Author: unknown
Note: This adventure works best if one of the PCs has made friends with a nomad pack or there is a nomad in the group.
As the group is licking their wounds from the last job, they will be approached By what appears to be a humanoid dragon (exotic). The Nomad, or friend of nomads, will recognize this person as Dragon, a member of the Totem Warriors and currently helping the player’s nomad friends. After introductions, Dragon will get down to business.
Apparently, about two weeks ago, a group from the pack had disappeared from the camp. For these four, leaving unanounced was not uncommon, but the length of time they’ve been gone is. The leader of the pack wants to hire the PC to help Dragon find their missing companions. They do not have much money, but they are willing to pay 200eb per day and help with any minor medical problems.
If the PCs agree (Any nomads from that pack will automatically agree to help), Dragon will take them to the nomad camp immediatly.
About two weeks ago, as stated by Dragon, a group of four friends disappeared from the (Nomad pack’s name) camp. This is not uncommon for these four because of their troubled past.
Micheal Kowalski, Ray Werks, and Rob and Sara Jonis were all members of a platoon, known as The Horsemen, during the SouthAm drug wars. After the war ended, the four decided to stay together. Mainly because each of them was just a little cyberpsycho and they knew how to keep each other calm. Unfortunatly, the return home was anything but calm (gang voilence and the like), and the group was forced to leave their home before someone got hurt.
It was later that they met up with a group of nomads and, after proving themselves, became a part of the pack. They each pulled their own share and used their skills from the military to defend their new found family. But periodically, a bit of stress would build up and they would leave the pack for a few days to relieve this burdon.
However, about two weeks ago, they left for one of their trips and never came back.
The Clue
Upon arriving at the nomad camp, Dragon will introduce the group to the pack leader, (Pack leader’s name). The leader will explain the situation to the group, including the past of the four that disappeared. After questions are answered, Dragon will take the group to the last known location of the nomads (about four miles north of the camp.
When the players arrive at what appears to be some sort of battlefield, Dragon will show them the only clue he was able to find. There is a set of tire tracks leading north from this site. Dragon believes the group was abducted for some unknown reason. He suggests following the tracks cautiously. Anything could happen.
The tracks lead about three miles further north of the Horsemen’s stress relief site to an abandoned set of warehouses. The tracks themeself lead right up to the doors of the largest structure here (See map) The inside of this building is barren save for the occational tumbleweeed. However a close inspection (Awareness roll – Diff:25) Will turn up what appears to be a small elevator along the side of the wall. Where this leads can only be discovered by using it.
The elevator leads to what appears to be some sort of underground complex. However, this complex is not in the best shape. Small fires, live wires, a lot of corpses, and the total lack of lights give this place an eiree atmosphere. The various corpses are strangely twisted and deformed as if some disease ravaged them. Some are exsesively bloated. Some have what appear to be large open sores covering their body. Some have no sign of wounds but are definitly dead. And some have been blown away by some large gun. Alot of Cool/Awareness checks (Diff:various) should keep the group on edge (A shadow here, a noise there). The only possible clue as to what happened is found in the main laboratory on the third floor.
This room appears to be some sort of genetic/robotics lab. however this room, like the rest of them, is in ruins and filled with corpses. There are only two things left working in this lab. One is a small computer terminal that has barely enough power to flicker. Unfortunatly,it is frozen on ist current screen and cannot be changes. This is how it looks:
Ray Werks – War
Rob Jonis – Pestilence
Sara Jonis – Famine
Micheal Kowolski – Death
This currently has no meaning to the group. The names are those of the missing nomads but it doesn’t help in decyphering where they are. The other device is apparently some sort of radar device. It is currently tracking four blips heading in the direction of the nomad camp.
More Background
As is obvious, the four nomads were abducted by Militech. The reason for this is a lethal one. For some time Militech has been experimenting with new weapons for military borgs. However the only way to test these were with actual borgs. So, they did a little research for some possible subjects for the conversion and came accross the four nomads. Being excelent soldiers, Militech figured that they would have the stamina to resist any psychosis. Unfortunatly, they were unaware that the group was already psycho. After weeks of hunting, Militech discovered the location of the four Horsemen and, following them to their “retreat”, they abducted them and began their experaments.
The surgery itself went quickly and for a few days, the tests and examinations went smoothly. The borgs were programed to follow orders and that is exactly what they did. However, about 14 days after the initial testing, the psychosis set in and completely destroyed the brains of the four subjects. They now beleived themselves to actually be the Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse (Militech gave them the names of the original four Horsemen as a bit of a joke.) Now they are running rampant, destroying anything in their path. Including the nomad camp.
