Yet Another Drug Creation System for Cyberpunk 2020

Yet Another Drug Creation System

This set of rule allows you to create new and interesting drugs to use in your cyberpunk 2020 game. Compare Ocelots System for another way to create drugs.

Author: Hound, with kind permission from The Blackhammer CyberPunk Project

Drug Manufacturing & Effects

Please remember that these rules were written with Grimm’s Cybertales in mind, which include quite alternate rules for CyberPsychosis using four sub-types of humanity loss. Any references to Egotism, Paranoia, Alienation and Obsession should be replaced with straight Humanity Loss (temp or permanent depending on what kind of effect) for those not playing with these rules.

Dosages, Overdoses & Drug Strength

When taking a drug, a person can increase the drugs effects by taking multiple doses, the second dose will increase the effects of the drug by 50%, further doses will have no further effect.

A drug’s strength indicates how much of a drug is required to cause an overdose; if a character ever takes enough doses of a drug x the drug’s strength to equal or exceed 30, then an overdose has occured. Roll d100 and add the drug’s strength to the roll, then consult the Overdose Table:

01-15 Unconsciousness: the character falls unconscious for 2d6 hours
16-30 Nausea: he character suffers 1d6 damage, and gets -4 on all rolls for d6 hours from extremem nausea.
31-50 Ill: he character suffers 2d6 damage and becomes severely ill (-4 on all rolls) for d6 days.
51-75 Seriously Ill: he character suffers 3d6 damage and becomes extremely ill (-6 on all rolls) for 2d6 days.
76-85 Coma: he character falls into a coma for 2d6 days.
86+ Death: he character must make a death save at -4. If successful the character falls into a coma for 3d6 days.

Mixing Drugs

When a person takes two or more drugs, problems may arise. Drug miscibility is a dangerous game, often resulting in extreme illness, reduced effects or even death. Whenever a new drug is introduced to a system already under the effects of another drug, the user must make a miscibility roll adding the strengths of both drugs to the roll.

Record the results of the miscibility roll, since future mixes of the two drugs will produce similar results (+/- d10 on the table).

01-30 Fully Compatible: the two drugs work together without problem, the character derives the full effects of both.
26-30 Full Compatability: As above, but roll for D6-2 (minimum 1) additional effects
31-55 Partial Compatability: One drug works normally, the other at half (�½) strength for primary effects
56-60 Partial Compatability: As above, but roll for D6-2 (minimum 1) additional effects
61-65 Single Dominance: One drug works at full effect, the other’s primary effects are not experienced. Randomly determine which.
66-70 Synergistic Effect: One drug works at 1/2(D6+1) times its normal power (can easily cause an OD) and the other acts as normal
71-75 Partial Cancellation:
76-80 Partial Cancellation: plus additional effect(s)
81-85 Full Cancellation: both drug’s primary effects are canceled out, but the side effects of both are fully experienced.
86-90 Synergistic Effect, negative:
91-100 Mildly Poisonous: roll again (D69)the combination causes d6 damage to the character, neither effects are experienced.
101-105 Poisonous: roll again (D69)the combination of drugs causes 2d6 damage. Neither effects are experienced.
106-110 Extremely Poisonous: the combination causes 3d6 damage. Neither effects are experienced.
111-120 Coma: roll again (D69)the character falls into a coma for 2d6 days.
121+ Death: the character must make a death save at -4. If successful the character falls into a coma for 3d6 days.

Primary Effects

Effect multiplier is multiplied by the strength of the effect (from 1 to 6)

Accelerator (add strength to initiative)


Analgesic (add strength to stun saves) 4x
Antidote (add strength to saves) 6x
Aphrodisiac (add / sub str to emp) 2x
Concentrator (add 1/2 str to Int) 5x
Contraceptive (reverse the cumulative effect table for chance of pregnancy) 1x
Endurance (add str to Endurance) 2x
Euphoric (add 1/2 str to Cool) 2x
Hypnotic (Int – Str to resist suggestion) 5x
Net Enhancer (+1/2 Str to all net rolls, +STR to icon resolution) 6x
Psychedelic (roll str or less on d6) 2x
Sedative (reduce stress by str) 3x
Soporific (Bod – str or fall asleep) 3x
Speed (add 1/2 str to Ref) 5x
Speedheal (add 1/2 str to healing rate) 6x
Stabilizer (make another stun and death save w/ stab bonus) 6x
Stimulant (add str to Awareness) 3x

Side Effects

Side effects are negative effects that occur while the drug’s primary effects are also underway. The effect multiplier is multiplied by the strength of the effect.

Aggression (Cool – Str to avoid provocation)


Alienation (add Str to Alienation) 2x
Analgesia (add Str to Stun Saves, GM records dmg) 1x
Anxiousness (add Str to Stress, – 1/2 str from Cool) 1x
Black Out (Int – Str to remember anything) 4x
Blank (cool – Str or go Catatonic) 3x
Clouded Thinking (subract 1/2 Str from Int & Tech) 2x
Convulsions (-1/2 Str from Ref) 2x
Death (Death save – Str) 5x
Delusion (Int – Str or believe delusions) 2x
Disorientation (Int – Str or become lost after any movement) 1x
Drowsiness (- Str Awareness, -1/2 Str Int, -1/3 Str Ref) 1x
Egotism (add Str to Egotism) 2x
Hallucinations (Str or less on d6 for a BAD trip) 3x
Immiscible (add 5x Str to any drug miscibility rolls) 1x
Physical Reaction (str or less on d6 or SAVE – str to avoid incapacitation, if save succeeds reduce all rolls for duration by str.) 3x
Obsession (add Str to Obsession) 2x
Paralysis (Cannot move – no Str rating) 14pts
Paranoia (add Str to Paranoia) 2x
Poisonous (take D3/D6/D10/2D6+1/3D6/4D6 damage) 3x
Sensitivity (reduce stun saves vs noise, light, etc by Str) 2x
Time Distortion (distortion = 1/2 D6 + 1/2 Str) 3x

After Effects

After effects are negative effects that occur after the drug duration is over and then last for 2D6 hours. The effect multiplier is multiplied by the strength of the effect.

