The Infamous Disorder Table for Cyberpunk 2020
Author: Karsten Müller
D6 | D100 | Disorder | Gains |
1-2 | 01-15 | Paranoia | Awareness +3, Dodge & Escape +2 |
16-22 | hatred of specific race | Oratory +1, Intimidate +1, Interrogation +1 | |
23-34 | Suicidal Tendencies | Intimidate +3, Luck +2 | |
35-42 | Megalomania | Oratory +2, Leadership +3 | |
43-47 | simulate illness | Perform +3, Diagnose Illness +1 | |
48-53 | Absent Mindedness | Library Search +2, Interview +1 | |
54-63 | Narcissim | Personal Grooming +3, Wardrobe & Style +1 | |
64-72 | manic | REF +1 | |
73-81 | Pathological Liar | Persuasion & Fast Talk +3, Perform +1 | |
82-89 | Kleptomania | Pick Pocket +4 | |
90-96 | Pyromania | Chemistry +2, Demolitions +2 | |
97-98 | Masochism | Resist Torture & Drugs +2, Endurance +1 | |
99-00 | Fetishism | Choose on Expert Skill +5 and specific object | |
3-4 | 01-05 | afraid of disease | Biomonitor, Nasal Filters, Diagnose Illness +2 |
06-09 | afraid of treachery | Human Perception +2, Lie detector | |
10-15 | afraid of heights | Two Cybereyes with teleoptics | |
16-20 | afraid of fire | MA +1, fire-proof longcoat ( SP: 8 ) | |
21-25 | afraid of crowds | Hide / Evade +2, small and cheap appartment | |
26-32 | afraid of open places | Streetwise +2, small and cheap appartment | |
33-38 | afraid of small places | One Pilot Skill +2, Survival Kit with sleeping mat and so on … | |
39-44 | afraid of aliens | Library Search +4, Expert: Alien Stories +6 | |
45-49 | afraid of accidents | First Aid +3, First Aid Kit, 1D6/2 Doses Speedheal | |
50-56 | afraid of insects | Zoology +2, First Aid +2 | |
57-61 | afraid of snakes | Zoology +2, Toxin Binders | |
62-67 | afraid of darkness | Cybereye with IR, super bright flashlight | |
68-73 | afraid of monsters | Awareness / Notice +1, Hide / Evade +1 | |
74-78 | afraid of rodents | Zoology +2, vat grown Tiger-Cat ( REF: 9, MA: 10, BODY:5, BTM: -2 / Bite +4 => 1D6 ) | |
79-82 | afraid of being alone | Cyberaudio: Wearman, Wide Band Scanner | |
83-85 | afraid of death | Nylon Helmet, Skin Weave ( SP: 6 ) | |
86-91 | afraid of hidden cyberwear | Cybertech +4, Cybereye with thermograph | |
92-96 | afraid of pain | Pain editor, 2D6 doses Endorphin ( just in case the damn thing doesnÃ?´t work …) | |
97-00 | afraid of strangers | Human Perception +1, Hide / Evade +1 | |
5-6 | 01-09 | addicted to sex | Seduction +4, Mr Studd ( or Midnight Lady ) Sexual Implant |
10-18 | addicted to gambling | Gamble +4, Expert: Casinos +4 | |
19-28 | addicted to speed | Driving or Motorcycle +2, one other REF-Skill +1 | |
29-35 | addicted to videogames | Expert: Video Games, SegAtari System | |
36-44 | Endorphin addict | COOL +1, Resist Torture & Drugs +3, 2D6 doses | |
45-52 | Snapcoke addict | 6 Skill Points for EMP-Skills, 2D6 doses | |
53-55 | Speedball addict | Military Cyberwear for 4000 eb, 1D6 doses | |
56-69 | Nicotine Stick addict | COOL +1, Awareness / Notice +1, 2D6 packs | |
70-80 | Coffeine Stick addict | Awareness / Notice +1, Skill Point for a REF-Skill, 2D6 packs | |
81-91 | Uppers addict | 2 Skill Points for REF-Skills, 2 D6 doses | |
92-96 | Downers addict | Dodge & Escape +1, Hide / Evade +3, 2D6 doses | |
97-00 | IQ addict | 4 Skill Points for INT-Skills, 1D6 doses |
Bei der Charaktergenerierung unter CP2020 kann man als Spielleiter die Spieler einmal auf dieser Tabelle würfeln lassen. Jede Disorder bringt dem jeweiligen Charakter auch Vorteile (unter Gains beschrieben). Dies können Ausrüstungsteile oder Skillerhöhungen sein. Falls dem jeweiligen Spieler seine Disorder nicht gefällt, kann er nochmal würfeln, muss die nächste Disorder aber auf jeden Fall nehmen. | [Translation by Karsten:] During Charactergeneration as per CP2020 rules the GM lets the Player roll once on this table. Each disorder also has an advantage, to be found unter the heading ‘gains’. This can be a plus on skills or parts of equipment. If the player dislikes the disadvantage, (s)he may roll again, but then is stuck with the new disadvantage. |