The Camp Attack
When the group finally arrives here, the scene that will be before them is greusome beyond belief. They are also able to see those responsible for this attack. The Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse. How the group tries to deal with the borgs is up to them. However, Famine, Pestilence, and Death are busy with the nomads. War, however, has a chance of spoting the PCs as they approach (Awareness check – Diff:15). If he spots the group, he will engage them.
The outcome of this battle depends on the PCs actions. Should War become seriously injured, he will call in for help. The first ones to come will be both Pestilence and Famine on hovercycles. Death will hover in the back and observe the battle. He will join in if things look bad, using his cloaking device to get close and then attack with his Nervetoxin.
If the borgs escaped…
However, if the battle looks bad for the borgs, they will retreat to new territory. This being Night City. Should this happen, things could get ugly. Just after they depart, or are destroyed, some newcomers will arrive on the scene. These are troops from Militech. They finally got the where abouts of the borgs and have sent a squad to help deal with them. should the borgs have escaped, the commander of the squad, will want to know what has happened.
Once an explanation has been given, the commander will chose to hire the PCs to help. They have already fought the Horsemen once and know their tactics better than Militech does. A price will be negotiated later due to the seriousness of the situation. The group will be given a lift to the city in Militech’s AV and medical supplies will be sent to the camp to help the nomads. They do not want to look like the villians here, even though they were the ones to build the borgs.
If the borgs were destroyed…
After the borgs were destroyed, Militech will arrive on the scene. They will thank those who stopped them and offer them a reward (about 2000eb each for compensation). They will then proceed to clean up the remains of the Four Horsemen. Any response to stopping them will not be tolerated. The borgs are property of Militech and legal, or illegal, action will be taken to stop anyone who tries to take the borgs. Feel free to make the Militech forces as powerful as you want. If no action was taken against them, Militech will also call in medical supplies to treat survivors.
On to Night City
Now the group has a big problem. Cyberpsycho borgs loose in the city. This part I leave open to you GMs. The outcome can vary greatly depending on how you, the GM, wants it to end.
Full Body Conversion, Alpha Class Borg
Real Name: Micheal Kowolski
Vital Stats:
* REF:10 * BODY:12 * MA:10 * BTM:-5 * Meters/Turn:30 * MPH:20
* Jump (up):6 meters (broad): 8 meters
Armor Ratings:
* Head – SP:25 SDP:20/30
* Torso – SP:25 SDP:30/40
* Right Arm – SP:25 SDP:25/35
* Left Arm – SP:25 SDP:25/35
* Right Leg – SP:25 SDP:25/35
* Left Leg – SP:25 SDP:25/35
Skills to Note
Combat Sense:7, Stealth:7, Intimidation:7, Melee:9, Motorcycle:6, Awareness:7, Martial Arts-Choi Li Fut:5
Gear to Note
Monosythe (coated w/ Nervetoxin*) MEL/+2/3D6AP+*/-/-/VR/-
*Note: Blade coated with Nervetoxin – +8D10 damage, Sucsessful save takes 1/2 damage
Cyberarm-Right and Left
* Reinforced Joints * Chromed * Drug Hypo (10 doses of Nervetoxin per)
Cyberleg-Right and Left
* Reinforced Joints * Chromed
* Infra-red / Lowlite * Ultra-Violet / Anti-Dazzle * Image Enhancement / Teleoptics
* Amplified Hearing * Sound Editing
* EMP Sheilding * Head styled to look like a skull
Bonuses: +2 Visual Awareness, +3 Audio Awareness, +2 Strike/Kick/Block/Sweep, +1 Dodge/Throw, Punch Damage = 1D6+4, Kick Damage = 2D6+4
Full Body Conversion, Alpha Class Borg
Real Name: Rob Jonis
Vital Stats:
* REF:10 * BODY:12 * MA:10 * BTM:-5 * Meters/Turn:30 * MPH:20
* Jump (up):6 meters (broad): 8 meters
Armor Ratings:
* Head – SP:25 SDP:20/30 * Torso – SP:25 SDP:30/40 * Right Arm – SP:25 SDP:25/35
* Left Arm – SP:25 SDP:25/35 * Right Leg – SP:25 SDP:25/35 * Left Leg – SP:25 SDP:25/35
Skills to Note
Combat Sense:7, Stealth:7, Intimidation:6, Melee:7, Motorcycle:7, Awareness:7, Martial Arts-Tae Kwan Do:8, Sub-Machinegun:6
Gear to Note
1. H&K MPK-2020 (SMG/+3/4D6+1(AP rounds)/60/30/ST/200m/2 spare clips)
2. Sword (MEL/+0/N/C/2D6+6/-/-/-)
Cyberarm-Right and Left
* Reinforced Joints * Drug Hypo Reload (20 Doses) * Drug Hypo (20 doses of Nanotech per)
Cyberleg-Right and Left
* Reinforced Joints
* Infra-red / Lowlite * Ultra-Violet / Anti-Dazzle * Image Enhancement / Teleoptics
* Amplified Hearing * Sound Editing
* EMP Sheilding * Real-Skin (Skin looks diseased (Boils and the like))
*Note: The drug hypos are filled with a special Bioplague. With a successful punch, the PC is injected with this toxin. -4 HP for 1D10 rounds. A saving throw is allowed every round to take half the damage.