Anxiousness (add Str to Stress, -1/2 Str from Cool, Int check – Str to sleep)


Blurry Vision (reduce Awareness & Missile attacks by Str) 3x
Clouded Thinking (-1/2 Str to Int & Tech) 3x
Convulsions (-1/2 Str to Ref) 3x
Death (Death save – Str) 5x
Depression (- 1/2 Str on all checks) 1x
Drowsiness (-Str Awareness, -1/2 Str Int, -1/3 Str Ref) 1x
Hunger (Int-Str or EAT. Otherwise treat as drowsy) 1x
Instant Addict (Cool-Str or instant addict, 1 dose / 12hrs) 5x
Sleepiness (Int-Str or sleep 2d6+4 hrs or treat as drowsy) 2x

Cummulative Effects

Cumulative Effects take place after the primary effects are worn off, but have a permanent duration. The strength of the effect indicates how large of a penalty is instated, and each time the drug is taken, this number is added to.

Str 1

0.1 / dose

Str 2 0.2 / dose
Str 3 0.5 / dose
Str 4 1.0 / dose
Str 5 1.5 / dose
Str 6 2.0 / dose
Alienation (sub from Humanity)


Amnesia (Int check dif = total effect to remember) 4x
Brain Degen (sub from Int) 5x
Carcinogen (5 rads x multiplier) 4x
Egotism (add to Egotism) 2x
Flashbacks (Cool roll vs total effect to avoid flashbacks) 3x
Insomnia (reduce total effect from insomnia checks) 2x
Nerve Degen (sub from Ref) 4x
Obsession (add to Obsession) 2x
Paranoia (add to Paranoia) 2x
Physical Addict (Bod roll vs total effect) 4x
Sensory Damage (Reduce Awareness checks) 2x
Suicidal (Cool roll vs total effect) 5x
Temp. Tolerance (as tolerance, tolerance halved after drug’s str in days) 1x
Tolerance (once total DL equals 5, drug has 1/2 effect. Once DL equals 10, drug has no effect) 2x

Onset Time and Duration

This is the amount of time that passes from intake of the drug to the effects taking place, which will then occur for the duration.

Timing mod Onset Time


-12 12 hours 15 seconds
-8 6 hours 30 seconds
-6 3 hours 1 minute
-4 1 Hour 5 minutes
-2 30 minutes 10 minutes
-1 10 minutes 15 minutes
0 1 minute 30 minutes
+1 30 seconds 1 hour
+2 15 seconds 3 hours
+4 9 seconds 6 hours
+8 4 seconds 12 hours
+12 2 seconds 18 hours
+14 1 second 1 Day
+18 Instant 2 Days

Special – Detection and Residue

most drugs just ignore these modifiers. These affect the ease of detecting when someone is on a drug (dilated pupils, enhanced blush response, rapid breathing, change in voice or demeanor) as well as the ability to find residue of the drug after it’s effects are over inside the blood and tissues of the user.

Detection   Residue


Distinctive -4 Ample Residue -4
Normal 0 Normal 0
Faint +2 Little +2
Very Faint +4 Trace +4
Invisible +6 No Trace +6


This is the format that the drug is taken in.


Ingested -2
Injected 0
Inhaled +2
Contact +4

Difficulty of Production

To calculate the difficulty you have to add all the numbers from the drug creation process, pretending that all negative numbers are positive. This will produce a relatively large number for most drugs. Then compare this number to the following table to figure the difficulty to manufacture the drug in question.

Difficulty (based on absolute value of modifiers)
31-50 Average (15)
51-70 Difficult (20)
71-90 Very Diff (25)
91-110 Near Imposs. (30)
111+ Impossible (35)


To determine the cost of a drug, Subtract the numbers from Side Effects, After Effects and Cummulative Effects from the number from the Primary effects. Then modify this number with the Duration, Onset Times, Detection and Residue and Format to determine the final price.

Value Prototype Small Batch

Mass Produced

-11 or lower 4eb 2eb/dose 0.5eb/dose
-10 to -6 10eb 5eb/dose 1eb/dose
-5 to 0 20eb 10eb/dose 5eb/dose
+1 to +5 50eb 25eb/dose 10eb/dose
+6 to +10 100eb 50eb/dose 25eb/dose
+11 to +15 200eb 100eb/dose 50eb/dose
+16 to +20 400eb 200eb/dose 100eb/dose
+21 to +25 600eb 300eb/dose 150eb/dose

Drugs, Drugs, Drugs!

