Freedom is just another word for having nothing left to lose

Funny, for all surveillance, Osama bin Laden is still free — and we’re not. Guess who’s winning the “war on terror?” – Cory Doctorow

Today is “Dark Future Day”. Its scaring me. Check the news: As you probably know, everybody within the European Union has every use of a telecomincation device (mobile, computer) safed and made accessible by the government. Not the content of your conversion, but date, time, length, sender, receiver. Also logged: Every station your mobile phone registered with. That’s scary allready, but no longer a news. New is:

Cory is right. Osama bin Laden wins the fight agains Freedom. And we voted those who help him into power. I wonder if he can stop laughing at us?


Free (Post-)Cyberpunk Book online

Cover of Cory Doctorow's Little Brother NovelCory Doctorow has put his new book, “Little Brother” online. He’s so good I had to add him to my list of Cyberpunk writers (see sidebar).

It’s a

young adult novel about hacker kids who use technology to reclaim the Bill of Rights from the DHS after a terrorist attack on San Francisco.

Also to be found on the website: