Author: Gary Astleford, first posted to Mockery’s Cyberpunk 2020 Page
[This article deals with older/defect cyberware, which is on the other hand cheaper. Great for a gutterpunk / losers game or Characters short on money.]
Hey there, chombatta. Come on in, take a look around. I know, you’re used to the top-of-the-line, the creme de la creme, the chillest tech and the hottest cyb. That’s not what I deal in, though. That’s not my biz. I can give you what you want for as cheap as you want it, though it ain’t gonna run as good as the stuff you could get in that on-the-mall clinic. Then again, if you had the money for that place, you wouldn’t be here, would ya..?
Cyberware’s expensive stuff, and if you want the Edge, you gotta be chipped in, wired up, and turned on. You think the world’s gonna stop just ’cause you can’t afford that orbital crystal cyberarm? I sell stuff made in third world nations by companies that no longer exist. Some of it’s military surplus. The rest of the stuff here got recalled a few years ago due to defects. Sure, none of the defects are TOO bad. Nothing you can’t live with. So what do you say? Continue reading “Discount Cyber Shop for Cyberpunk 2020”