These drugs were all created from examples or for specific niches inside my own games using the drug production rules provided on these pages and adapted from the system presented by Ianus games in their Dark Metropolis supplement. These rules also make use of the alternate humanity loss rules presented in Grimm’s Cybertales (still available from RTG mailorder). If you don’t have those rules, convert Obsession, Alienation, Egotism and Paranoia points into direct Humanity Loss.

Boost is one of the original “brain booster” drugs which radically enhance a character’s INT (+2 for a single dose, +3 for a double). Administered through an intramuscular injection, Boost is also unfortunately very addictive and soon regular users find that their body has built up a complete tolerance to the drug, and addicts end up shelling out large sums of cash to keep up a habbit that no longer helps them.
(Boost Str:4; Cost:25eb; Dif:Average; Main Concentrator +4; Side Instant Addiction +1; Cum Tolerance +4 (1pt/use); Onset Time:1 minute Duration:1 hour; Detection: normal; Residue: trace; Format: Injected)

Butaqualide HC1 is a cheap and effective soporific that also generally gives the user good dreams and a general sense of well-being before drifting off into never-never land. These wonders find heavy use amongst high-stress corporates and low-end edge-runners who need a good night’s sleep once in a while. Some true drug-heads will pop them just for their euphoric side effects.
(Butaqualide HC1 Str:4; Cost:10eb; Dif: Easy; Main Euphoric +2, Soporific +2; Side Disorientation +2 ; after Drowsiness +2; Onset Time: 30 min; Duration:1 hr; Detection: Average; Residue: Average; Format: 5 “Beauties” Tabs for $50)

Black Lace
Probably the most famous of the combat drug family, black lace is a second-generation speed-enhancing drug which produces severe berzerker tendencies. Luckily Black Lace sees little street use because of it’s high cost ($100 per slap patch), but sometimes it can be found as an almost black liquid injectible that costs half as much, but can also be cut with other drugs more easily.
(Black Lace Str:13; Cost:50eb (100 contact); Dif: V. Dif; Main Euphoric +4, Analgesic +3, Speed +6; Side Aggression +4; Cum Alienation +2, Paranoia +2, Nerve Degeneration +2; Onset Time: 8 sec; Duration:1 Hr; Detection: Average; Residue: Average; Format: Injection (or contact))

Blacker Shade Of Lace
One of the lesser-known side effects of Black Lace is the gradual nerve-degeneration that most second-generation speed-enhancing drugs produced. Blacker Shade was originaly created to compensate for this flaw and became one of the first third-generation speed-enhancing drugs. Unfortunately it seems to have a stronger impact on the user’s psyche in the long term than Black Lace does, although it is hard to judge as most repeat users of either drug die in some messy way.
(Blacker Shade of Lace Str:9; Cost:10eb; Dif: V. Dif; Main Analgesic +5, Euphoric +2, Accelerator +2; Side Aggression +4; Cum Egotism +2, Paranoia +2, Obsession +2, Alienation +2 Flashbacks +2, Suicidal +2; Onset Time: 1 Min; Duration:6 Hrs; Detection: Average; Residue: Average; Format: Injection)

Blue Glass
Originally designed as a chemical warfare agent, Blue Glass incapacitates it’s users with bizarre hallucinations that are only remembered vaguely as either wonderful or horrid, but with no real substance ; after the trip is over. Now available on the streets due to some “friendly” drug labs, this has become a very cheap and addictive hallucinogen.
(Blue Glass Str:10; Cost:5eb (home made); Dif: Difficult; Main Psychedelic +5, Endurance +3, Analgesic +2; Side Black Outs +2, Blank +6, Hallucinations +2; Cum Obsession +4; Onset Time:1 minute; Duration:6 hours; Detection: normal; Residue: Little; Format: Ingested or Smoked (30 minute; Duration))

Caffeine Stix
Yup. Synthetic over-doses of super-caffeine in a smokeable stick. A mild stimulant that occasionally causes the caffeine shakes in users, these sticks are marvelously addictive and cheap.
(Caffeine Stix Str:1; Cost:0.5eb; Dif:Easy; Main Stimulant +1; Side Convulsions +1, Instant Addict +1 ; after Depressant +2; Onset Time:30 seconds; Duration:5 minutes; Detection: normal; Residue: normal; Format: inhaled (smoked))

A world-class Euphoric with a sedative additive makes this pill the best response to heavy stress. Combined with the ability to seemingly pull the user away from day-to-day activities, with two of these the average guy can shrug off his lover’s death at the hands of his best friends right in front of his face.
(“Char” Str:10; Cost:1eb; Dif: Dif; Main Euphoric +6, Sedative +4; Side Egotism +6, Alienation +6; Cum Alienation +2, Egotism +2; Onset Time: 1 Minute; Duration:30 Mins; Detection: Avg; Residue: Avg; Format: Ingested (Pill))

A synthetic heroin derivative that is currently in vogue with the rock and roll crowd, this opiate-wanna-be produces all the effects of a good old hit of smack. Without the puke!
(Di-oxy-heroin Str:8; Cost:25eb; Dif:Average; Main Euphoric +4, Sedative +4; Side Analgesic +4, Time Distortion +2 ; after Drowsiness +2; Cum Obsession +2 (.2/dose); Onset Time:30 seconds; Duration:3 hours; Detection: normal; Residue: normal; Format: injected)

