Cyberware NOW: The "Luke" Arm

I found another video report about a “current-day” Cyberarm. It’s amazing what “we” can do today. Now process this thing on to a designer to give it adecent style, add some of the hydraulics of the exoskeleton mentioned elsewhere here on, and we’re good to go :)

Here’s the Link to the Video

Cyberpunk Tech 9: Cyberarm

You got to watch this amazing movie! He can pick up a screw with this arm! It has enough feedback for the user to drink from a glass bottle without breaking it.

[youtube 1hzRja9eunY]

Via bookofjoe

Older news showing todays technological advances as predicted by the Cyberpunk Writers:

Handprothese mit Gefühl

Auf dem Weg zum Cyberarm macht die Wissenschaft Fortschritte. Wie Spiegel Online meldet, können jetzt zwei Menschen mit der Handprothese etwas fühlen:

US-Forscher haben bei Mitchell und einem 54-jährigen die Nerven so umoperiert, dass die Empfindungen der verlorenen Hände auf der Brusthaut spürbar wurden.

Dafür lass ich mir die Hand noch nicht abhacken – ich warte mindestens bis die Cyberfinger einzeln erhältlich sind…

Movie of a real live Cyberarm – Cyberpunk Tech 6


“The antique arm whined as he reached for another mug. It was a Russian military prosthesis, a seven-function force-feedback manipulator, cased in grubby pink plastic.”
— William Gibson, Neuromancer

Festo, a german corp, has a movie of a really cool hydraulic cyberarm on their site. Its so cool I want one. The movie indicates that the arm has enough tactile response to write on a touchscreen.


I found the link on lo-fi-samurai’s blog, which is very worth the time you spend there. He was the one I stole both the link and the quote from – I only added William Gibsons name and the title of the book.

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