
RPM (STR 3, 75eb/dose)

RPM stands for I. ribopropylmethionine. This drugs usually comes in a small, square, plastic derm. It can be applied anywhere on the skin. Few people willingly take this drug; it creates horrifying hallucinations which get steadily worse for duration. Not only that, but with every use the drug gradually burns out the user’s central nervous system.

Hallucinogen: 10; Strength +3: 3; Possible Attribute Loss (REF): -8; Short Duration (1d10 Minutes): x1; Type B Illegal: x7.5; Form: Derm: x2; Total Cost: 75 Euro/Dose

Benefits: none. Duration 1d10 Minutes.

Side Effects: Horrible hallucinations+3; REF-1 permanently if 1-3 on d10

from the “When Gravity Fails” Sourcebook: fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten

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Neocortine (STR 2, 50eb/dose)

This very nasty and powerful hallucinogen was developed as a tool for interrogation. Through some sick, cosmic twist it has ended up as a street drug. Acetrylated neocortine causes the user to have terrifying hallucinations which follow a basic theme which seems to repeat endlessly. Comes in the form of a deep red microdot.

Hallucinogen: 10; Strength +2: 2; Possible Nausea – Immediately: -2; Short Duration (1d10 Minutes): x1; Type C Illegal: x5; Form: Caplet: x1; Total Cost: 50 Euro/Dose

Benefits: only if you like terrifying hallucinations; Duration 1d10 Minutes.

Side Effects: Possible Nausea – Immediately

from the “When Gravity Fails” Sourcebook: fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten

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Beauties (STR 3, 40eb/dose)

Beauties are butaqulide HC1. Butaqualide comes in a bicolored capsule of powder blue and peacock blue. Beauties are a potent sleeping drug which acts a both soporific and a euphoriant. They also scramble the user’s coordination. The user stumbles around bouncing into walls and people. If the user hurts himself while on the drug he will not feel it until the effects wear off.

Euphoric: 5; Soporific: 5; Pain Negation: 10; Strength +3: 3; Mildly Physiologically Addictive: -10; Reduced Attribute (REF)- Immediately: -5; Short Duration (1d10 Minutes): x1; By Prescription Only: x5; Form: Capsule:x1; Total Cost: 40 Euro/Dose

Benefits: Problems sleeping? No more. No more bad dreams, either. Potent Painkiller. Woundlevel-3 (Treat Mortal0 as Light Wound); Duration 1d10 Minutes.

Side Effects: Mildly Physiologically Addictive; REF-3- Immediately: -5

from the “When Gravity Fails” Sourcebook: fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten

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Sunnies (STR 2, 165eb/dose)

Sonniene is a powerful opiate from Germany, developed to negate pain and act as an euphoriant. The chalky white tablets, nicknamed Sunnies, were however physiologically addictive. They also gave the user delusions of invulnerability. These delusions can put the user at risk, especially in combat situations.

Pain Negation: 10; Attribute Increase (CL): 20; Strength +2: 2; Slightly Physiologically Addictive: -5; Delusions (of invulnerability)- Immediately: -5; Long Duration (1d10 Hours): x3; By Prescription Only: x5; Form: Tablet: x.5; Total Cost: 165 Euro/Dose

Benefits: Pain Killer. Wound level-2; CL+2; Duration d10 Hours.

Side Effects: Slightly Physiologically Addictive; Delusions (of invulnerability)- Immediately

from the “When Gravity Fails” Sourcebook: fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten

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Paxium (STR 1, 10eb/dose)

Paxiums are yellow, hexagonal tables with very mild tranquilizing effects. Also called Nefeq’s, these tables also cause severe nausea.

Soporific: 5; Strength +1:1; Possible Nausea – Delayed: -2; Short Duration (1d10 Minutes): x1; Legal: x1; Form: Tablet: x.5; Total Cost: 10 Euro/Dose (2eb on the gray market)

Benefits: Makes it easier for you to sleep; Duration d10 Minutes.

Side Effects: Possible Nausea – Delayed

from the “When Gravity Fails” Sourcebook: fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten

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Jazz (STR 2, 125eb/dose)

Developed under contract by the USAF in an attempt to make a suitable drug for combat pilot, Jazz flunked out because of the permanent nerve damage it frequently caused. Jazz hit the street as a corporate marketing ploy, and ever since has been a mainstay of street gangs and solos.

Euphoric: 5; Attribute Increase (REF): 20; Attribute Increase (CL): 20; Strength +2: 2; Possible Attribute Loss (REF): -8; Mildly Psychologically Addictive: -8; Aggressive Behavior – Immediately: -6; Short Duration (1d10 Minutes): x1; Type C Illegal: x5; Form: Tablet: x0.5; Total Cost: 125 Euro/Dose

Benefits: Makes you feel great, ready to rock. REF+2; CL+2; Duration d10 Minutes.

