Mafia Hintergrundwissen

Wer sich mit der organisierten Kriminalität befasst (s. dazu auch das Mafia Job Starter Kit), dem sei folgendes Buch ans Herz gelegt.

Roberto Saviano: “Gomorrha. Reise in das Reich der Camorra”, Carl Hanser Verlag, München. 21,50 € (Bei Amazon bestellen).

Der Autor muss seit Erscheinen unter Polizeischutz leben. Es soll SEHR realistisch sein. Ich habs eben bestellt – eine Rezi folgt.

Advertising Chipware in Cyberpunk 2020



“Promises, large promises, is the soul of advertising… I cannot but propose it as a moral question to these masters of the public ear, whether they do not sometimes play too wantonly with our passions.”
– Samuel Johnson

All advertising, whether it lies in the field of business or politics, will carry success by continuity and regular uniformity of application.”
– Adolf Hitler



We all love it. We all use it. It’s a way of life, neh? Learn Japanese without taking a single class. Shoot that IMI like a real pro. Understand a simple topic such as, say, quantum physics by just chipping some MRAM into your chipware port.

Simple. Clean. Readily available. But not cheap. Oh, no, not cheap at all.

For lazy cyberpunks with few skill points to spare, chipware sockets and MRAM and APTR chips are a godsend. They allow someone to know the rudimentary knowledge of a topic or technique in a matter of days (for APTR), or in the case of MRAM, microseconds.

However, the costs of high level skill chips can be prohibitive to your average ‘punker off the street. The typical cyberpunk has to worry about rudimentary things, such as weapons, cyberware, fashionable clothes (armored or non-armored), cyberdecks and software, vehicles, and sleeping space. If he’s got a few euro left over, he’s buying a bag of nacho-flavored kibble and a beer in some seedy bar down town. Who’s got the cash for chipware? Continue reading “Advertising Chipware in Cyberpunk 2020”

Cyberpunk Tech 4

Cybereye with Telescope implant? Here you go! But of course its even more important to look good. Some fashion statement for your eyes (its the window to your soul, after all)? A Cosmetic Eye Implant from the Netherlands is rather weird shit. Less intrusive, but sure something to look at: Eye Juwelry you can hang from your contact lens.

Via BoingBoing

US Police gets combat bots

The german news magazine Der Spiegel reports that the combat robots used by the US Forces in Iraq are also being sold to US Police. The have been aquired by the Massachusetts State Police as well as by forces from Houston, San Francisco and Texas. The bots are not yet armed with machine guns, but with Tasers… outfitted with laser targeting ! They might also be used to communicate with kidnappers. Even if you can’t read german, the post offers some good pics of the bots.