a short adventure for Cyberpunk by Christian Conkle
Referee’s Introduction:
A few nights ago Gunther Hausmann, an EBM executive and R&D manager, was in town for a convention. While at the Night City Convention Center downtown, he got a little drunk and was persuaded to hire a prostitute named Misty. Misty caught on that the package Hausmann was carrying was very important and very expensive. After passing away into unconsciousness, Misty slipped out with the money and the package: an experimental EBM bioware chip. Her plan is to fence the goods to Queen Bee, a local fixer, take the money and flee with her daughter, Kelly.
Hausmann’s immediate subordinate, Edgar Jaymes, discovered this slip and immediately pounced upon the chance at corporate advancement. He plans on hiring a team of operatives to find the chip and get it to him so that he can humiliate his boss and be the hero. Hausmann has hired his own team of elite solos, however, to retrieve the chip. The two teams will be competing against each other while working for the same company. Continue reading “Euro-Trash – A Cyberpunk 2020 Adventure”