Cyberpunk2020 group effort results in a radio station…

You can listen to the music the cpunks like on the Cyberpunk2020 group radio. It’s free and you don’t need any registration. And you won’t expect what other punks like… obviously we do have a soft side somewhere 🙂

Think that’s not the way a cpunks radio should sound? Join us and you taste will modify the result!

See: I need help with a Cyberpunk 2020 Soundtrack

I Need Help With A Cyberpunk 2020 Soundtrack!

I’m looking for some cyberpunkish music for a soundtrack to use while playing. A game soundtrack. For that I’m looking for tracks.

To make this a “Web 2.0” thing, I created a account under the beautiful nick “cyberpunk2020” and created a playlist with some tracks suggested on vfte. Here are the last 10 songs from that collection.

I would like you to suggest some music. If you have a (free) account on, please tag music you might use for a soundtrack with “cyberpunk2020”. You can listen to those tracks here.

Or you can use the comments to suggest artists or tracks.

You’re also very welcome to join the cyberpunk2020 group on

Suggested links: vfte