A home-made massive sedative coming in from the East Coast, doubler is gradually falling out of style as Di-oxi-heroin makes it’s comeback with a far cooler name.
(Doubler Str:9; Cost:50eb (small batches); Dif:Average; Main Euphoric +3, Sedative +6; Side Clouded Thinking +2 (-1 Int, Tech), Obsession +4 ; after Convulsions +2 (-1 Ref); Onset Time:15 seconds; Duration:30 minutes; Detection: normal; Residue: normal; Format: injected)

Tiny pills sold by the down-and-out pushers of the world (or used as change or tips), Downers do just that, make you feel slow and massively slack.
(Downers Str:5; Cost:0.5eb; Dif: Avg; Main Sedative +5; Side Clouded Thinking +2, Disorientation +1, Time Distortion +2 ; after Hangover +3; Cum Insomnia +1, Physical Addiction +2 (.2DL/dose); Onset Time: 10 min; Duration:3 hrs; Detection: Average; Residue: Average; Format: Ingested (Pill))

A home-made powder added to some “special” pizzas (and some druggies’ cinnamon toast), Dust makes you feel excited and somewhat on-edge as little hallucinatory popes speak to you from the corners with Frank Zappa’s voice, until you snap.
(Dust (Homebrew) Str:6; Cost:1eb; Dif:Average; Main Stimulant +4, Psychadelic +2; Side Aggression +1, Disorientation +1, Paranoia +4 ; ; after Hunger +1; Cum Paranoia +2 (.2/use), Flashbacks +6 (DL 2/use); Onset Time: 30 min; Duration: 30 minutes; Detection: Faint; Residue: Little; Format: Ingested (Powdered Toast Man!))

The body’s natural painkillers, re-created from various chemicals in painstaking detail, endorphins let you ignore pain and feel GOOD about it! And the best part is they didn’t bother to duplicate the part of the structure that makes you brain and body need more and more!
(Endorphins Str:10; Cost:50eb; Dif: Avg; Main Analgesic +4, Euphoric +4, Endurance+2; Side Clouded Thinking +2; after Drowsiness +2; Onset Time: 8 Sec; Duration:30 mins; Detection: Average; Residue: Trace; Format: Injection – 5cc Ampules ($250))

Medical Endorphins
Anyone known to take endorphins will sooner or later be presented with “the real thing”. These endorphins are actually produced by mo; Dified e-coli bacteria and almost perfectly simulate the real thing. These are also cheaper to get when they are available as there is currently little use for them in medicine.
(Endorphins, Medical Str:8; Cost:10eb; Dif: Dif; Main Euphoric +4, Endurance +4; Side Analgesia +5, Clouded Thinking +2; after Drowsiness +2; Cum Physical Addiction +2 (.2 DL/use); Onset Time: 8 sec; Duration:5 min; Detection: Average; Residue: Trace; Format: Injection)

Enduro 500
Enduro 500 is a low-end “combat drug” produced by several pharmaceutical firms world wide. Like most of it’s kind, it masks all sensations of pain and panic and convinces the body that it can run forever on nothing but… Enduro 500. Quite often users find themselves unable to recall events that occured while on Enduro 500, which isn’t always a bad thing.
(Enduro 500 Str: 14; Cost:10eb; Dif:N. Imposs.; Main Analgesic +6, Euphoric +2, Stimulant +2, Endurance +4; Side Aggression +3, Black Out +4, Egotism +4; Cum Carcinogen +4 (5 rads/dose); Onset time: 4 seconds; Duration:10 minutes; Detection: normal; Residue: normalInjected (1.5cc ampule, clear & swirly))

Another third-generation combat drug, Fireball is a speed-booster and analgesic with an immensely long duration (12 hours or so). Luckily it also cuts out the problematic (to some) aggressive tendencies that most get under the effects of combat drugs.
(FireBall Str:12; Cost:25eb; Dif:Near Imp.; Main Accelerator +5, Stimulant +4, Analgesic +3; Side Black Out +1; after Depression +3, Sleepiness +2; Cum Suicidal +4; Onset Time:10 minutes; Duration:12 hours; Detection: invisible; Residue: none; Format: Contact)

Flash Assault
Flash assault is a massive accelerator drug, stimulating and accelerating the user’s nervous system oftem to the point where the user loses track of it, causing mild disorientation. Also the amount of stimulation brings about a side effect of massive paranoia during the drug’s use. Users of Flash assault usually come out with a major hangover, and habitual users report disturbing flashbacks, mainly because most Flash Assault is used as a combat drug, so the flash backs are usually quite violent.
(Flash Assault Str:12; Cost:100eb; Dif: N.Imp; Main Accelerator +5, Speed +4, Stimulant +3; Side Disorientation +1, Paranoia +5; after Hangover +5; Cum Flashbacks +5 (DL 1.5/dose); Onset Time: 8 sec; Duration:10 min; Detection: Average; Residue: Average; Format: Injection)

Hack Attack
Probably the cleanest accelerator drug on the modern market, Hack Attack is also one of the most expensive. Boosting both the user’s INT and REF with no side effects beyond the feeling of absolute superiority above all others and a strong sense of anxiety while coming down. Hack Attack sees use mostly by Netrunners and some Edgerunners.
(HackAttack Str: 12; Cost: 200eb/dose; Dif:N. Impossible; Main Concentrator +6, Speed +6; Side Obsession +5, Egotism +5, Delusions +5; after Anxiousness +5; Onset Time:1 minute; Duration:30 minutes; Detection: normal; Residue: normal; Format: injected)

