Where’s the On Switch? – Optional Rules For Cyberoptics in Cyberpunk 2020
Author: unknown.
The rules for cyberoptics in Cyberpunk 2020 do not take into account the penalties for only having an opti-on in the one optic, or whether or not certain options (such as thermograph and infrared) stay on all the time. These rules are an attempt to clarify this.
The rules below will only deal with cyberoptic options which have a direct visual function. Cosmetic options such as Colour Shift or weapons such as the Dartgun will not be dealt with. The penalty for a single optic only will be listed. The activation of each option will be listed as Always On (the option remains active after installation), Thought-Activated (the option is activated and deactivated by a simple mental command taking no actions) or Device-Activated (Activated when a cyber-controlled device or other cyberware provides data; will remain on until data is sent/device is removed from plugs).
If I’ve missed any cyberoptics/options which ought to be in here please email me.
Option | Single Optic Penalty | Activation |
Anti-Dazzle | Single optic reduces flash blinding penalty to -1 | Always On |
Digital Camera | Dual cameras can produce 3D images | Thought-Activated |
Dodgeball | None, dual optics halves time to work in moves | Thought-Activated |
Image Enhancement | +1 on awareness instead of +2 | Always On |
Infrared | Single optic is at -1 awareness | Thought-Activated |
Laser Comm Optic | None | Thought-Activated |
Low-Lite | Single optic is at -1 awareness for visual check | Always On |
Micro-Optics | Single optic is at -1 awareness for visual check | Thought-Activated |
MicroVideo | Dual cameras can produce 3D images | Thought-Activated |
Targeting Scope | None, 2 optics gives +2 to hit with a smartgun | Device-Activated (Smartgun) |
Teleoptics | Single optic is at -1 awareness for visual check | Thought-Activated |
Thermograph | Single optic is at -1 awareness for visual check | Thought-Activated |
Times Square Marquee | None | Device-Activated |
Times Square Plus | None | Device-Activated |
VideoCam | None, 2 cams can send 3D images | Thought-Activated |
Video Imager | None, 2 screens produce 3D images (if signal sent is 3D) | Device-Activated |
Ultraviolet | Single optic is at -1 awareness for visual check | Thought-Activated |