Side Effects: REF-1 permanently if 1-3 on d10; Mildly Psychologically Addictive; Aggressive Behavior

from Interface, Issue 3, Vol. 1: fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten

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Foolkiller (STR 3, 360eb/dose)

Developed by the Indian Army for use against Pakistan, Foolkiller gives the user this wonderful, unshakable sense of self-confidence and invulnerability.

Attribute Increase (CL): 20; Enhanced Perception: 15; Increases Endurance: 10; Strength +3: 3; Reduced Attribute (REF)- Delayed: -5; Reduced Attribute (INT)- Delayed: -5; Possible Sterility -4; Carcinogenic: -10; Short Duration (d10 Minutes): x1; Type B Illegal: x7.5; Form: Slap Patch: x2; Total Cost: 360 Euro/Dose

Benefits: CL+3; Awareness/Notice+3; Endurance+3; Duration d10 Minutes.

Side Effects: REF-3 – Delayed; INT-3 – Delayed; Possible Sterility; Carcinogenic

from Interface, Issue 3, Vol. 1: fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten

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Sixgun (STR 3, 72eb/dose)

Sixgun was developed for the console cowboys of Microtech. It leaves the netrunner virtually helpless in the physical world, but gives him a tremendous boost in the Net. There are cases of Netrunners on Sixgun not being able to punch out of the net until the drug wore off.

Attribute Increase (INT): 20; Enhanced Perception: 15; Strength +3: 3; Tremors – Delayed: -2; Reduced Attribute (REF)- Delayed: -5; Reduced Attribute (INT)- Delayed: -5; Irrational Fear- Delayed: -10; Long Duration (d10 Hours): x3; Legal: x1; Injected: x1.5; Total Cost: 72 Euro/Dose

Benefits: INT+3; Awareness/Notice+3; Duration d10 Hours.

Side Effects: INT-3 – Delayed; REF-3 – Delayed; Tremors – Delayed (REF-2); : -2; Irrational Fear- Delayed

from Interface, Issue 3, Vol. 1: fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten

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Rambo-7 (STR 2, 360eb/dose)

Rambo-7 was developed by the Colombian Army in an attempt to create a low-cost combat drug. They succeeded, sort of. Rambo-7 is only used by the crazy, desperate and suicidal. A man on Rambo-7 can pick up one side of a car, breaking his back in the process – and keep on fighting. The formula was astonishingly simple, and black markets all over the world were soon making the stuff available.

Attribute Increase (BOD): 20; Attribute Increase (REF): 20; Enhanced Perception: 15; Pain Negation: 10; Strength +2: 2; Possible Attribute Loss (REF): -8; Highly Physiologically Addictive: -15; Reduced Attribute (INT) – Immediately: -5; Paranoia – Immediately: -5; Psychotic Rage – Immediately: -10; Short Duration (d10 Minutes): x1; Type A Illegal: x10; Form: Injection: x1.5; Total Cost: 360 Euro/Dose

Benefits: BOD+2; REF+2; Awareness/Notice+2; Lessened Pain; Woundlevels -2; Duration d10 Minutes.

Side Effects: REF-1 permanently if 1-3 on d10; Highly Physiologically Addictive; INT-2 – Immediately; Paranoia – Immediately; Psychotic Rage

from Interface, Issue 3, Vol. 1: fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten

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LeSade (STR 2, 70eb/dose)

Vampire gangs use this drug in their injector fangs. It’s a good aphrodisiac, but on the downside it seriously screws up pleasure-pain signals to the brain. The person under the influence of LeSade enjoys and is turned on by pain. Vampire gang members do not take the stuff themselves – they inject it into their victims. It is also a coagulant and will stop mild blood loss pretty quickly.

Aphrodisiac: 10; Coagulant: 10; Euphoric: 5; Strength +2: 2; Mildly Psychologically Addictive: -8; Reduced Attribute (INT) – Immediately: -5; Delusions – Immediately: -5; Short Duration (d10 Minutes): x1; Type C Illegal: x5; Form: Injection: x1.5; Total Cost: 70 Euro/Dose

Benefits: Makes you horny. Makes you feel good (how comes J ). Stops bleeding. Duration d10 Minutes.

Side Effects: Mildly Psychologically Addictive; INT-2 – Immediately:; Delusions – Immediately

from Interface, Issue 3, Vol. 1: fitted for Ocelots Drug Lab by Karsten

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