Hakuna Matata
These highly addictive pale blue Jel-Caps are a mild euphoric and a reasonably good Sedative. Users feel a sensation of mild euphoria where everything is relatively harmless and everyone seems to be friendly at first encounter. Particularly popular because of it’s very low price and long duration.
(Hakuna Matata Str:5; Cost:0.5eb; Dif: Difficult; Main Euphoric +1 (50% +1 Cool), Sedative +4 (-4 Stress); Side Delusions +1 (everyone is yer friend), Time Distortion +1, Instant Addict +2; Cum Physical Addiction +4 (1.0 DL /dose); Onset Time:30 minutes; Duration:12 hours; Detection: normal; Residue: normal; Format: Ingested (pale blue gel-caps))

A low end and heavily-cut accelerator drug, Kerrang accelerates the central nervous system and stimulating synaptic exchange. The main reason the drug is cut so much is that the body very quickly builds up a total resistance to the main active component. Coming down from a slap patch of Kerrang entails a long period of “the shakes” and a mild disorientation.
(Kerrang! Str:8; Cost:5eb/slap patch; Dif:Nearly Impossible; Main Accelerator +2, Stimulant +2, Concentrator +2, Speed +2; Side Obsession +6, Egotism +6; after Convulsions +6; Cum Tolerance +4; Onset Time: 2 seconds; Duration: 10 minutes; Detection: normal; Residue: normal; Format: Contact)

Lightning Bolt
Almost a perfect analogue to the active ingredient in Kerrang!, Lightning bolts are a VERY expensive and effective central nervous system accelerator. Again the only side effects are related to the seperation between the user’s psyche and that of a “normal” person. Coming down from a kick of Lightning causes anxiety because of the suddenly reduced ability. Also like Kerrang, Lightning quickly burns out the nervous system’s ability to take advantage of the boosting, rendering the user immune to it’s effects in short time.
(Lightning Bolt Str:14; Cost:150eb/0.5cc dose; Dif:N. Imposs.; Main Concentrator +6, Stimulant +4, Accelerator +4; Side Egotism +3, Alienation +3, Obsession +3, Paranoia +3; after Anxiety +4; Cum Tolerance +6; Onset Time: 15 seconds; Duration: 1 hour; Detection: normal; Residue: normal; Format: injected)

Also refered to as Acid, LSD is a college-fave hallucinogen. Ingested in “tabs” or “blotter”, acid is a moderate hallucinogen and hypnotic, which occasionaly gives the users “bad trips”. Repeat users are the origin of the “acid flashback” statement, as they find themselves flashing back on events that transpired during previous uses or “trips”.
(LSD Str:9; Cost:5eb; Dif:Average; Main Hypnotic +3, Psychedelic +4; Side Disorientation +3, Time Distortion +2, Hallucinations +1; Cum Flashbacks +3; Onset Time: 30 minutes; Duration:3 hours; Detection: normal; Residue: normal; Format: Ingested)

Mr Ex
A simple stimulant, Mr Ex is good for keeping awake and aware for long periods of time. Users experience some anxiety while on a hit, worried that there is always something beyond what they can hear or see. Mr Ex users also come out feeling ravenously hungry.
(“Mr Ex” Str:3; Cost:10eb; Dif: Avg; Main Stimulant +3; Side Anxiety +2 (-1 Cool, +2 Stress); after Hunger +6; Onset Time: 30 min; Duration:12 hours; Detection: Average; Residue: Average; Format: Ingested (Pill))

A hypnotic administered in microdot format, Neocorticine produces nightmare-like hallucinations in most users, as well as extreme illness in others.
(Neocorticine Str:3; Cost:5eb/microdot; Dif:Average; Main Hypnotic +3; Side Hallucinations +4, Negative Physical Reaction +3; Onset Time: 1 minute; Duration: 30 minutes; Detection: normal; Residue: trace; Format: ingested)

Come on, you’ve seen ROBOCOP ][! (if not, rent it, gonk!). All Nukes are instantly addictive, provide a feeling of Euphoria, a seeming immunity to pain and discomfort, and produce insomnia ; after repeated use.

  • Yellow Nuke is a sedative, reducing stress.
  • Green Nuke is an aphrodesiac, as well as increasing endurance.
  • Red Nuke is a concentrator, increasing INT by 1. (This is also the most expensive)
  • Blue Nuke is an accelerator, increasing initiative.
  • Violet Nuke is a soporific, to help the Nuke addict sleep through the nuke-provided insomnia.
  • Ultra-Violet Nuke is a long duration of Violet Nuke.

