Not the Anti-Christ….Honest!
Author: Mexal <>
One of the players suddenly finds himself under attack – a group of religious fanatics have decided that he is the Anti-Christ and so want to get rid of him. Fanatic group – Servants of the Twilight, one of these apocalyptic bunches. Very determined, but given to getting carried away – i.e. adequate plans tend to go awry in the execution. Hard core of dedicated types and a substantial number of woolly adherents.
The identification of the player as the Anti-Christ is based on a 17th century manuscript about the Last Times which is illustrated with a picture that looks very much like the player in question.
The first event will be a chance meeting in the street with a cultist who has a photographic memory. This individual stops, stares momentarily in horror and then legs it. It will be very obvious who has upset her. If she’s chased and caught, she will be incoherent with terror, babbling “It’s him”. If just followed, she goes straight to the cult’s compound. Continue reading “Not the Anti-Christ….Honest! – A Cyberpunk 2020 Adventure”