Hardfire (STR 1, 35eb/dose)
This is the stuff, that people with the Owari hardwiring use to fire up their nerves. It’s also available on the street as a crude stimulant.
Possible Attribute Increase (REF): 10; Strength +1: 1; Headache – Delayed: -4; Short Duration (1d10 Minutes): x1; Type C Illegal: x5; Form: Snorted: x1; Total Cost: 35 Euro/Dose
Game Data: Possible Attribute Increase: REF is only increased by one if the user does an Average REF check. If he fails, nothing happens. If the user has Owari Hardwiring installed, the increase +1/+2 is automatic. If he has any other Speedware build in, nothing happens at all.
Benefits: REF+1 (this depends on Cyberware, see Game Data entry); Duration 1d10 Minutes.
Side Effects: Hangover.
from the Hardwired Sourcebook: fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten
Uppers (STR 1, 9eb/dose)
Stimulants, available in a truly mind-boggling array of brands and prices.
Attribute Increase (REF): 20; Strength +1: 1; Loss of Inhibition (Desperate need to talk) – Immediately: -4; Headaches – Delayed: -4; Reduced Attribute (EMP) – Immediately: -5; Long Duration (1d10 Hours): x3; Legal: x1; Form: Pill: x.5; Total Cost: 9 Euro/Dose
Benefits: REF+1; Duration 1d10 Hours
Side Effects: Loss of Inhibition (Desperate need to talk); EMP-1; Hangover
from the Hardwired Sourcebook: fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten
Upper HA (STR 2, 27eb/dose)
This is a brand name Upper called ‘Hello-Awake’.
Attribute Increase (REF): 20; Strength +2: 1; Loss of Inhibition (Desperate need to talk) – Immediately: -4; Headaches – Delayed: -4; Reduced Attribute (EMP): – Immediately: -5; Long Duration (1d10 Hours): x3; Legal: x1; Form: Snorted: x1; Total Cost: 27 Euro/Dose
Benefits: REF+2; Duration 1d10 hours.
Side Effects: EMP-2; Need to talk; Hangover.
Author: Karsten, Idea: Dreamdealer
Downers (STR 2, 3eb/dose)
Known as the “breakfast of the losers”, also available in a stunning array of types. (Wonder why anyone would use it? Alcohol is a Downer, too)
Attribute Increase (CL): 20; Strength +2: 2; Slightly Physiologically Addictive: -5; Reduced Attribute (INT): -5; Reduced Attribute (REF): -5; Reduced Attribute (EMP) – Immediately: -5; Long Duration (1d10 hours): x3; Legal: x1; Form: Pill: x.5; Total Cost: 3 Euro/Dose
Benefits: CL+2; Duration 1d10 hours.
Side Effects: Slightly Physiologically Addictive; INT-2; EMP-2
from the Hardwired Sourcebook: fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten
IQ (STR 1, 51eb/dose)
Increases you INT!
Attribute Increase (INT): 20; Strength +1: 1; Headaches – Delayed: -4; Medium Duration (d6x10 Minutes): x2; Legal: x1; Injected: x1.5; Total Cost: 51 Euro/Dose
Benefits: INT+1; Duration d6x10 Minutes.
Side Effects: Hangover
from the Hardwired Sourcebook: fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten
IQ II (STR 2, 54eb/dose)
Increases you INT even more!
Attribute Increase (INT): 20; Strength +2: 2; Headaches – Delayed: -4; Medium Duration (d6x10 Minutes): x2; Legal: x1; Injected: x1.5; Total Cost: 51 Euro/Dose
Benefits: INT +2; Duration d6x10 Minutes.
Side Effects: Strong Headaches.
from the Hardwired Sourcebook: fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten
Stat boosters (STR 1, 562.5eb/day)
YOU CAN REWIRE YOUR BODY! You can jack up any of your stats except COOL, TECH, ATTR and EMP by up to +3, although it isn’t cheap. Hormones exist for almost any purpose: boosting muscle strength, improving neural connections, increasing glial cells in the brain, raising silent genes to rewire brain connections. It takes 30 day’s constant treatment to increase a stat by +1.
The basic product for the first 30 days: Attribute Increase (Varies): 20; Longer Duration: 10; Possible Attribute Loss (REF): -8; Strength +1: 1; Long Duration (1d10x2 Hours): x3; By Prescription Only: x5; Form: Injected: x1.5; Total Cost: 562.5 Euro/Day
If you need to push your body any further, talk to our friendly team!
Game Data: Of course, as soon as you stop taking the hormones, the benefits are gone.
Benefits: Increases a STAT. Duration 1d10x2 Hours.
Side Effects: REF-1 if 1-3 on d10.
from the Hardwired Sourcebook: fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten
Psychedelics (STR 3, 2eb/dose)
Still around after all these years, and in many varieties. See a lot of pretty pictures, experience synchronicity, and giggle a lot. Example:
Hallucinogen: 10; Reduced Attribute (INT) -Immediately: -5; Reduced Attribute (TECH) -Immediately: -5; Reduced Attribute (REF) -Immediately: -5; Possible Irrational Fear: -5 -Immediately; Strength +3: 3; Long Duration (1d10 Hours): x3; Common: x1; Form: Smoked: x1; Total Cost: 2 Euro/Dose
Benefits: Gives you a good time. Duration 1d10 Hours.
Side Effects: INT-3; TECH-3; REF-3; Possible Irrational Fear
from the Hardwired Sourcebook: fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten
Aphrodisiacs (STR 1, 18eb/dose)
Increases sexual desire and potency.
Aphrodisiac: 10; The Munchies – Delayed: -2; Strength +1: 1; Medium Duration (d6x10 Minutes): x2; Legal: x1; Form: Paper Tab: x1; Total Cost: 18 Euro/Dose at any good drug store.
Benefits: Makes you horny and give you a hard-on. Duration d6x10 Minutes.
Side Effects: You feel very hungry afterwards. May increase desire to smoke….
from the Hardwired Sourcebook: fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten
Truth Serum (STR 3, 300eb/dose)
Well, no, not really. It works a bit different. The user looses control over what he says and feels the urge to talk. He will babble out whatever’s on his mind, most likely his family problems. Keep steering the conversation to what you want to know and maybe the victim will tell you.
Lack of Concentration: 5; Reduced Attribute (CL): 5; Reduced Attribute (CL): 5; Reduced Attribute (INT): 5; Loss of Inhibition (Need to talk): 4; Strength +3: 3; Short Duration (d10 Minutes): x1; Type B Illegal: x7.5; Form: Liquid: x1.5; Total Cost: 300 Euro/Dose
Benefits: Unable to concentrate; CL-6; INT-3; Needs to talk; Duration d10 Minutes.
Side Effects: See Benefits.
from the Hardwired Sourcebook: fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten