Cyb3rpunk | Neue Roles & Characters

cyb3rpunk wird mit den Regeln von Cyberpunk von R. Talsorian Games gespielt. Es wird aber niemand erschossen, der das Setting mit Cybrpunk v3, Cybergeneration, Bubble Gum Crisis, GURPS Cyberpunk, Shadowrun oder D20 spielt.

Cyb3rpunk weicht aber in einigen wenigen Punkten vom CP2020-Regelwerk ab. Diese betreffen vor allem die Charaktererschaffung sowie die Regeln zum Netrunning.

Natürlich können diese alternativen Regeln auch für “normale” Cyberpunk Spiele verwendet werden.

■ Charaktere mit mehreren Roles. Nimmt man es genau, ist die absolute Exklusivität der Spezialfertigkeit jeder Role nicht 100% überzeugend. Warum sollte Dirty Harry z.B. nicht ebenso eine Polizeimarke wie geile Solo-Kampffertigkeit haben? Bei cyb3rpunk ist es möglich, mehrere Roles zu haben. Die Spezialfertigkeiten werden wie jede andere Fertigkeit bei Charaktererschaffung gewählt (als berufsfremde Fertigkeiten (Pickup Skills)) und/oder später wie jede andere Skill gesteigert. Einzige Einschränkung: Die Summe aller Spezialfertigkeiten darf niemals mehr als 10 sein, und 1 Spezialfertigkeit muss höher als alle anderen sein (diese bestimmt dann, zu welcher Szene der Charakter gehört und was er hauptsächlich ist). Bezogen auf das Beispiel Dirty Harry der Solo-Cop könnte dieser somit krasser als jeder Normalcop ballern und fighten, dafür aber niemals zum Polizeichef aufsteigen. Jede Spezialfertigkeiten-Kombination muss durch den SL abgenickt werden (und sollte natürlich stimmig sein). Continue reading “Cyb3rpunk | Neue Roles & Characters”

PROGRAMMING 103: Might makes right

Might makes right

CLASS: Anti-Personnel COST: 6,750eb
FUNCTION(S): Anti-Personnel
OPTION(S): Superrealistic Icon
COST MULTIPLIER: x25 (Anti-Personnel x25)
ICON: The Icon can vary depending upon the netrunner’s taste, but will always represent a pistol from the induction of such a weapon until the present (CP2020) time.
DATA: Does 1d6 points of neural damage. This program will hold from eight to eighteen charges (dependent upon the icon you choose) before it has to be reloaded. One shot will be fired with each pull of the trigger; therefore, doing damage for each bullet.
Submachine Gun
CLASS: Anti-Personnel COST: 7,000eb
STRENGTH: 3 Continue reading “PROGRAMMING 103: Might makes right”

PROGRAMMING 102: Return of the Professional Soldier

PROGRAMMING 102: Return of the Professional Soldier

CLASS: Anti-Compiler COST: 1,400eb
STRENGTH: 4 against compilers; 2 against other programs MU: 5
FUNCTION(S): Anti-Compiler
OPTIONS: Invisibility; Endurance; Superrealistic ICON
COST MULTIPLIER: x4 (Anti-Compiler x4)
ICON: A medium-built male dressed in a black ninja uniform with a ninja-to slung over his shoulder.
DATA: Like a thief in the night, it enters your cyberdeck, and kills your compiler programs and leaves. If there are no compilers in your deck, it assaults all other programs. It moves invisibly and doesn’t give up until its recalled or deleted.
CLASS: Anti-Compiler COST: 1,360eb
STRENGTH: 6 against compilers; 3 against other programs MU: 5
FUNCTION(S): Anti-Compiler Continue reading “PROGRAMMING 102: Return of the Professional Soldier”



Fire Support
CLASS: Anti-Program COST: 1,120eb
FUNCTION(S): Anti-Program
OPTION(S): Superrealistic ICON
ICON: A battery of three 240mm howitzers
DATA: In a bind? That Anti-Personnel program about to flatline you? Not to worry, just call in some fire support. Go ahead. The other ‘runners are doin’ it. So should you! This program enters the main processing module of the target and enters error statements into the routine.
CLASS: Compiler COST: 1,400eb
FUNCTION(S): Compiler [Demon] Continue reading “PROGRAMMING 101: KA-BOOM!!”

Netrunning – can it be salvaged?

The Net in 2020

[Netrunning is probably the part of Cyberpunk 2020 which troubles the GM most. It’s neither very realistic, nor does it work fast. It also forces the GM to either focus on the netrunner OR on the rest of the party. James tries a more realistic approach, which might be more in tune with todays internet, but also requires a deeper technical understanding of the working of the internet.]

Author: James Lownie

This is a description of the basic features of the internet as it *may* function in 2020 (or any near future setting, see assumptions). It is intended as a framework upon which detailed rules can be built, and also as guide for players to understand how their characters will use the net, and what they can do on it. Comments and constructive criticism are eagerly awaited. Continue reading “Netrunning – can it be salvaged?”

Cyberpunk Tech 7

human brain / computer interfaceIn my little series of Cybepunk tech allready available today: The brain-computer interface. The very core of every cyberpunk book – the ability to plug yourself into the matrix.

Well, today you can use it to surf Second Life. Second life is NOT the virtual reality I imagined reading Neuromancer, but some like it there:

All a user has to do to control his/her avatar is imagine performing various movements. The activity monitored by the headpiece is read and plotted by an electroencephalogram, which relays it to a computer running a brain wave analysis algorithm that interprets the imagined movements. A keyboard emulator then translates the data into signals which can be used to control the movements of the user’s on-screen avatar in real-time.

As usual, boing-boing has the details (including a link to a video)

Botnet Storm punishes its enemies

The first evil computer program that defends itself. Its so cool!

The worm can figure out which users are trying to probe its command-and-control servers, and it retaliates by launching DDoS attacks against them, shutting down their Internet access for days, says Josh Korman, host-protection architect for IBM/ISS, who led a session on network threats.

As you try to investigate [Storm], it knows, and it punishes, he says. It fights back.

As a result, researchers who have managed to glean facts about the worm are reluctant to publish their findings. They’re afraid. I’ve never seen this before, Korman says. They find these things but never say anything about them.

And not without good reason, he says. Some who have managed to reverse engineer Storm in an effort to figure out how to thwart it have suffered DDoS attacks that have knocked them off the Internet for days, he says.

As researchers test their versions of Storm by connecting to Storm command-and-control servers, the servers seem to recognize these attempts as threatening. Then either the worm itself or the people behind it seem to knock them off the Internet by flooding them with traffic from Storm’s botnet, Korman says.

Source: Networkworld

Wie konnte mir die nie auffallen?

Alex Henkel hat unter eine wirklich gelungene Cyberpunkseite im Netz stehen. Okay, klar, seit Anfang 2005 nicht mehr aktualisiert, aber es gibt einige einfallsreiche Cyberwareentwicklungen, eine Gang (okay, wer braucht noch einmal eine rein weibliche Gang mit Knarren? Aber das Zeug stammt aus 2004, als das noch cool war. Very retro.) und brauchbare NPCs. Spannend sind die Netrunning-Optionen, inklusiver zusätzlicher Modifikatoren für Eigenprogrammierungen (hier und hier) sowie einer ganzen Menge neuer Software. Alex spielt offenbar ganz klassisch mit Netzplan und allem.

Zu den Programmieroptionen lohnt sich vielleicht auch ein Blick auf diesen Beitrag auf meiner Seite, sie sind kompatibel.



In “Mona Lisa Overdrive”, William Gibson’s second novel, Kumiko has a AI travel guide that simply rocks. Here are rules to create one for your cyberpunk 2020 game. But beware – it doesn’t really fit the average tech level of the cyberpunk 2020 universe.

Author: Syberman
Taken from Datafortress 2020.

“The ghost awoke to Kumiko’s touch as they began their descent into Heathrow. The fifty-first generation of Maas-Neotek biochips conjured up an indistinct figure on the seat beside her, a boy out of some faded hunting print, legs crossed casually in tan breeches and riding boots. ‘Hullo,’ the ghost said.”

[ Mona Lisa Overdrive ]


The origins of the first artificial intelligence guide is unclear, the event was never recorded in the history books. In an unknown lab, in an unknown country, the first biosoft was developed, a device capable of storing hundreds of memory units. The technology was in its embryonic stage when the designer Janice Grubb first became interested in its applications. Since the creation of the I.G Algorithm in 2014 she had become increasingly worried about cyberspace and transcendental sentience. If her theories were correct she had not only created life, but trapped that same life in the endless bounds of cyberspace. The biosoft technology was the answer to her conundrum, how to free, that which could not be freed. It’s unclear how her Internet paymasters reacted to her idea’s on the future of cyberspace, what is clear, is that Grubb allowed herself to be extracted to the Maas Corporation. Continue reading “MAAS-NEOTEK GUIDES”