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Tag: Spook Country
People who say I'm dystopian are middle class pussies!
Says William Gibson in this Interview
On the seamless net being woven
“There’s some enormous number, millions and millions, of Iranians who are about to get their first cell phones. The infrastructure has been built. That’s an interesting side of Iran we don’t hear so much about. And you know, they’re not just getting cell phones, they’re getting Internet. What is that going to do to that country? The government is not going to be able to control what those people are watching. I just find that amazing, really.
“We’ve grown up thinking: ‘Over here is the Internet, over there is cellular telephony, and here are iPods.’ It’s not going to be like that. That stuff is all just one cloud of stuff and it works together and you can’t just get a little piece of it. The kids being born today will grow up finding the quaintest thing about the past was that people had these different devices that had discrete functions.”
(Source: This Interview)
I Just Finished Reading "Spook Country"
It was hard to stop reading to eat, drink and sleep. The book is just wonderful. I won’t spoil it for you, if you haven’t read it yet.
Check out this video in which Mr. Gibson himselfs tells us how he feels about his book.
[youtube 3pO_hY1JIeY]
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