(Nuke, Yellow Str:4; Cost:1eb; Dif: Easy; Main Euphoric +2, Sedative +2; Side Analgesia +1; after Instant Addiction +2; Cum Insomnia +2; Onset Time: 1 min; Duration:1 hour; Detection: Average; Residue: Ample; Format: Injected (1 hit hypos)
Nuke, Green Str:5; Cost:1eb; Dif:Easy; Main Euphoric +2, Aphrodesiac +2, Endurance +1; Side Analgesia +1; after Instant Addiction +2; Cum Insomnia +2; Onset Time: 1 min; Duration:1 hour; Detection: Average; Residue: Ample; Format: Injected (1 hit hypos)
Nuke, Red Str:4; Cost:5eb; Dif:Average; Main Euphoric +2, Concentrator +2; Side Analgesia +1; after Instant Addiction +2; Cum Insomnia +2; Onset Time: 1 min; Duration:1 hour; Detection: Average; Residue: Ample; Format: Injected (1 hit hypos)
Nuke, Blue Str:4; Cost:1eb; Dif:Average; Main Euphoric +2, Accelerator +2; Side Analgesia +1; after Instant Addiction +2; Cum Insomnia +2; Onset Time: 1 min; Duration:1 hour; Detection: Average; Residue: Ample; Format: Injected (1 hit hypos)
Nuke, Violet (ultras) Str:4; Cost:1eb (5eb); Dif:Average; Main Soporific +4; Side Analgesia +1; after Instant Addiction +2; Cum Insomnia +2; Onset Time: 1 min; Duration:1hr (6 hrs); Detection: Average; Residue: Ample; Format: Injected (1 hit hypos)
Nuke Pack (40 Megatons); Cost:65eb
12x Yellow Hypos -Mellows
4x Violet Hypos -Sleepers
8x Green Hypos -Aphros
10x Blue Hypos -Speeders
6x Red Hypos -Thinkers)

A powerful stimulant, NSTP (nicknamed Motor Oil) hits produce long-lasting highs where the user feels he is capable of almost anything. A 5mcgr hit is enough to set up the body on a 12-hour run, and unlike most stimulants, it does not cause insomnia ; afterwards, allowing the user some modicum of rest before facing the next big day. A 100mcgr hit (specially formulated with a synergistic compound) acts as both a stronger stimulant and produces an Euphoric high. The compounds used in the 100mcgr hit actually don’t last as long as straight NSTP on it’s own.
(NSTP “Motor Oil” Str:6; Cost:25eb/5mcgr hit; Dif:Average; Main Stimulant +4, Endurance +2; Side Egotism +4; after Hunger +4; Cum Temporary Tolerance +4; Onset Time: 1 minute; Duration: 12 hours; Detection: Distinctive; Residue: Normal; Format: Ingested
NSTP Capsule Str:13; Cost:25eb/100mcgr cap; Dif: Difficult; Main Stimulant +6, Endurance +3, Euphoric +4; Side Egotism +6, Obsession +2; after Hunger +4, Depression +2; Cum Temporary Tolerance +5; Onset Time: 10 minutes; Duration: 6 hours; Detection: Distinctive; Residue: Normal; Format: Ingested)

Paxium (NoFeqs)
A cheap stress reliever, Paxium tablets see heavy use amongst edgerunners and fixers looking for that slight edge-down to chill enough to sleep or just to keep on dealing with the world. It’s use would be more widespread if less people had adverse physical reactions to the drug…
(Paxium (“NoFeqs”) Str:2; Cost:1eb/pill; Dif:Easy; Main Sedative +2; Side Negative Physical Reaction +3; Onset Time: 30 minutes; Duration: 1 hour; Detection: normal; Residue: normal; Format: Ingested)

Rambo XX
Another drug attempting to bridge the gap between second and third generation combat drugs, the injected Rambo XX eliminates most of the nastiness that made Rambo 7 so famous. The aggressive tendencies under Rambo XX are much less pronounced, and there is no longer spinal nervous system damage amongst most users, although there is still some brain damage ; after repeat usage. Like previous Rambo series drugs, XX makes you extremely fast, tougher, and more aware, while coming off of it takes some amount of adjusting to your new limitations often leading to addiction and depression.
(Rambo XX Str:14; Cost:150eb/0.5cc; Dif: N. Imposs.; Main Accelerator +4, Speed +6, Endurance +2, Stimulant +2; Side Aggression +2, Analgesia +6, Egotism +4; after Depression +2; Cum Obsession +3 (.5 / dose), Brain Degeneration +2; Onset Time:1 minute; Duration:10 minutes; Detection: normal; Residue: normal; Format: Injected (1/2cc))

Random Attack
A cheaper and much nastier (as well as far quicker in it’s onset) combat drug in the long run is Random Attack. A clear liquid sold in 1cc ampules for injection, Random Attack cranks you up and forgets to wind you down. Users report feelings of superiority and aggression, coupled with increased reaction times and awareness. Coming down from RA (or burning out as users call it) results in drowsiness and suicidal tendencies.
(Random Attack Str:8; Cost:10eb/cc; Dif:V; Difficult; Main Accelerator +2, Speed +4, Stimulant +2; Side Aggression +1, Obsession +4, Egotism +4; after Drowsiness +2 (-2 aware, -1 int, -1 ref); Cum Suicidal +4 (1.0 DL/dose, cool roll); Onset Time:4 seconds; Duration:10 min; Detection: normal; Residue: normal;Format: Injected (1cc ampule – clear))

Red Ankh
A cheap and effective stabilizer, Red Ankh is sold in slap patches for use in first aid kits. Taking mere seconds to take effect, Red Ankh has saved thousands of trauma victims from immediate and certain death. Unfortunately, many users find themselves almost deadly allergic to the active components of this drug.
(Red Ankh Str:3; Cost:10eb/patch; Dif:V. Difficult; Main Stabilizer +3; Side Negative Physical Reaction +2; Cum Flashbacks +6; Onset Time: 2 seconds; Duration: 30 seconds; Detection: normal; Residue: normal; Format: Contact)

