-coated capsules. Pop one, feel the sour aftertaste, and then nothing … until the chemical trigger inside Relapse goes off, anywhere from hours to days after ingestion. The user might be struck with the carried drug while in a board meeting, making love, operating dangerous equipment, in the middle of combat, or anywhere!
Game Notes: Being a special case, Relapse is not constructed with normal drug rules. It causes a delayed onset of any other drug packaged with the Relapse at the time of ingestion. When rolling for delay time, roll 1D10 for the number of hours the second drug will be delayed. If a 10 is rolled, roll 1D6/2; the result of the second roll is now the number of DAYS Relapse delays the secondary effects. Relapse is priced according to the cost of the secondary drug + 100eb. Relapse itself is non-addictive.Drug converted from Over The Edge to Cyberpunk 2020 by Mockery
Slo-Mo (STR 1, 160eb/dose)
A shiny black powder generally sold in capsules, Slo-Mo causes the neural pathways of the brain to fire more rapidly, increasing reflexes and making the outside world appear to slow down. Slo-Mo is primarily used for the two functions of the human race: sex and death. It is prized as a way of extending the ecstasy of orgasm, but is more commonly used by urban warriors who use the edge it gives them to lethal effect in combat.
Game Notes: Slo-Mo takes effect in 1D2 minutes and increases REF by 1 point for 1D6 x 10 minutes. After it wears off, REF is reduced by -1 for 1D6 x 10 minutes.
Increased REF (20) + Reduced REF (delayed, -5) + STR 1 = Diff 16. Times 2 for Medium Duration is 32, times 1 for Powdered form is 32, times 5 for Type C Illegal gives a total cost of 160eb/dose.
Benefits: REF+1. Duration: d6x10 Minutes.
Side Effects: Delayed: REF-1
Drug converted from Over The Edge to Cyberpunk 2020 by Mockery
Zoroaster (STR 3, 180eb/dose)
A handy black-and-white capsule is the carrying mechanism for this perception-altering drug. A person under the influence of Zoroaster sees every moral question in black or white terms. When you’re hopped up on “Zorro,” you are right and everyone not actively supporting you is wrong.
Game Notes: Zorro takes effect in 9 + 1D6 minutes and increases COOL by +3 for 1D10 hours. It is Highly Psychologically Addictive, with an Addiction Number of 5 (roll above 5 on 1D10 every use or become addicted). If addicted, cravings appear in 3D6 hours, and if not satisfied, withdrawal symptoms appear 3D6 hours afterwards.
Increased COOL (20) + Highly Psychologically Addictive (-12) + Delusions (immediate, -5) + STR 3 = 6 Diff. Times 3 for Long Duration is 18, times 10 for Type A Illegal gives us a total cost of 180eb/dose.
Benefits: COOL+3. Duration: d10 hours.
Side Effects: Highly Psychologically Addictive; Immediate: Delusions.
Drug converted from Over The Edge to Cyberpunk 2020 by Mockery