Bonuses: +2 Visual Awareness, +3 Audio Awareness, +2 Block/Sweep, +3 Strike/Kick, Punch Damage = 1D6+4, Kick Damage = 2D6+4
Full Body Conversion, Alpha Class Borg
Real Name: Sara Jonis
Vital Stats:
* REF:10 * BODY:12 * MA:10 * BTM:-5 * Meters/Turn:30 * MPH:20
* Jump (up):6 meters (broad): 8 meters
Armor Ratings:
* Head – SP:25 SDP:20/30 * Torso – SP:25 SDP:30/40 * Right Arm – SP:25 SDP:25/35
* Left Arm – SP:25 SDP:25/35 * Right Leg – SP:25 SDP:25/35 * Left Leg – SP:25 SDP:25/35
Skills to Note
Combat Sense:7, Stealth:7, Intimidation:6, Melee:6, Motorcycle:6, Awareness:7, Martial Arts-Karate:6, Sub-Machinegun:5
Gear to Note
1. H&K MPK-2020 (SMG/+3/4D6+1(AP rounds)/60/30/ST/200m/2 spare clips)
2. Sword (MEL/+0/N/C/2D6+6/-/-/-)
Cyberarm-Right and Left
* Reinforced Joints * Drug Hypo Reload (20 Doses) * Drug Hypo (20 doses of Nanotech per)
Cyberleg-Right and Left
* Reinforced Joints
* Infra-red / Lowlite * Ultra-Violet / Anti-Dazzle * Image Enhancement / Teleoptics
* Amplified Hearing
* EMP Sheilding * Microwave Sheilding * Real-Skin (Skin is pulled tightly around the body)
*Note: Upon successful punch, PC is injected with special nanites that travel straight to the stomach. Once there, the nanites relase a powder that hardens when in contact with digestive juices. The PC must make a save roll (-2 to roll) or die from the equivilent of starvation. This save is allowed for 1D6 rounds before death occurs (no pun intended).
Bonuses: +2 Visual Awareness, +2 Strike/Kick/Block Punch Damage = 1D6+4, Kick Damage = 2D6+4
Full Body Conversion, Dragoon Class Borg Real Name: Ray Werks
Vital Stats:
* REF:5 * BODY:20 * MA:25 * BTM:-5 * Meters/Turn:75 * MPH:50
* Jump (up):6 meters (broad): 19 meters
Armor Ratings:
* Head – SP:40 SDP:40/50 * Torso – SP:40 SDP:50/60 * Right Arm – SP:40 SDP:45/55
* Left Arm – SP:40 SDP:45/55 * Right Leg – SP:40 SDP:45/55 * Left Leg – SP:40 SDP:45/55
Skills to Note
Combat Sense:7, Heavy Weapons:7, Intimidation:8, Melee:6, Awareness:6, Brawling:8, Sub-Machinegun:5
Gear to Note
1. Kinetic Energy Railgun (HVY/+3/N/R/5D10+10*/5/1 per 2 rounds/ST/1500m/2 spare clips) *Armor Piercing – 1/4 SP, 1/2 dmg
2. Militech AM-3 (HVY/+0,+1*/N/R/6D10+12*/5/1/ST/1600m/1 spare clip) *0-160m = 1/3 dmg,+0 WA / 161-800m = 1/2 dmg, +1 WA / 800+m = full damage, +0 WA
3. Arasaka Light 20mm Cannon (HVY/+3/N/R/4D10AP/10/1/VR/450m)
* Reinforced Joints * Thickened Myomar * Ammo Hopper (2400 rounds*) * Militech Mini-Gat (SMG/+0/1D6/*/40/ST/150m)
* Reinforced Joints * Thickened Myomar * Ammo Hopper (2400 rounds*) * Retractable Heavy Blade(MEL/+1/4D6+8AP/VR)
Cyberleg-Right and Left
* Reinforced Joints * Thickened Myomar
* Front Mount with Optics Package* * *For Package details see Chromebook 2 Pg. 82-83
* Audio Package* * *For Package details see Chromebook 2 Pg. 82-83
* EMP Sheilding * Environmental Assimilation System * IR Thermal Dam
Bonuses: +2 Audio/Visual Awareness, Punch Damage=1D6+8*2, Kick Damage=2D6+8*2