Regen 21
The classic Regenerative Complex drug is Biotechnica’s mass-produced Regen 21. Known for both it’s amazing ability to help the human body recover from injuries and for it’s incredibly debilitating side-effects, Regen 21 now sees regular use in 2020 hospitals to treat trauma injuries, with one 5eb injection lasting 2 full days.
(Regen 21 Str:4; Cost:10eb (5eb); Dif: V. Dif; Main Speedheal +4; Side Analgesia +4, Clouded Thinking +6, Disorientation +4Time Distortion +3, Drowsiness +4 (-4 aware,-5 int,-3 Tech,-1 Ref); after Convulsions +3; Onset Time: 10 min; Duration: 2 Days; Detection: Average; Residue: Average; Format: Injection)

Probably the most famous and nastiest hallucinogen on today’s market, RPM is a contact derm which causes hallucinations of incredible grandeur, and usually of incredible horror. Repeated usage also destroys the user’s nervous system.
(RPM (l.ribopropylmethionine) Str:5; Cost:5eb/patch; Dif:Average; Main Psychedelic +5; Side Hallucinations +5; Cum Nerve Degeneration +1 (.1 REF / dose); Onset Time: 1 minute; Duration:15 minutes; Detection: normal; Residue: trace; Format: Derm Patch)

An incredibly fast-acting cocaine analog, Sinecoke is considered a “rough drug”, being very addictive and rough as hell coming down from. Otherwise it is a fair injected or inhaled Stimulant than many users enjoy beacuse of it’s incredibly short onset time.
(SineCoke Str:3; Cost:5eb; Dif: Difficult; Main Stimulant +3; Side Paranoia +4; after Convulsions +2; Cum Obsession +6, Physical Addiction +1; Onset Time: 2 seconds; Duration: 15 minutes; Detection: normal; Residue: normal; Format: inhaled, injected)

These little yellow pills were named bacause of their heavy use in the skating scene. A good stimulant and general upper that skaters feel gives them the upper edge and that extra aggressive “punch” they need. The only immediately apparent sideeffect is a good case of the munchies when it wears off.
(Skate Str:7; Cost:10eb; Dif:Average; Main Speed +3, Endurance +2, Stimulant +2; Side Aggression +1, Anxiety +2; after Anxiety +2, Hunger +4; Cum Obsession +4; Onset Time: 10 minutes; Duration: 30 minutes; Detection: normal; Residue: normal; Format: Ingested (pill))

The standard Synthetic Cocaine of 2020, SnapCoke comes in little plastic vials of powder. It’s purported to be a general enhancer of concentration, awareness and reactions, with the classic cocaine side effects of paranoia and anxiety.
(SnapCoke Str:8; Cost:25eb; Dif: Dif; Main Concentrator +2, Stimulant +4, Speed +2; Side Paranoia +4; after Anxiety +4; Cum Paranoia +3; Onset Time: 1 min; Duration: 1 Hour; Detection: Easy; Residue: Normal; Format: Inhaled)

Sonniene (Sunnies)
Sunnies are an all-purpose euphoric pick-me-up and invicibility pill, rolled into one! With no noteable side-effects and a nice long duration, Sunnies are a heavily abused drug in many edgerunner environments.
(Sonniene Str:6; Cost:25eb; Dif: Easy; Main Euphoric +4, Analgesic +2; Side Delusions of Invulnerability +3; Onset Time: 10 min; Duration: 3 hrs; Detection: Average; Residue: Average; Format: Ingested (4 Sunnies/ $100))

Sold as a variety of fun little pills, Speed seems to slow down everything else around you while speeding up everything you do. Coming down from a speed high causes quite the hangover and most speed users are regular insomniacs (which just gives them more time to do speed anyways)…
(Speed Tabs Str:4; Cost:10eb; Dif: Avg; Main Speed +4; Side Time Distortion +1; after Hangover +4; Cum Insomnia +2; Onset Time: 10 min; Duration: 3 Hrs; Detection: Average; Residue: Average; Format: Ingested)

Probably the single-easiest drug to O.D. on, SpeedBalls are a manufactured combination of a SynthCoke and Di-Oxy-Heroin analog. Cheap to get and probably the hottest crank job you can inject on planet earth, Speedballs wind you up so high that nothing will wind you down short of forced unconciousness or death.
(Speedball Str:16; Cost:10eb; Dif:V. Difficult; Main Euphoric +4, Sedative +4, Concentrator +2, Stimulant +4, Speed +2; Side Paranoia +4, Analgesia +4, Time Distortion +2; after Anxiety +4, Drowsiness +2; Cum Paranoia +3 (.5/dose), Obsession +2 (.2/dose); Onset Time:30 seconds; Duration: 1 hour; Detection: normal; Residue: normal; Format: injected)

The elite healing drug, SpeedHeal has none of the nasty side-effects of Regen 21 and unlike previous versions it does not cause allergic reactions in most users. A single ampule of SpeedHeal lasts for 12 hours so four times the dosage is required than for Regen 21, and each dose is prohibitively expensive.
(Speedheal Str:4; Cost:200eb; Dif: Avg; Main Speedheal +4 (+2 healing rate); Side Analgesia +3; after Convulsions +1; Onset Time: 30 min; Duration:12 hours; Detection: Average; Residue: Ample; Format: Injection)

The weakest of the cocaine analogs (although one of the first), Synthcoke otherwise exhibits all the same properties as it’s other coke cousins.
(SynthCoke Str:3; Cost:10eb; Dif:Easy; Main Concentrator +2, Speed +1; Side Paranoia +3; after Anxiety +2 (+2 stress, -1 cool, -2 sleep); Onset Time: 1 minute; Duration: 10 minutes; Detection: normal; Residue: normal; Format: Inhaled)

A fragrant cigarette popular in the college circuits, known for it’s pink, sweet smoke. It is a total party drug, an aphrodesiac and stimulant that is also known to cause flashbacks… but no one seems to mind flashbacks to when they were on sweetness.
(Sweetness Str:7; Cost:10eb; Dif:Average; Main Aphrodesiac +3, Euphoric +2, Stimulant +1, Contraceptive +1; Side Time Distortion +2; Cum Insomnia +1, Flashbacks +2; Onset Time: 1 minute; Duration: 3 hours; Detection: normal; Residue: normal; Format: Inhaled (cigarettes))

Cheap-ass pills producing a powerful high and hallucinations (although sometimes the trips can get nasty). Frequent users indicate a prevalence of depression when off the drug.
(Thrill Tabs Str:8; Cost:1eb; Dif: Avg; Main Euphoric +4, Hallucinogen +4; Side Delusions +2, Paranoia +4, Hallucinations +2; after Depression +2; Onset Time: 30 min; Duration:30 min; Detection: Average; Residue: Average; Format: Ingested)

Quite popular because they provide a great-feeling high with increased agility and cognitive skills, most tri-phet users feel a distinct loss of self-confidence when off the drug.
(Tri-Phets Str:6; Cost:10eb; Dif: Avg; Main Euphoric +2, Conentrator +2, Speed +2; Side Egotism +2; after Anxiety +4; Onset Time: 30 min; Duration:1 hr; Detection: Easy; Residue: Average; Format: Ingested Tabs)

An inhaled drug that provides a very light high and causes strange nervous convulsions that also result in reduced chances of human perception rolls working on the user as well as toatally eliminating the results of voice stress analyzers. Twitch sees fairly active use by fixers who wish to remain unreadable.
(“Twitch” Str:1; Cost:10eb; Dif: Easy; Main Euphoric +1; Side Convulsions +2 (-1 Ref); Onset Time: 30 sec; Duration:15 Min; Detection: Average; Residue: Average; Format: Inhaled (-2 on human perception roles, no voice stress detectors))

Available both as a powder and a slap-patch, VapourWare is popular with netrunners as it increases Concentration and decreases stress, producing a feeling of seperation between the person’s psyche and emotions. This ahs been known to throw less-than-stable users over the edge of psychosis.
(Vapour Ware Str:8; Cost:10eb; Dif: Difficult (slap patch: Cost:25eb; Dif:V; Diff); Main Concentrator +4, Sedative +4; Side Alienation +6, Egotism +6; after Hunger +3; Cum Flashbacks +2 (.2DL/dose); Onset Time: 10 minutes; Duration: 30 minutes (slap patch: 30 seconds); Format: Inhaled (or slap patch))

Voodoo Crusher
A drink used by a voodoo priest in Night City, Voodoo Crusher is a massive sedative that produces massive delusions and a susceptibility to suggestion. Usually used by the priest indicating to the victim that the drink is a deadly poison and that he will be re-born as a Zombi under the control of the priest. Many users never recover from the psychological trauma of the concoction and the belief that they have “died”.
(Voodoo Crusher Str:12; Cost:25eb; Dif:V. Difficult; Main Endurance +4, Sedative +6, Hypnotic +2; Side Alienation +6, Clouded Thinking +4, Delusions +2,Hallucinations +3; after Convulsions +2; Onset Time: 10 minutes; Duration: 12 hours; Detection: Distinct; Residue: Trace; Format: Ingested (drink))

Vulcan Pinch
A purple knock-out hype, the Pinch is used for controlling raging characters or for abductions.
(Vulcan Pinch Str:4; Cost:5eb; Dif:Easy; Main Soporific +4; Side Drowsiness +2; after Sleepiness +4; Onset Time: 15 seconds; Duration: 30 minutes; Detection: Faint; Residue: Ample; Format: Injected (1 shot purple hypos))

White Lace
Supposedly one of the active ingredients in Black Lace that has been reduced for the corpzoner set, White Lace is popular because it is considered a “risky” drug for people who don’t take risks. It is a strong euphoric which some people describe as being akin to heroin in feeling. With it’s high cost and few side-effects it is the all-purpose recreational drug.
(White Lace: Str:8; Cost:50eb; Dif:; Dif; main Euphoric +4, Analgesic +4; side Egotism +6; ; after Anxiety +4; Onset Time: 8 sec; Duration:30 min; Detection: Average; Residue: Average; Format: Inhaled (Or Injected with Duration of 3 Hours))

Zero Signal
If your brain doesn’t shut off for the whole experience (or just our memories of it) Zero Signal is the ultimate Concentrator, massively increasing one’s INT stat. It is also is incredibly physically addictive and the body slowly build up a tolerance to it until regular users cannot get anything from using the drug, but still have to use it.
(Zero Signal: Str:10; Cost:25eb/patch; Dif: N. Imposs.; Main Concentrator +6, Sedative +4; side Black Out +2, Blank +2; cum Physical Addiction +6, Tolerance +3; Onset Time: 9 seconds; Duration: 10 minutes; Detection: Average; Residue: Average; Format: Contact)